
The confused Minato finally came to his senses. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that his body was lying in the mountain stream, and the monster had completely disappeared.

"Huh?. No way"! "

Unbelievably stared at his eyes too much, when he saw that the sky was getting close

When it was dark, Minohuohai finally remembered Chaoyang and others.

It seems that he and Yong Hai did not come out to fight monsters, but the whole family came out for an outing.

"So? L!"

Now all the 400 squatters have been able to imagine if they return to the camp.How will my father and sister treat me?

In my mind, I imagined the picture of my father and sister pointing at me.Buhuohai suddenly felt that he really couldn't go up or down now, and it was not that he was not going back, nor was he not going back.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to go back

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That is to say.Yong Hai probably didn't go back, but since the monster has been dealt with, it means that Yong Hai should not be in danger.

Therefore, after thinking about it clearly, I went straight to the direction of the blood camp.

"Wow! It's so fragrant, let's go"

Minato Huohai just returned to the camp when he saw his father and younger brother who were feasting. At this time, Huohai, who was exhausted, saw such a picture.Immediately, his eyes turned red, and he swallowed unbearably.

"Don't mess around, brat!


Facing such a scene, Kui Chao was naturally taken aback.Therefore, he immediately took the barbecue in his hand as a weapon and placed it on his chest.

Brush drama

The figure went straight to the grill.He grabbed the food in the hands of his father and younger brother. The living sea directly brought the barbecue close to his mouth

"Finally, I came alive⊥."

"Haha on"

As soon as his mind moved, Zhang Zhan knew everything that happened in the outside world, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

Looking at the expression on Zhang Zhan's face, Chaoyang gradually realized that he was fascinated by it.

.When she reacted, she saw Zhang Zhanzheng in front of her - staring straight at her

In an instant, Chaoyang's pretty face showed a hint of shyness.Zhang Zhan also smiled lightly. Dotingly reached out and rubbed Chaoyang's head.

As the time has come to night.In addition, everyone was originally out for an outing, so after finishing dinner, everyone entered their tents to rest.


Among Chaoyang's tents, there are two figures in the tent at this time.

One is naturally the owner of the tent, Chaoyang, and the other is

Zhang fights.

At this time, Chaoyang had fallen asleep, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep. Now she is unconscious, as if not aware that Zhang Zhan has come to the tent.

Because Zhang Zhanzai did not leave here.Therefore, Zhang Zhanang will help Chaoyang to enhance the radiance of Gregory in the body tonight.

At the same time, Zhang Zhan also used this mental power to hypnotize the crowd around him.

Although the two A's of the Minato brothers have the light of Ultra Warriors.But they themselves are ordinary people.Using Grob's power as a guide, it's very easy for Rosso and Bruce to resist.


The colorful rays of light in his hands poured directly into Chao's body.

brush brush

The time of the night passed in a hurry, just as Zhang Zhan was about to slowly withdraw his hand, Chaoyang also woke up in a daze.


As soon as he opened his eyes and saw Zhang Zhan's handsome face, Chaoyang was naturally shocked.

For a moment, many thoughts flashed in Chaoyang's mind, and Chaoyang's face changed continuously in the face of all kinds of pictures.

or joy

.Either anxious or angry.Or hilarious.In short, watching Chaoyang's face change. Zhang Zhan is also very happy.

However, Chaoyang reacted very quickly right now, so he immediately stretched out his hands to cover his mouth. . Afraid of own screaming to attract brother and father from home.


Covering his mouth with his hands, Chaoyang's voice seemed a little awkward and hesitant to speak, which made it sound a little uncomfortable.

"don’t worry!"

Zhang Zhan was not surprised by Chaoyang's awakening, because he had already felt it before.

The spiritual energy within Chaoyang's body is gradually becoming active. , it is clear that this is a precursor to awakening e

"I need to tell you something."

Think about it.Zhang Zhan also decided to tell Chaoyang directly in front of him.


Suddenly hearing Zhang Zhan's call, Chao B was also a little overwhelmed at this time.

Because in this meeting, she also saw the situation at the scene clearly. Zhang Zhan didn't do anything out of the ordinary to himself, and the other party's clothes were neatly dressed, which made him happy and slightly disappointed.

Um: Disappointing, maybe.

"Have you felt the light energy in your body?"

Zhang Zhan didn't know what Chao Xin was thinking, so he directly said his prepared remarks.

The reason why Zhang Zhan said this is mainly because Ge Liqiao's power can basically be actively stimulated.

Chao now has the power to transform into an Ultra Warrior, and it is still the kind of transformation that does not require a transforming device.

"The power of light?"

Suddenly I heard what Zhang Zhan said.Chaoyang's heart is also a little dazed, but

Soon she understood what Zhang Zhan meant.

Because under the guidance of Zhang Zhan's energy, she felt a very strong light in her body at once.

Brush the drama industry

As soon as the spirit touched the ray of light, Chaoyang's body had already changed, and then Chaoyang's body surface was wrapped in a golden ray of light.

Time passed slowly, and at the moment when the light dissipated, Chaoyang's body surface had already transformed into Ultraman's posture.

After the transformation, Chaoyang, who was still a little confused, suddenly appeared in his mind - Wipe Mind e

Along with the idea, it was completely integrated into Chaoyang's memory.Immediately, something more appeared in Chaoyang's mind.


"Yes, the Ultra Battlefield you transformed into is called Gregory!"

Looking at Chaoyang, whose expression gradually recovered from the daze, a soft smile appeared on Zhang Zhan's face. _


247. Leaving Rob's World!surrounded! (Ask for automatic subscription!)


Curiously looked at his hands, then Gregory's too big eyes looked at Zhang Zhan involuntarily.

Gently reached out and touched Gregory's head.

"Chaoyang, this is the power of light in your body. Your two older brothers are Otto battle soil, and you are no exception. They are Rosso and Bruce respectively.",


Zhang Zhan's voice just fell.Chaoyang, who transformed into Gregory, nodded deeply because she had already guessed this.

"By the way, Zhang Zhan, you do this

Do you want to get out of here?”

Gregory's two eyes stared directly at Zhang Zhan, and his palm involuntarily grabbed Zhang Zhan's arm.

"Don't look at me like that"

Smiling, reaching out and rubbing Gregory's head, and being stared at by a small female Ultraman like this, Zhang Zhanwei felt really strange.

"I'm going to be away for a while.


Gregory's face also showed an expression like that. At the same time, there was a hint of loss on his face.



"But I should be back. After thinking about it, Zhang Zhan added a sentence."

"Chaoyang? What happened 3

While the two of them were talking, there was a sudden noise from outside the tent.

"No. Nothing!"

As soon as he heard the voice from his father, Chaoyang's tone suddenly became urgent.

At the same time, his expression became extremely tense.Not only because Zhang Zhan stayed in his tent was difficult to explain, but also because of his current status.

You can't just be transformed directly by yourself

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