
Just when Zhang Zhan and Yue Du thought that Siro could continue to fight, Siro, who had reappeared from the fog, was a blast.

then collapsed to the ground

The body size began to shrink gradually, degenerating to a size of about two meters. The body did not degenerate from the Ultra form to the human form.

After all, Zhailuo is not a human being.Just reducing the size can already be used to save nine.


Body lying on the ground.I noticed that the energy in my body was almost depleted.Siro's anger has also increased to the extreme

"Meditation! Go"

Zhai Luo did not forget that he still possesses such skills.So I just want to take the opportunity. Paralyzed

Zhang Zhan in front of Erfan.

-Fei Lu. Remind you: three things to read.. Collection, recommendation, sharing L, (15_0914545616)

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093. The truth is revealed!Unlucky flames! (Ask for automatic subscription!)

It's a pity that Siro obviously got the wrong idea and didn't know that Jade was actually Zhang Zhan.

After receiving the new-round point reminder in his mind, Zhang Zhan's positive feeling of wanting to continue as a fighter disappeared instantly.

Swish industry

Festival of Lights emerges.When the golden brilliance dissipated, Zhang Zhan's appearance at this time has also transformed into the basic form of Aix from the form of the ultimate Jade.

At the same time, Aix's basic form is also wrapped around - a bright silver ultimate armor Palagi's shield can almost be quite a proof of identity.

After all, such an artifact-like person wants to recover

It is also extremely difficult to make it out. How can ordinary cosmos have such nine quantities as "three-two"? Almost at the moment Zhang Zhan's figure appeared, Siro knew that the person in front of him was completely Zhang Zhan.

I was played by the other party

"Damn, captain, why did you kill the flames?"

Looking at Zhang Zhan in front of him, a nameless anger suddenly rose in Siro's heart.

If it is the enemy, it is excusable.But Zhang Zhan is obviously his own person, and he also has friendship with the flames and others.. Why hurt the flames 2

However, although his heart was full of anger, Siro did not

Have been swept away by anger.

After all, compared to the flaming war soil, Siro believed that Zhang Zhan would not make trouble unreasonably.Understand that Zhang Zhan will definitely give himself an explanation, even if this explanation is very unreasonable, but Siro also intended to wait for Zhang Zhan to give himself such an unreasonable explanation.

"Haha, Siro, this time your kid is shriveled. You are really a weak chicken. Without the help of Uncle Ben, you really can't do it._"

Just as Zhai Luo stared at Zhang Zhan, a red arm suddenly appeared behind Zhai Luo, which looked too much like Zhai Luo's shoulder.

"Boom boom boom⊥."

facing the rear

When the person approached Siro, he turned around abruptly - a whip leg was drawn directly in the direction of the palm.

"Fuck L⊥!"

After seeing Siro's series of actions with his own eyes, Zhang Zhan couldn't help shouting out.

"Fuck! ⊥"

The unfortunate flame warrior bluffed Zhang Zhan's voice after being hit by Siro's whip leg. After hearing such words that fit the situation, he also immediately copied Zhang Zhan's words.

"Boom on"

The terrifying strength directly caused the flame warrior to fly upside down, the terrifying strength

It directly makes the inertia on the flame warrior's body particularly large.The speed of flying backwards in the air is also exceptionally fast.

Because the speed of flying backwards is too fast.Therefore, along with the Young Flame Warrior's backward flight, there were also sonic booms in the air.

far away.

The revived mirror riding on the side also noticed the flames flying out of the battlefield at this time.

And see the flame warrior to the direction of flying.It was the moment when he hit himself

After reacting to the mirror, he made a move: a rather unethical move.

jump up to

_ over the sky. Dodged the impact of the flame warrior.

"Rumble on ⊥"

Losing the center of gravity, without the help of the Mirror Knight, the body naturally cannot stop.

After the upper body is perfectly inserted into the mud. +, there are only two palms left, and the flames and soil of the two legs are extraordinarily suffocating.

The exposed two long red legs kept shaking their palms back and forth, and quickly pressed them to the ground on both sides.


At this time, Siro finally found the character who wanted to touch him just now.

who is it.After seeing the tragic situation of the flame warrior, Rao was in anger, and he couldn't help showing a humane smirk.

The anger in my heart also dissipated in an instant.

Although I don't know how Zhang Zhan eliminated the flame war soil.But he helped the other party come back to life again. But Siro didn't mind the process. He focused more on the result.

"Sorry, Captain!"

Taking back his gaze, Siro didn't pay any attention to the flames. Anyway, he wouldn't suffocate if he was stuck in the ground with the opponent's strength. Zhai Luodi didn't pay any attention to the opponent directly.


After taking back the moonlight, Siro came to Zhang Zhan. He said something that surprised Zhang Zhan.

"Haha L, you actually said sorry to me_ I thought I was deceived by me. You will be very angry."


The air was suddenly quiet.

For Zhang Zhan, Siro is really powerless.

I thought to myself, have you lied to me too much? I am forced to get used to it.All right.


"It's nothing, Captain.

But you're pretty strong

1 actually directly transferred all of us to these 57 special spaces. Where is _this_? Is it still Earth? "

Soon, Siro, who had a great brain hole, also turned his attention to another place, and turned his attention to the city of time and space.The famous time and space city, the time and space city has 6 worlds.And what he was in was the illusion of the first layer of heaven. "

Looking at Siro, and guessing the other party's doubts, Zhang Zhan continued to say e

"You must be very suspicious about Max."

"Yes, go"

Saying that, Siro's gaze also turned to Max, who had recovered.



094. The Encounter of Cousins!Second floor! (Ask for automatic subscription!)

"I didn't answer your question because I didn't know why you appeared here just now, but I really want to meet the Max you mentioned. It seems that the other party must have been taught a lesson by you."

"Ha ha!."

Saying so by Max in front of him, Siro's face was also a little embarrassed.

Not to mention that he usually bullies Max, just the Max in front of him.Just now the other party died directly in his hands, it can be said that there is no line.

Forget it, forget it.

Although he felt sorry for Max in front of him, Siro's face was full of disapproval.

Actively skipped this topic.

"By the way, Captain, since you have Max from other universes under your command, there must be other Ultra Battlefields, right? In the second sky?"

talking.Siro's gaze was also _ looking at the sky above.Although he doesn't know anything about Time and Space City, through a simple analysis, Siro can also understand that it should be in the sky.After all, Zhang Zhan said that this is the first heaven.

"Yeah, how... do you want to challenge the second floor, maybe you will meet acquaintances there."

Looking at Siro, Zhang Zhan's face also showed a meaningful expression

Facial expression.


Following Zhang Zhan's words, a few figures quickly appeared in Siro's mind, Jiagula.Mew-two.

But soon the character image in Siro's mind was locked on Taiga.After all, it has been a long time since I saw Yukio Kudo bubbling up in the chat group.

If there is no accident, this should be the world of Taiga. After all, the captain said before that he was going to find Yukio Kudo.

Combined with Kudo Yukio, there has been no bubbling, so it is nothing more than two endings.One is dead.Another is to stay here.

"Is it Taiga?⊥"

After locking the character's target, Siro also firmed up his guess, and tentatively asked Zhang Zhan in front of him.

"Yes, it looks like I haven't seen you for a long time. My IQ has improved a lot."

Walking beside Siro, Zhang Zhan, who was wearing the ultimate armor, stretched out his right hand without any pretence at all, and slammed it on Siro's chest in front of everyone's eyes. The terrifying strength made Siro directly Take two steps back one after another.

Patrol me, your strength has increased again?"

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