"There is also a little girl named Angel Yan among the bunch of female angels, 2 you can take her away. Let Angel Leng and Angel Yan be your sisters' disciples and Liang Bing respectively. You must try your best to cultivate them. , The two of them will be the elite battlefield among the angels in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, L Zhang Zhan took the initiative to step forward and pull Hexi's arm.Hexi also had no scruples about this, and did not care that there were other female angels in front of him.

After a while, Zhang Zhan and Hexi disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. )


250. Take Apprentices Each!Angel Chase Appears! (Ask for automatic subscription!)

- "Congratulations, Sister Leng_"

The female angels who had been worried about Angel Leng all the time also rushed over at this moment.



Angel Leng is also stunned now.But she quickly reacted. It seemed that the Queen's arrangement for her was not to expel the angel gene in her body, but to let the Holy Right Wing Tairen focus on nurturing her.

"Angeliko, come with me."

Just as the group of female angels congratulated Angel Leng, Kaisha also walked beside Angel Yan.



Angel Yan, who was suddenly called by Kai Di's name, froze in place. At the same time, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Angel Leng in the crowd. ;

"What are you doing?

The Lord of the Holy Left Wing is calling for you, why don't you hurry up and follow the Lady of the Holy Left Wing and leave here?.! "

As soon as she saw Angel Yan froze in place. At the same time, Angel Leng became anxious when the other party's eyes were still looking at him.

It can also be seen from this that, in fact, Angel Leng is still - a very good character, L will appear a little grumpy or indifferent in front of outsiders.

It's actually very good to treat people who are really acquainted with you, and I hope they can have a better ending.

"Okay, don't worry about her anymore.

Since the queen has ordered you to become the elite of the two angels, I will naturally teach you well, not to mention that the male gods have said that you and the angel will become my sister and my sister's apprentices.

I will definitely teach each other well. When the time comes, you must win glory for my master.

Compared to Keisha with a grim face.. Lian Bing's attitude towards others is obviously much more easy-going and easier to accept.

It's just that Angel's cold personality is a bit like Keisha, and she treats strangers very coldly

This also made Lang Bing a little excited, because teasing the angel Leng in front of him would have the feeling that he was teasing his sister.This makes cold ice very cool

There is a feeling of turning over a serf and singing at home

Lilili, just when Lian Bing was thinking about something, Kaisha had already walked up to Angel Yan.

Looking at Tian Liyan, who has a very gentle personality, Kaisu also likes it very much. When looking at Angel Leng in the distance, he also has a feeling of seeing another self. He also likes Angel Leng in his heart.

But no way.

The queen has handed over the angel cold to her own sister.It is also impossible for him to snatch it from his sister's hands.

What's more, the male god also said that he should accept Angel Yan as his apprentice and his sister to accept Angel Leng as his apprentice, which prevents her from taking both of them into her sect.

"Lang Bing, you must treat Angel Leng well and complete the task of the male god. Otherwise, you know the consequences are more serious than offending the Queen_!"

"An la An la. Of course I know the order to release the little sister and the male god, and I will definitely complete it well."



Suddenly I heard such a word. Angel Leng and Angel Yan also widened their eyes.

male god?

Could it be the legend that helped Queen Hexi to directly expel all male angels to complete the unification of angels.

And also brought countless huge mechanical warriors to the angel family, and at the same time introduced Helotia Bo + the male god of the angel family?

It turns out that I actually had a conflict with the male god? And the other party actually wants to focus on training me from the Lord of the Holy Right.

Suddenly, an unspeakable feeling appeared in the whole heart. It was as if

Completed a super dreamy script by myself

"It turns out that he is a male god. He is really handsome. If only he was my male god."

A young female angel next to him also reacted at this time, so he was immediately moved.

"Ha ha!_"

Hearing the voice of the female angel, Lian Bing also smiled and glanced at the other party with deep meaning.

"What's your name?"

"Uh, Angel Chase, my name is Angel Chase. I'm sorry, Holy Right Wing Lady, I didn't mean to talk about male gods."

"Haha, I didn't mean to punish you, your idea is very good.

It's just that you're thinking from the wrong angle.Think about it, what kind of life has our angel family lived since the male god came here?

What kind of life did we live before the male god Tairen came here? So it is right to say that the male god Tairen is the male god of all our female angels.

Although not physically, but in the spiritual world, the male god Tairen is the male god of each of our female angels. "

Hearing Liang Bing's words, Angel Chase's eyes suddenly became firm.

"I will try

Strong, - will try to become stronger and become an angel useful to the male god. "

"Haha, then you must work hard."

"You called Angel Chase, right?"

Suddenly, Keisha's voice suddenly reached Angel Chase's ears.

Immediately, under Lian Bing's surprise, Kaisha actually said that the angel would also be pursued as a closed disciple.

This makes Angel Chase feel happy and at the same time make Liang Bing feel a little puzzled

I don't know which one my sister sang.

In fact, at this time, Keisha was completely submissive to her inner self.

Act with your heart.

After experiencing the remarks from Lian Bing just now, she suddenly found that the distance between herself and the male god is not so far away.

Therefore, she also wanted to find out from Angel Chase what her sister's thoughts were.

(King Qian's) It seems that the angel chasing in front of me and Liang Bing's thoughts should be the same

It is precisely because of this that Keisha takes Angel as a closed disciple before Liang Bing.

Under the envy of the young angels, Keisha left here with Angel Yan and Angel Chase Kan.

As for Angel Cold, the same is true

Leaving here with the cold ice.The remaining female angels are a little disappointed, but also extremely excited

Because today they met the legendary male god, which is enough for them to train in the future. 2 boasted about it with the other sisters.

Hexi's palace affairs.

There were only two figures at this time, and the masters of these two figures were of course He Xi and Zhang Zhan.

The last time Zhiyu was guarding Zhang Zhan's gate, Liang Bing and Kaisha, of course, returned to their palace, but Bi Yi Zhang Zhan gave them a task worthy of attention.


251. Power Up!Dark Orb's transformation method! (Ask for automatic subscription!)

Both Kaisha and Liang Bing attach great importance to Jade's own inheritance, so after confirming that they want to accept the other party as their apprentice, they will carefully think about the future Fang Heng for the other party.

At this moment, they also need to seriously understand their apprentices.

Maybe the only one: the difference is that Leng Bing only needs to teach the angel to be cold.On the other hand, Kaisha needs to teach two disciples, and Angel Yan, who Zhang Zhan is lighter, focuses on training.

As for another angel chased by his own feelings.She also needs to focus on training, but unlike Angel Yan, she can teach her own disciples a little more freely.

But Angel Yan does not

same.Wu Shiyan must be trained strictly. After all, Wu Shiyan is also Zhang Zhan's disciple in a sense.

After all, this is Zhang Zhan's name. He must pay attention to the existence that he wants to teach.

"Why let Leng Bing focus on cultivating Angel Leng 2,"


After hearing Zhang Zhan's question, Hexi's expression was also slightly dazed, but then her face changed slightly.

"I still want to ask you. Why do you want Kaysun to focus on cultivating angels?

And after I said this thing, I made a key point,

Let the two focus on cultivating these two angels and let them take the two angels as their respective disciples 2

Unexpectedly, Hexi's face also showed some jealous look.

Looking at this _ appearance of Hexi in front of 97Q, Zhang Zhan also knew that the other party should be acting, she should not be really angry, but Zhang Zhan would not directly expose the other party's thoughts.

After all, seeing through is one thing, and debunking is another. Zhang Zhan can't guarantee that Hexi will become angry because he exposed her.

"Perhaps, it's all fate."

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhan felt that he had met Angel Yan.

The process of being cold with an angel is also quite amazing

The Hexi Store in front of him was wrapped in both hands and received the warmth from Zhang Zhan, and Hexi's tone began to soften gradually.

Litigation day.

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