The final result is self-evident.

With the cooperation of each group of the extreme team, they handed over points and even eliminated.

There is no way, there is a mental calculation but no intention, coupled with the strength gap between the two sides and the unilateral arrogance of the pursuit team.

In the eyes of most seekers, the earth team is just a piece of fat at hand.

In the war zone, there can only be internal communication, which means that those eliminated can't publicize the power of the earth team at all.

The pursuit teams themselves are not monolithic. The night devil team offers a reward and only walks one team. There is a contradiction when the two teams find the approximate location at the same time.

In this way, it will be easier for Zhang lie to pick up the integral.

However, this situation can only last for two or three waves. After that, even if the pursuit team is stupid, it should know that this earth team is far from being bullied as expected.

One come and two go, Zhang lie's team's points, but also came to the frightening 379 points, temporarily ranked seventh in the table.

In this case, it naturally makes the blood of the night devil family surge.

No way, before the imagination was so beautiful, but the reality gave them a hard slap.

The team sent out not only failed to deal with each other, but even directly became each other's points.

Fortunately, while these teams gave points, they also explored the general position of Zhang lie.

The night devil team increased the reward again, making the pursuit team in the dense forest theater more crazy.

At the same time, park Kui, the night devil team, finally led the team in person and officially joined the encirclement and suppression of cat and mouse.

However, this is a chaotic game. As more and more teams gather in this area, other teams hunting points will naturally approach this area unconsciously.

In this way, Zhang lie's area seems to have become the central battlefield of the dense forest theater.

Dense forest war zone, somewhere in a huge tree hole.

Zhang lie's team gathered secretly. At this moment, there was more excitement on the faces of the extreme team.

"Boss, it's more and more fun. I feel there are at least 50 teams around us!"

Zhou Ying's words were full of desire to try.

"50 pieces!"

Chu Feng was a little shocked. He didn't think it would turn out like this in the end.

"Why don't you withdraw first!"

Yunbing was a little scared, because she knew very well that if it was blocked, it might be really dangerous.

The night devil clan is notorious. There's no need to take this risk.

"Withdrawal must be withdrawal, but it's not worth it!"

But as soon as she said this, sun Mengmeng on one side immediately gave a different opinion.

"Yes, you can't just go and return so easily!"

"At present, this area has become a vortex, which is definitely an opportunity for us!"

Fang Yi agreed, because he also knew that there would be no shop after the village.

It's not easy, because the nocturnal demons make this area the main battlefield of the dense forest theater. As long as they can continue to be active, it's an opportunity to collect points wantonly or even directly.

Therefore, unless they really feel a great threat, they will never retreat easily.

"Boss, what do you say? Are you going to do it directly at last?"

Sun Xiaowu looked up at Zhang lie with excitement on his face, and didn't look at dozens of regional teams at all.

Other team members immediately waited for Zhang lie's order. It seemed that as long as he gave the order, dozens of teams outside could be destroyed in an instant.

The scene in front of me and the belief of the extreme team that I am invincible shocked Yunbing and chufeng again.

To tell the truth, all this has been exaggerated for them.

But it's obviously not a joke to see the state of everyone. That is to say, even more than 50 alien teams can't scare Zhang lie and his extreme team at all.

In the face of everyone's invitation to fight, Zhang lie made a decision in a moment.

"If the front is hard and rigid, it is not impossible, but unnecessary. Yun Bing and Chu Feng do not run in with us enough, and accidents are inevitable!"

"Retreat to the outer circle for the time being, which is more suitable for our identity!"

Zhang lie's final decision made Chu Feng and Yun Bing's cheeks hot.

At this moment, the two of them really realized that they were not only unable to help the team, but unconsciously became a burden to the team.

"I'm sorry, or I'll give you two refunds, you..."

"Don't think about it. I don't mean anything else. At present, we are a team. Don't say such foreign words!"

Yunbing was embarrassed to speak, but she was interrupted by Zhang lie in the middle of her words.

As for the extreme team, they have always believed in Zhang lie's judgment and naturally won't say anything more.

Moreover, in the current situation, positive rigidity is not the best policy.

According to today's gathering situation, even if there is no Zhang lie, it will inevitably evolve into a scuffle here.

Because there are not only teams looking for Zhang lie, but also teams participating in the hunt for points.

Many of them are real upstream star teams. Maybe they are less than the night demons of the four strong families, but they are not necessarily afraid of them.

Once the hunt begins, the next scene can be predicted.

Therefore, it is a good idea to withdraw from the central area first, and then start fishing in troubled waters from the periphery.

Under Zhang lie's guidance and personal cover, the team quickly and successfully withdrew from the central area.

Not long after they had just withdrawn, several teams called by the night demons came to their previous area.

Among them, the ink spirit team and the blood demon team have a little holiday in the original galaxy.

This gathering, the whole central area, was immediately full of gunpowder.

Looking at the ink spirit team coming, the blood demon team captain's face suddenly collapsed and began to sneer at it immediately.

"Oh, who was I at that time? It turned out that I was a demon team specialized in picking up garbage. Why, do you dare to come here just for three or two times?"

"The earth team is quite powerful for you. Many teams have been eliminated silently before!"

"Those who know the truth should leave quickly, so as not to lose face and worry about their lives!"

The blood demon captain's words were not cruel, but the ink spirit team was not a fuel-saving lamp, so he immediately returned to the color.

"Hehe, the mouth of the blood demon captain is still sharp, but only this mouth is left!"

"Last time I was in the world of ten thousand, it seems that I was also in the state of being a dead duck. I was saved by my elders at home!"

"In this void Title War, there are no rules and no elders. I advise you to leave early with your tail!"

"Make a fool of yourself and find an occasion, bah!"

Who can't speak a gun? Besides, under such an occasion, Mo Ling is naturally not empty.

As a result, the two sides began to compete fiercely on the line. Of course, this line is just talking.

Other teams, in the case of fruitless search, also had a happy rest and stopped to watch the excitement.

With the audience, both sides will lose face more and more. I'm afraid they would have started if many of them hadn't been sober minded and dissuaded at the critical moment.

In any case, they are all subordinates of the night devil family, or they have a close relationship with the night devil family. It's nothing to fight.

The task was not completed, and half of the people were not found. I had to fight in the nest first. That joke made a lot of noise.

Therefore, if both sides scold and scold, they can only have a mouth addiction in the end. If there is no accident, they can't fight.

However, on this occasion, how can there be no accident.

Just because they don't do it doesn't mean someone hidden in it won't do it.

Just as the crowd was ready to disperse and continue to search for Zhang lie, and the blood and ink sides were also ready to leave, a very thin black needle suddenly shot out in the direction of the blood demon family.


The wind roared, and the speed of the black needle was so fast that almost at the moment of breaking the air, it immediately appeared in the back of the player who had just turned on the left side of the Mo Ling team.

"Lying trough!"

"Be careful!"

Some curse, some exclaim, but all this is in vain.

The player didn't even understand what the situation was, so he lay down without suspense.

In an instant, there was no sound, and life and death were unknown!

"NIMA, kill me! Kill me!"

At this moment, Captain Mo Ling blushed directly and ordered his subordinates to rush out.

The captain of the blood demon on the other side was actually confused at the moment. He turned his head and the other party lay down.

Before this reaction came, the other party had rushed over fiercely, and the explanation immediately retracted.

"NIMA's, who is afraid of who, kill!"

At the same order, he rushed out with his subordinates.

The scuffle broke out in an instant, with no sign and no buffer, and because one person was killed by the Mo Ling team, it was a dead hand.

There were casualties almost immediately, and such a sudden battle naturally spread to the spectators.

Several teams were among them and had to begin to resist passively.

As a result, the number of people participating in the war increased rapidly, and within a moment, the central area had become a pot of porridge.

Of course, at this time, in addition to the blood and ink teams, most of them are still relatively clear-minded.

After all, most of the participants knew that although the scene was chaotic, most of the teams were quite restrained and did not cause much casualties.

However, this strange balance did not last long and was broken by the team coming to hunt points.

The night devils are really strong, and as one of the four strong families, they have considerable influence.

However, no matter how influential they are, they cannot cover the whole dense forest war zone with one hand.

In addition to being close to the subordinate night devil team, there are also many teams that are not afraid of the night devil family.

They don't care whether you are the team of the night devil or not. In their eyes, this battlefield is just a field to be harvested.

After discovering this place, countless hunting teams swarmed in, causing the whole battle to fall into a real chaos.

More and more teams joined the scuffle, with ten teams, one hundred teams and hundreds of teams. The increasing number of fighting made the scene bigger and bigger, and finally completely out of control.

It was not until this time that park Kui and Fu Bo, the main leaders of the night devil family, were able to arrive.

However, when they arrived at this moment, they could only watch the subordinate teams in the most central area slowly erode clean, and there was no way.

"Shit! Who can tell me what happened!"

Park Kui broke out foul language. At this moment, he felt worse than eating Xiang.

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