"Oh, a mole of ants, but also dare to compete less!"

"All the things on you belong to me, and your skin is good. I can give you a chance to take good care of benshao!"

Long Shao's face twisted again, and the obscene light in his eyes looked back and forth on Sun Mengmeng without concealment.

"It's up to you?"

Fang Yi burst out a drink, shook his long gun in his hand, and a ray of thunder burst into his chest.

He knew very well that the only threat the other side could pose to them was the dragon. As long as he took it quickly, the war would be completely over.


The dragon's eyes narrowed slightly, and the dragon's claws appeared again. The white dragon's virtual shadow collided with Lei Mang, but they offset each other. No one could get water.

The wind and thunder dance is blessed on the black gun, and the electric snake flows out between Fang Yi's eyebrows, making his face more fierce.


With a burst of drink, the long gun went straight out.


The Dragon chanted continuously, and the white dragon claw brought a light white streamer and collided with the long gun. In an instant, the electric light and flint erupted with the fluctuation of source force.

Lightning and thunder, white dragons flying, wind and sand roaring.

This momentum made Fang Yi quickly retreat for several steps. Long Shao also looked surprised and moved unreasonably, avoiding Fang Yi's attack range.

you 're right! It's to get out of the way!

"What, long Shao should avoid his edge!"

Before their voice fell, Fang Yi's pupils flashed, and suddenly his whole body flashed and thundered. The pupils were set off by the electric light, just like bright stones.

The spear went straight out, and the thunder roared in an instant. The spear took the thunder and went straight to Longshao.

The intense white light was like thunder clouds in the deep sky. Long Shao trembled all over his body. At this moment, he felt fear in the depths of his soul.

"Why is this power so terrible!"

After a brief absence, he frowned and his fierce eyes appeared again.

"Long Xiao nine days!"

He opened his mouth and shouted angrily. His long hair seemed to flutter without wind. The white light around him continued, and the virtual shadow of a giant dragon gradually appeared.

Its five claws become like jade under the background of white light.

"Come on, support long Shao!"

The people of the gene team behind long Shao hurriedly shouted, and the source force began to work.


However, before they launched the offensive, an inexplicable sound of water rang out. Yang Ze's face was gloomy and he waved his long sword.

Isn't its dancing posture exactly the towering sword technique?

The sound of the water was constant, and the sword Qi was vertical and horizontal. They came straight to the people of the gene team.

"Hum, what's the point of using this skill in the desert?"

Deputy Shenxing sneered. After its source power reached the extreme, he waved a straight fist towards Yang Ze. The extremely strong soil attribute source power immediately weakened Yang Ze's power.

However, Yang Ze did not panic. Instead, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a rather proud smile.

"You're finished."

His lips wriggled and it was not difficult to see what he was talking about.

Deputy Shenxing was surprised and saw that Yang Ze's sword attack went straight to the dragon.

The mines mingled with each other, which immediately made the thunder and lightning of Fang Yi's attack more brilliant and eye-catching.

The breath of destruction went straight to the dragon.

"You are so useless!"

Long Shao's head didn't turn back. Looking at the terrible Lei gang in front of him, his face was gloomy to the extreme.


The white dragon's virtual shadow gradually condensed into essence.

His eyes were cold and his body spun in place.

The white dragon shadow behind him also churned up with his actions, with the trend of overturning the sky and the sea.

The Deputy Shenxing was roared by him, but he didn't refute it. Instead, he broke out ruthlessly and continued to attack Yang Ze with his whole body.

Even if long Shao is affected by the joint attack of Yang Ze and Fang Yi, he can at least disable one of the extreme team first.

However, he ignored some things. The extreme team is not just Yang Ze and Fang Yi.

The hot fire waves came to my face and inhaled into the air in my nose. It was not only when the heat waves were mixed, but also made deputy Shenxing have the illusion that it was difficult to breathe.

Sun Mengmeng's long hair floats in the place where the heat wave radiates, and the arrow in his hand is wrapped by a purple rich flame.

The intense heat twisted the air a little.


When the arrows are launched, there is no restraint factor between the zodiac signs. However, because the source signs of the deputy team complement the desert environment, they can erupt into more powerful power.

However, sun Mengmeng was a powerful blow, burning purple arrows with a hot wave.

Hoo Hoo!

The strong wind kept blowing, and the arrow kept magnifying in the eyes of the gene team leader. The high temperature surrounded him all over, making him feel as if he were in magma.

The time had come, and death seemed to wave to him.

However, as a deputy, his strength was naturally not weak. Just as the arrow was about to reach his body, he shouted and his body reacted.

But before he could Dodge, his ankle was tight, and an ivy that didn't come out at any time firmly held him.

In an instant, countless green vines full of spikes wound his ankle. The spikes pierced into his body and made his right leg unconscious in an instant.


He shouted, but it was too late.

Although the vine is thin, it is full of toughness. A green source force is uploaded from the vine, and Zhou Ying is finally found at the source force terminal.

"Don't forget, we're a gene team." Zhou Ying raised her mouth slightly.

"No... it's impossible. There are deserts all around. How can you make the skill of wood attribute exert such strength?"

Deputy Shenxing cried out in disbelief.

As his eyes slowly moved down, he found that the desert had turned into moist soil and suddenly woke up.

When Yang Zefu and Fang Yi attack, the water attribute source force will naturally leave some water elements in the desert, which can not only greatly increase the power of Fang Yilei's skill, but also give Zhou Ying an environment suitable for using the skill.

Everything was completed between lightning and flint, which made the Shenxing vice team awe inspiring. They didn't believe it, but the facts were already in front of them.

At the same time, Fang Yi and long Shao's attack completely collided.


The white dragon circled and roared, and the figure of dragon Shao was completely invisible.

Fang Yi, who holds a black gun, has a dignified face and looks like a god of thunder and light. Every time he swings the black gun, wind and thunder surge and bombard the white dragon. The offensive is in a stalemate, and it is difficult to decide the victory or defeat for a time.

"Da Guangming fist!"

Li Feng, who has been looking for opportunities to support in the scuffle, finally found an opportunity.

When one punch comes out, the world loses its color, and there is only a bright white light on the battlefield. There is no superposition of zodiac signs and no privacy at all. It's just a punch full of sincerity.


The white dragon wails. This great Guangming fist is the last straw to overwhelm the camel. The patience originally in the state of hard support has reached the limit.

The empty shadow of the white dragon suddenly burst, and countless lightning swept away and severely bombarded long Shao.

The Shenxing team in the fierce battle was stunned, but Sun Mengmeng shot at it with an arrow of the nether sun skill.


Two screams broke out almost at the same time.

The deputy commander of Shenxing team finally broke free from the shackles of vines, but he was still seriously injured by arrows

As for long Shao, his snow-white armor has been cut to black, and the air is filled with a ripe smell of scorch, which makes people feel sick.

As for the Shenxing deputy team, he immediately hurried back to his team. He quietly covered his right chest. Although he escaped a fatal blow, the arrow with greatly reduced source force finally passed through his right chest.

At this time, the wound on his right chest was blackened and flowing with extremely thick blood, which was the burn injury burned by the fire of the dark sun.

All the players around are also injured, and three or four of them are even in the state of missing arms and legs.

"This... How can this happen!" Deputy Shenlin's voice trembled.

From entering the extinct desert, with the help of dragon Shao, the whole hunting process was very smooth, but I met hard stubble here.

Long Shao is seriously injured. His breath is weak. It's just different from when he came.

His eyes were full of blood, full of hatred and bloodthirsty.

"You hurt me!" The Dragon uttered a low roar.

He is a member of the dragon family. He is also a strong man in the void world. He didn't expect to look so embarrassed now.

Sun Mengmeng and others did not have any waves in their faces, and they were still in a state of battle.

After all, although the war has been settled, it has not been completely resolved.

"Hurt you? I can kill you!"

Just as long Shao was struggling to get up, a cold low drink suddenly sounded.

Long Shao's heart suddenly tightened, and a sense of crisis of death shrouded him.

Death seemed to wave to him. He felt deep in the desert, as if he suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed his ankle, pulling him down bit by bit.

He never had such a strong sense of death omen. Who came?

However, before he looked back, a wave of source force suddenly appeared behind him.

There were ripples all around. Vaguely, a purple light flashed by. Long Shao suddenly felt cold in his chest and his face changed greatly.

When he looked down, he found that there was already a purple short sword with a cold breath on his chest.


His throat rolled, blood spewed out of his mouth, his legs softened and he knelt down directly.

It was not until this moment that he finally saw the visitor, with thick oblique flying sword eyebrows, slender and sharp black eyes, full and light thick lips, which made him feel inexplicably familiar in the cold.

"Dragon wolf Zhang lie!? are you dragon wolf Zhang lie?"

As soon as long Shao said this, his whole body was shaking like chaff.

To tell the truth, legend is one thing and seeing with your own eyes is another.

At this moment, Zhang lie is like a mountain, pressing on long Shao and even all the people of the Shenxing team.


Too strong!

Strong suffocating!

Only a trace of source force fluctuation, if any, has pressed them to move!

Does this guy really belong to the void world?

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