Park Kui couldn't believe it. He looked at Fu Bo around him and obviously doubted his words.

As for Zhang lie, although he said he wanted to kill, he didn't have much intention to kill in his heart.

The night devils, the four strong families of the galaxy, are also the four guard families guarding the galaxy.

In front of him, the little master of BiWen family may not be much in the whole night devil family, but Zhang lie still didn't want to kill him.

Because killing this young Lord will bring countless troubles.

He has just gained a firm foothold on the earth. At this time, it is a period of rapid development. He doesn't want to get into trouble for such a small thing.

The most important thing is that the young master did not actually pose any threat to himself. Instead, he led the scuffle in the dense forest theater and quickly promoted his team.

Ten thousand steps back, if you really want to kill this young Lord, you will never kill each other openly in full view of the public.

There are many ways to kill him. At present, this kind of occasion seems reasonable, but it is actually the least.

Therefore, Zhang lie, regardless of whether this Fu Bo's plea is true or false, directly followed his words, "I said, it's you!"

When the voice fell, Zhang lie clapped his palm and Fu Bo fell directly into the ground.

"Remember, as the four strong families, it should look like a strong family!"

"As I said at the previous banquet, arrogance and domineering can not reflect your strength, but will only make you look childish!"

"Do you understand?"

"Poof... Poof... I see!"

Fu Bo, whose mouth was full of mud and his skin was covered with cracks, opened his mouth and spit out two mouthfuls of dark green blood. He didn't dare to respond slightly.

When things got to this point, not to mention the next few teams of spectators, even park Kui and other night demons dared not breathe.

No way, too strong, the other party is really too strong.

In front of him, they didn't even want to resist.

Fu Bo's strength is second only to Pu Kui among the night demons, but the other party just opened his skin and flesh with a slap.

"Now that you know it, stop it!"

"By the way, I have to thank you for offering a reward today!"

After teaching Fu Bo a lesson, Zhang lie began to joke again.

In park Kui's view, this is a typical moody.

After losing all his pride in front of Zhang lie, the young Lord naturally knows how to speak in front of him.

"Mr. Zhang lie is joking. Although he is misled by his subordinates' remarks this time, it can be regarded as an offence to Mr. Zhang lie!"

"After the game, park Kui should personally come to the door to apologize!"

In the face of Zhang lie, park Kui felt that he had become a younger generation and was naturally clever.

"Ha ha, even if you plead guilty, you are a boy!"

"Well, aren't you going to invite me to dinner? Let's go tonight. I'm worried about missing dinner!"

Zhang lie also released himself again and directly accepted the unfinished invitation, which was enough face.

"In this case, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

"Well, this is much more clever than before. To remind you, don't rely too much on your racial talent. The way of gene is the foundation of the galaxy's long history!"

"Also, the habit of letting people hang their hands and wait to die, change!"

"Yes! Sir, it's a lesson!"

"Well, no, it's not a lesson, it's a reminder!"

Looking at the two people chatting closer and closer, no matter the human side or the night devil side, some zhanger monks can't touch their heads.

They have just been beaten to death. It's only a few words. How can their Kung Fu be the same as that of an old friend in Liaocheng.

To be honest, at the moment, everyone on the court, including the previous teams of spectators, can't understand it.

However, whether you understand it or not, Zhang lie naturally has his own opinion.

The extreme team has always been centered on him. Naturally, there will be no thought of him.

The farce between the earth team and the night devil team is over, and the first round of the game between the two sides is completely over.

Both teams did not choose to overflow points. After reaching the promotion line, they directly chose to promote.

Both teams are promoted by all members. In fact, at this moment, they are far from being promoted by all members.

Night spirit team, wind devil team, and many other teams that have benefited from this scuffle are all directly promoted after reaching the qualification.

The promotion battle in the dense forest theater is also coming to an end soon.

With the end of this war, the legend of the earth team and even Zhang lie began to spread in the competition circle.

After all, people outside can't send messages to people in the war zone, but people watching the war outside can see the performance of everyone on the whole battlefield.

In this first round, if you want to select the best qualified team in the East and West dense forest theater, Zhang lie's earth team must be well deserved.

"Did you watch the game?"


"I'll go. Look at the hammer desert war zone and the dense forest war zone!"

"Dense forest war zone? Look at those ferocious night demons?"

"Ha ha, you are wrong. This dense forest theater is not to watch the night devil or the Terran!"

"What's the matter? Earth Star, human? Millennium crane tail, what's the joke?"

"Have you been killed for seconds? The night devil clan? No, the night devil clan is too strong. Was that the wind devil clan?"

"Brother, wake up, the Terran has not been punched for seconds, and the night demon Pu Kui has been punched for seconds!"

"What is it? Are you teasing me? Night devil Park Kui is the second favorite to win the championship. How can it be defeated by seconds?"

"Really, don't you believe it? There was a record just now!"

Two spectators chatted in the stands. One of them let go of his wrist watch and replayed the previously recorded picture.

Light and shadow gathered, and Zhang lie and Pu Kui's boxing reappeared in an instant. Before, I saw the young man in the desert war zone jump up in surprise.

"I'll go. Is this true? The local star dragon wolf Zhang liezhen dealt Park Kui with one punch!"

"Lying trough, what do I see? Is Pu Kui's arm cracked?"

"My God, what kind of monster is Zhang lie? Is the limit gene from the solar system true?"

"Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf from the local star, really mastered the power to surpass the limit?"

As soon as the video came out, countless guesses came out of the young man's heart.

In fact, there is such a question in everyone's heart at this moment in the holy city of Ella.

With the rapid spread of boxing light and video, the communication between Yanlong, Su Feng and others will explode soon.

Not only the communication, but also the seats of the two people were immediately overcrowded.

Even after they hid back in the hotel, the threshold of the hotel was almost flattened.

All the aliens who find them have only one purpose at this time, that is to make an appointment with Zhang lie.

Yes, an appointment!

Of course, people with clear eyes know that the so-called meal appointment is false, so as to understand that extreme genes are true.

It was not until this time that extreme genes were finally recognized by other life in the galaxy.

However, this recognition is not a good thing, because the matter of extreme gene has been held in Zhang lie's hands from R & D to now.

The higher the popularity, the greater the pressure he will bear.

It's OK on earth and even in the solar system. At present, they are the center of the Milky way. Here, the strong are like a forest, which inevitably causes some people to peep.

In the hotel, Yan Long and Su Feng turned down the invitation on the grounds that they were the first in the competition, and their faces were covered with a cloud.

"Lao long, do you have to contact that person?"

Su Feng's face was dignified, but the meaning between the words made Yanlong suddenly stunned, "contact who?"

Yanlong naturally knows that Su Feng refers to the last card of human beings on earth - Emperor Qi tianwu

But just for a moment, he immediately shook his head and said, "no, don't contact that one. The one who knows about extreme gene already knows, and the one who comes here to compete already knows!"

"That is to say, we can basically predict what will happen to us later!"

"You mean, the one who has already made arrangements or has already said hello in the Supreme Committee!"

Su Feng heard that the clouds on his face had dispersed, and he was obviously full of confidence in the man.

"Well, there should be nothing to worry about on the surface, but after all, it belongs to the center of the galaxy. There are many races who are good at secretly attacking!"

After dispelling Su Feng's worry, Yanlong himself worried again.

As he said, with the existence of Emperor Wu of Qi Tian, there may not be an old guy to stand up openly, but it's hard to say secretly.

However, when they were quite sad, a huge noise sounded downstairs.

The two commanders didn't need to look at it. Just listening to the voice, they knew that Zhang lie had come back.

As for the huge noise, it is naturally caused by a large number of media and fans.

Although the ELA holy capital escort escorted them back in an all-round way, they still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the young generation of the galaxy for Zhang lie.

The vast number of fans and media personnel were finally blocked outside the hotel by the escort team.

They also immediately stopped talking and immediately communicated with Zhang lie to their room to discuss the matter together.

"Ding Dong..."

After receiving the communication from the two commanders, Zhang lie did not say anything. After briefly explaining to his team members, he directly took the high-speed elevator to the floor where the two commanders were located.

Entering the two commanders' room, Zhang lie asked bluntly, "what's the situation, so anxious?"

"What's the situation? What else can it be? Didn't you say you'd keep a low profile?" Yanlong asked angrily, even with some questioning accidents.

Zhang lie chuckled, "I'm sorry, my hand itched for a moment, I couldn't help it!"

"You said, you just do it, can't you do a few more moves? So what do we do next, without any preparation?"

Su Feng also smiled bitterly and asked questions.

I have to try my best to make amends. I can only laugh when I can make amends

When they heard this, they couldn't laugh or cry.

In fact, it's really difficult for them. The players in the field are too weak. They are trying hard to make some flowers.

But this time, the goal is to win the championship. It's difficult to keep a low profile.

"OK, tell me what you're going to do next. The matter of extreme genes is bound to spread widely now!"

"We will soon be the target of public criticism!"

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