Discover the current state of development.

Compared with the current village war in the fishing country, although the ** has not reached its heyday, it should not be underestimated. It can be said that it is one of the most advanced countries in the entire world.


There was a violent tremor from the demon machine, and then the demon machine fell into stagnation after the tremor ended.


Cabin 7 opened Zhang Zhan and walked down the hatch first, looking at the village in the distance.

The place where they landed was a green hill, on the outskirts of a dry forest.

"Wow, is this the Warring States Period in 1575_?"

At this time, Shogo Vibran finally walked down and looked at the surrounding scenery.Shogo Vibana, who had never seen such an elephant before, was also full of curiosity.

Zhi Yuyue also glanced at the two people who were making a fuss in the same way, and Zhang Zhan felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

I have to say that in 1575, the earth that has not suffered the industrial destruction of later generations is really beautiful.

Needless to say, the greening is too natural, when he first entered this world_Zhang Zhan felt the oncoming



Looking at the town in the distance that was the size of an ordinary village in later generations... Zhang Zhan's mouth fish couldn't help but twitch slightly.


village.Yuro, the village where Oda Nobunaga lives.

At this time, Sogo Vibana was quickly sorting out his clothes.

Next to the ergot on the wall, there is - a naked Gates is quickly wearing ancient clothes s

Zhiyu, who was wearing this dark green windbreaker, also stayed beside the two of them.

Woz's expression is serious, and his body still maintains the original dark green.


Maintain this style.Woz's painting style is very strange when he stays between Joban Shogo and Gates.

"Hey, haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

On the street outside, Yue Du didn't change his ancient clothes, but that didn't mean he didn't wear makeup.

Compared with Shogo Joban and Gates, who had completely changed their ancient clothes, Tsukiyomi just found a hat and put it on their heads.

A pure white veil blocked all prying eyes from the surroundings.

"4.8 is coming and coming L"_

I heard the call of the moon reading.The speed at which Gaikan changed his clothes even increased a few steps.

Swish quickly put on ancient clothes and made a simple camouflage.

Outside, Zhang Zhan is looking at the villagers who are going back and forth.

After a brief glance, Zhang Zhan's eyes could not help but shift back to Yue Du's body. He looked up and down carefully.

PS: The new type of pneumonia is a bit scary now, so everyone should try not to go out unless it is necessary, and try to play games at home and read books.If you have to go out, wear a mask. I hope everyone can

Have a good year.If you want to know the situation of the virus, you can go to Weibo to see it. It is all on the search, and you must pay attention to personal guards. ,


294. Separate Ways!Zhuang Wu's suggestion! (Ask for automatic subscription!)

"Cough cough!"

Noticing Zhang Zhan's eyes.Yue Du was suddenly shocked. She felt very uncomfortable when Zhang Zhan's eyes swept over her.

There is a feeling that the body is directly exposed and completely pierced by Zhang Zhan.

But the strange thing is that his inner peace does not reject this feeling. , also, L is also because of having such a weird mentality.Yue Yu's cheeks have turned red from behind the white veil

"Hey, everyone has changed their clothes, why didn't you change?"

It seems to be to hide his guilty conscience.In order not to let Zhang Zhan keep staring at him,

Yue Du took the initiative to ask Zhang Zhan aloud.


Staring suspiciously at Yue Du in front of him, Zhang Zhan couldn't help showing a foolish expression.

"I'm afraid you're not stupid. 2 I didn't say I was going to investigate this matter with you two.

Do you look like I'm curious?

After saying 27, Zhang Zhan directly winked at Yue Du, who was in front of him, and at the same time spread his hands to express that he didn't want to get involved in their affairs at all.


Facing Zhang Zhan in front of him. .Monthly Reading Heart

It is really a galloping horse.

But, after thinking about it carefully, _Yuedu still didn't express the malicious spit in her heart, because she didn't dare to e

Until the true identity of Zhang Zhan is clarified, Yue Du will never take the initiative to maliciously provoke Zhang Zhan.

Just based on the simple communication during this period, Yue Du has already seen that Zhang Zhan's character and simple ridicule are acceptable. But if they are really malicious, Yue Du is not sure that Zhang Zhan can forgive him.

What's more, this kind of thing is probably difficult for ordinary people to accept. It is strange that being maliciously confronted for no reason can give a good face.

"But don't you think it would be interesting to investigate this matter?"

Think, think.Yue Du couldn't help pursing her lips.Unwillingly, he sent his final struggle towards Zhang Zhan in front of him.

Helplessly, she showed a pair of dead fish eyes at Yue Du in front of her.Zhang Zhan said angrily.

"Please, don't you really want me to participate in a war between two villages? battle,


Do you also care if the villagers carry the racks?"


, asking him to take the lead in the fight between the two village chiefs is too stupid

Not to mention two villages.Even the strongest combat power in the world is just an ant in front of Zhang Zhan's eyes.Zhang Zhancai would not have come here if it wasn't to find the mysterious Vivian Zhuangwu.

"Two duro..."

He glanced at Zhang Zhan in front of him speechlessly, although what Zhang Zhan said in front of him was right.

But Yue Du always felt unhappy in her heart, as if she had been ridiculed by the other party inexplicably.

But after thinking about it carefully - next Zhang Zhan's words, Yue Du found himself

There is really no way to refute Zhang Zhan.

Not to mention whether Zhang Zhan is a masked rider, the ability to make Faz vomit blood just by looking at him is already stronger than those of the ancients in front of him.

It is estimated that even if the two villages are united, they are not the opponents of Zhang Zhanyi-z, and there is no need to participate in this level of battle.

Although the coercion that burst out from Zhang Zhan at that time was not directed towards him, it was directed towards Woz.But just because of this, and reading can also feel the terrifying coercion of Zhang Zhan.

In that terrifying coercion, Zhang Zhan was like a boundless

The sea in the middle of the world, and I am like a lonely boat in the middle of the sea

If you can't sail against adversity, you will eventually be engulfed by the sea in an instant.

What's more, the identity of the other party is mysterious.And so far, Zhang Zhan has not revealed his goals.

Therefore, for monthly reading s

Zhang Zhan's existence is like an unknown fog, which makes people yearn for and vigilant, but cannot suppress the crazy desire to find out.

Humans are born with a desire to gossip.Not to mention she is a woman.

Women themselves are more emotional than men, so

The mind is naturally full of various thirst for knowledge.For all kinds of things and gossip, full of strong thirst for knowledge. 73__ "Hey hey. Haven't you _ pulled?"

Turning his attention to the side, Tsukiyomi's target couldn't help but focus on Shogo Joban and Gatesworth.

"OK OK."

Shogo Joban walked up to the two of them first, as if he couldn't stand the urging of Yueyue.So he didn't wait any longer.

Naturally, Woz quickly followed in the footsteps of Moyu, and quickly came to the back of Zhuanggo Vibrant, and did not dare to look directly at Zhang Zhan.

's pupils.

It seems that Zhang Zhan has been feared because of the previous events.

Another moment passed, and Gates finally walked out of the corner groaning.

"Okay, then, Gates, you and I - go to Oda Nobunaga's place to see.".

Quickly, the former Gates nodded, and Zhuangwu Joban couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhan again.

to this.Zhang Zhan has no objection.

There was only a smile on his face, but he didn't take the initiative to refuse. _


295. Sogo Vibana: You..., Woz; I'm not going! (Ask for automatic subscription!)

- "Okay, then, Woz, you and Yue Du will follow the team Zhang Zhan to investigate the situation of the enemy village.

"Ah? Go ⊥"

Hearing Shuanggo Vibana's suggestion suddenly, the corners of Woz's mouth twitched slightly, and his body tensed up.The facial expression was very serious.

It is if you look closely.Zhang Zhan and the others would definitely be able to find that there were countless cold sweats on Woz's forehead.

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