
[124] The King of the Devil's Time vs. Jiadou Haipa Form [For automatic subscription]

And Chao Meng's luck is obviously not very good.Although it is also from the nine quantities of Victory Shōgo.

But Mewtwo didn't draw the power to resist it, and even the Emperor Cavalry didn't draw it.Just got one - a fight

Although Lidou is very handsome, his speed is also quite fast. But it is useless.

The power of the King of Demons is too strong. This is because Gagula is not familiar with it before, and the Westerners can still carry a dozen.

If you wait until Jiagula is familiar with this power.I am afraid that Mewtwo will be defeated in an instant.There is already a very certain conclusion about this battle.Of course if you want

Let Mewtwo win. Unless Gagula goes wrong and Mewtwo explodes.

Unfortunately, the chances of this happening are very slim. 14

After this, Zhang Zhan vs Yu this battle results.also lost interest.

"System. Help me exchange for an hour's move training room!"

[The move training room has been exchanged successfully.After deducting 200 host points and 100 million points remaining before, L .

Originally Zhang Zhan's points were 98

The reason why the previous points will reach 100 million is also because it happened to kill Lu Gesai successfully last time.

special.This makes it possible to round up a whole number.


After the exchange, Zhang Zhan's figure disappeared immediately.


Coming to the I move training room, the environment around Zhang Zhan and Zhang Zhan immediately changed.

Grassy fields full of nature.At this moment, it has also turned into a luxurious floor made of crystal.

If you bow your head slightly, you can even see yourself from the floor, which can be used as a mirror.

Zhang Zhan, who spent an hour in the training room for his moves, was not trying to improve the skill of an Ultra Warrior.


The main purpose is actually to test the power of Ubu's supreme holy sword.


"Allocate the attributes. Zhang Zhan just chanted a call silently. With a squeak, Zhang Zhan's voice just fell, and a huge figure appeared in front of him. This figure is very large. It is the dark side of Ultraman Galaxy. , Dark Lukier.

This is a dark Lukiel with the same strength as Shoushengshebu, the same as before.Zhang Zhan also chose the autonomous mode.

Dark Lukier rushed towards Zhang recklessly as soon as he was summoned to come out late.

war.The huge fist smashed vertically from the top of Zhang Zhan's head.

come well.Looking at the huge fist coming from Dark Lukiel, Zhang Zhan showed a knowing smile.Mouth slightly upturned.

The Orb Supreme Sacred Sword in the right hair waved slightly. Then a wave of time power gradually diffused out.

One after another ripples were drawn in the air. With the action of time, the movements of the dark road base El. above were also affected accordingly.

The originally very fast Iron Fist began to gradually delay, and finally stopped about two meters away from Zhang Zhan's head.

"Sword of Orb Time."

Seeing that just by lightly stirring the body of the sword, Zhang Zhan was able to condense the time and space in front of him.

The palm slipped slightly. The light wheel on Ubu's Supreme Holy Sword immediately spun quickly, and the light kept jumping back and forth from the 5 areas.Eventually the yellow, green, blue and red gradually disappeared.

The only thing that shines on the light wheel is the time attribute that is transparent.


Both hands clenched the supreme holy sword of Ubu in his hands.The sword body is slightly drawn in front of it.The blades of time gradually moved towards the darkness ahead

Lukier crossed.

Gradually dark Lukiel's body cracked immediately and finally returned to the virtual five.

It turned into the power of time, the air state before it appeared, and it was so terrifying.

After that, Zhang Zhan also had no idea of ​​wasting points. . Directly summoned several Dark Lukier and several Belials of the same level.

Use them as background boards and continue to master the Sword of Orbs.The power of this skill also began to gradually increase.

After all, Zhang Zhan's understanding was quite shallow when he first used it, and now he has the experience of using it again and again.

, The sword of Orbu Shi swung by Zhang Zhan became more and more terrifying.

Just wielding a single attack can completely wipe out 10 opponents of the same level at the same time. 817__As for other Orbu Fire Swords, Orbu Water Swords and other powers simply cannot achieve such a terrifying effect.

Even if you kill several opponents of the same level at the same time, you will obviously have to pay more.

Not only need to be the first to accumulate power.And the energy consumption in the body is also very serious. Almost one blow can completely drain the energy in Zhang Zhan's body.Come in for actual combat.Not practical.

When Zhang Zhan came out of the move training room, the battle in the chat group had come to an end, and the final result was as Zhang Zhan had expected. Jiagula won the battle.

The power of Lidou can't resist the Demon Shiyu at all. If it is an ordinary Shiwang or a Tier 2 Shiwang, it can still fight, but this is directly the final version of the Devil Shiwang has the power to meet the devil and can win. I just saw a ghost.

Member Gagura. _"Aite Chaomeng. How about it, I'm convinced 2 this time!"

Member Chao Meng, "" Do you want me to go directly to the universe you are in, real PK,


quiet. ,


[125] Treasures won by Jiagula [for automatic subscription]

Just after Chao Meng's voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire chat group suddenly became weird.

All the group members held their breaths in anticipation of Gagula's answer, but Gagula never gave a clear response.

Finally, after a period of silence, the naturally lively Siro couldn't hold back at all.

Member Zhai Luo, "Etegagora. How do you say? Chaomeng has invited you to fight. Do you want to cross the universe, bah, it should be a cross-universe hegemony."

Member Jiagula, _ "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. I still have something to do. I'll go offline first."

Captain Zhang Zhan, "Wait, after winning, what treasures did you get, let's hear it."

Member Hexi, "Yeah, I'm also very curious. The treasures given after the battle are all good treasures. Last time, Siro got some Gedde sublimator here to complete the infinite form upgrade."

Member Gagula, "Uh... can you please stop?"

Member Haiyuan, "Isn't it? You drew a very rubbish treasure, right?"

Member too old. _ "No way, then, Gagura-senpai must be too unlucky."

Taigu is still very polite when he treats others. Since Jiagula entered the chat group earlier than him, he is also very respectful to the name of Gan Jiagula.

Member Shogo Vibana, _ "Tell me. Gagura-senpai _ What treasure did you get?"

Member Haiyuan, "Yeah, just talk about what you get, Etegagoras

In order to satisfy his curiosity, Haiyuan also carried the railway while it was hot.

Member Gagula. _" Well.. Since you guys want to know that, I'll tell you

Looking down at the treasure just obtained in his hand,

Gagula's face was also full of helplessness, obviously this item seemed to make him very dissatisfied.

Member Gagora, "[Conan World L Foot Strength Shoes] That. That's it.

Captain Zhang Zhan, "Push 1. No way.

Jiagula's answer made Zhang Zhan a little unbelievable, so he even sent out an emoji that you are not kidding me

The other people around were also a little stunned, what are the foot strength-enhancing shoes?

In the chat group, it is estimated that only Zhang Zhan and Jiagula understand the real information of this item. Although Huiyuan is a human in the world of Conan, he

I don't know what item 20n.

After all, her life trajectory has not reached a desperate situation. She has the power of Ultra Warriors. My sister has the protection of champion Shanaido.

The people from the winery can't threaten their sisters at all. Naturally, there is no need to be with Dr. Akasa and the reduced Kudo Shinichi.

Member Gagula, "Didn't I directly display the attributes of the treasure, otherwise the message I sent would not be in this special font, didn't you see that the colors are different from ordinary messages?"

team leader

Zhang Zhan, "Well, that's the case. Then you can mourn."

Member Chao Meng, _ "How do you say it? Is the value of the treasure drawn by Gagula less than the 2000 points of the consolation prize I won?"__

Captain Zhang Zhan, "Come in to some extent. Actually, it's not wrong to say that."

Member Siro, _ "Push, Gagula, your character seems to be really problematic. Last time, this young master directly drew a treasure in advanced form.

In the end, it's your turn this time. You just got an item that is not even as good as 200 points. What kind of fairy luck is this?

outrageous. "

Member Taikoo, "This...


Captain Zhang Zhan, _"Khan 111._

After that, Zhang Zhan did not continue to pay attention to the teasing in the chat group.After two days in a row, Zhang Zhan was completely relaxed.

Zhang Zhan didn't do any training in the past two days. He just stayed in Hexi's palace and spent two good days with Hexi.

"How about it, are you ready, the arms race of the angels is about to start today.


The designated female angel named Angel Yan will show her own strength in this battle. "

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