Check to see if there is a problem with the antenna

However, after the other party left the room, the figure on the TV immediately began to speak.


Faced with such a scene, among the 4 people present, Shogo Joban, Gates of Meikoin, and Yueyue all stared too much.

"Interesting, it looks like something happened."

His eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man above the TV screen.Zhang Zhan could clearly feel the unusualness of this matter.

Immediately, his eyes glanced at a gleaming dial next to the TV.

will get

Meaning, it seems that the current time should be that Zhuang Wu has collected all the dials.That is to say, the current timeline should have entered the end.

- "Hello, my name is Kurim, Steinbet. …"  …


"Here is that what, Kurim: Steinbet. That place?"

The eyes looked at the surrounding scenery. There was a green forest around, and they were in this forest now.

"Found it. It should be that one.


Meiguangyuan Geji heard the voice of Shogo Joban, and his gaze also turned to the area captured by Shogo Joban's eyes.

There he saw a black hole, and Zhifang was covered by a black metal.

Noticed the difference in the distance.The two also looked at each other quickly.Quickly went straight to the black hole.


Xiaoqing complicatedly opened the metal deck in front of (Zhao's) eyes, and just after Joban Zhuangwu lifted the deck, a mysterious passage A port also quickly caught the eyes of the west.

"This is?"

"Go down and have a look."


Quickly glanced at Sogo Vibana in front of him.Immediately, Gaikan of Mingguang Academy went straight down and entered the mysterious staircase first.


the other side.

"Why don't you go with them? Aren't you Zhuang Wu's friend?"

Yue Du stared suspiciously at Zhang Zhan in front of him.

It stands to reason that the other party was brought back by Zhuang Wu, and the other party should also follow Zhuang Wu.

As a result, Zhang Zhan did not leave here with Zhuang Wu.Instead

stayed by his side.

"You're not the same. I didn't go out with the two of them. You seem to be planning to sit back and enjoy the success here."


291. An Intensive Monthly Reading/Probe from Woz! (Ask for automatic subscription!)


Looking at Zhang Zhan, who was completely unwilling to follow him... Yue Du couldn't help frowning slightly.

At the same time, a curiosity about Zhang Zhan's identity was born in his heart.

"Hello. Who are you and what does it have to do with Zhuang Wu?"

Eyes fixed on Zhang Zhan e in front of him

There's no way, the identity of Vivian Zhuanggo is too sensitive, and this identity is enough to make everyone go crazy.

From this point of view, Gates and Woz know that one wants to kill the king of the devil, and the other just wants to support

The king of the devil.

At the moment, Yue Du finally couldn't help but be curious, and the city moved out and asked Zhang Zhan's identity.

"Oh. Does my identity matter?

Slowly walked to Yue Du's body. His eyes stared straight at Yue Du's pupils.

Looking at each other, Yue Du's whole body immediately tightened, and his body quickly took two steps back.

"What do you want?"

"Heh, is this a woman 7Z0? It's really dirty."

I. Obviously didn't do anything.The other party has unconsciously started to be afraid, and sure enough, the other party

Should have the legendary persecution paranoia.

"Cough cough.

If you want to know my secret, check it out for yourself.

Check my identity carefully, maybe you will get something unexpected. "Yes

After he finished speaking, Zhang Zhan didn't pay attention to the monthly reading, but quickly sorted out the gains in this world.

The spirit connected the network of this world, Zhang Zhan quickly invaded all kinds of information in this world network by virtue of Aix's dataization ability.

Judging from the information, L's time should still be at the time of defeat.

Before Swarutz.

As for what will happen in between.Zhang Zhan has no way of knowing.Judging from the results deduced by the system, Bi Yi was unable to obtain any information about this mission at all (eb__

However, Zhang Zhan himself is not particularly anxious about this matter. He believes that if Victory Panzhuang and Gates go out this time, they will definitely be able to get him some help.Yes, time goes by slowly, nine to five

A strange and peculiar atmosphere pervades the five halls of Chaoli Night.

Uncle - I've been busy with the afternoon dinner in the kitchen, and the monthly reading in the living room is stolen from time to time

Look at Zhang Zhan.

As for Zhang Zhan himself, he immersed Xiaoshen in the chat group and kept chatting with other group members.


Zhang Zhan is also using the power of the chat group to continuously inquire about the progress of Zhuang Wu's current situation.


"Crash ⊥"

The sound of the door opening came.

"How's it going? Zhuang Wu, Gates, have you found the source of this anomaly?"

"I found _, but things are a bit complicated."

walk in quickly

In the door, Zhuang Wu's expression was a little complicated and then his eyes were ignored. After reading it, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhan.

After quickly looking at Zhang Zhan, he nodded silently.



After an egg conversation.Yue Du also learned the whole story from Gates' mouth, e

I know that someone actually wants to tamper with history.

And their mission goal is to investigate who is targeting Kurim.Steinseet's ancestors.

"So, then we

Let's go straight to the Warring States period. "

Zhang Zhan took the lead in making a proposal.

"Okay, then let's go to the Warring States Period to find out the real reason for this change."

Zhuangwu Joban directly responded to Zhang Zhan's call without thinking.As for Zhuang Wu's performance, it also attracted Gates and Yuebuxuan's eyes.

"Zhuangwu?! Demon King?"."

"Okay, it's so interesting that the meeting between the two demon kings will definitely open up - an epoch-making piece of Feilu's novel group: 914545616 statement [for exchange and study use only, the copyright belongs to the original author and the publisher, this work is from the Internet and Published books, works are only for readers to preview, please delete within 24 hours of downloading, and shall not be used for commercial purposes]

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It seems to have sensed that Sogo Vibana made a decision.

The young man in the green trench coat suddenly appeared beside the crowd.The way of appearing is extremely Lou-like ninja elusive.

At the same time, the young man in a dark green trench coat was holding a seemingly quaint book in his hand.

"Woz? Where did you come from. 3⊥"

Uncle just happened to appear in front of everyone at this time, so seeing the whole process of Woz's appearance, he couldn't help but be a little curious.

have to an old man.Uncle's courage is still big enough.

"Huh? This is?.!"

Zhang Zhan next to him with suspicious eyes, Woz also showed a puzzled look

Obviously, I didn't know that Zhang Zhan actually appeared here.Seeing Zhang Zhan's unhurried expression, Huoz's brows slightly wrinkled, and tentatively releasing a little mental power, Woz wanted to investigate Zhang Zhan's situation.

It was at this moment that Woz suddenly felt an extremely strong pressure sweeping over his golden body.

At this moment, the heart also began to beat rapidly, and each beat seemed to have exhausted countless strengths.Fanzi felt it too. The oppression of his internal organs

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