Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 1 The light within reach



A strange roar sounded beside Xia Long's ears, interspersed with the roar of waves hitting rocks and thunderous roars.

Waves of shock made Xia Long's skin and flesh numb.

"What the hell?"

Xia Long opened his eyes in confusion and found himself lying on a big rock.

"Where is this?" His head still hurt, and his eardrums were tortured by the loud noises around him. He pushed away the wet hair on his face.

The sky and the earth were dark, and the wind and rain were coming.

He vaguely remembered that he was watching Jurassic World in the cinema. How could he appear in a strange place?

In front of him was a small island, and the sky above the island was covered with thick black and gray clouds, rolling and hiding countless lightning.

"No way?" Xia Long swallowed his saliva, "This can't be..."

A short tinnitus made Xia Long cover his ears, and then he felt a huge force hitting him hard.

Before Xia Long could react, his whole body plunged into the water.

Although his head was groggy, Xia Long managed to keep his body steady. He rushed out of the water in a hurry, gasping for breath.

"Damn it, it's almost over!" After finally getting his breath back, Xia Long was still in shock, and was almost choked by the force.

Just as Xia Long wanted to climb back to the stone, a long, low roar sounded in his ears. Although it was low, the sound seemed to reach Xia Long's heart, and his body couldn't help shaking.

This sound reminded Xia Long of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park, just like the pressure of a predator on the prey, and it felt even worse than the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Xia Long clung tightly to the stone and dared not move.

This is definitely not Jurassic Park, where is this?

Xia Long turned his head with difficulty, and his eyes widened instantly.

I saw three huge monsters on the sea struggling with each other, splashing huge waves.

Two of them were somewhat similar to dinosaurs, like enlarged versions of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The roars just now must have come from these two monsters.

That would be fine, Xia Long was just afraid at most, but the third one made Xia Long's mind fall into chaos, and all kinds of strange thoughts came to his mind.


Yes, the familiar red figure was exactly the same as Ultraman Seven in his memory.

"Is there really an Ultraman in this world?" From childhood to adulthood, Xia Long had a dream in his heart, that is, to be able to see Ultraman with his own eyes, but he didn't expect it to come true at this time.


Xia Long wanted to cry but had no tears, his dream came true at the wrong time. After soaking in the cold sea water for a long time, his body temperature lost a lot, and his legs and feet were a little stiff. If this continued, there would be no guarantee that there would be no problems.

Moreover, being close to several behemoths, Xia Long was under too much pressure. The low roars of the two monsters washed over his body wave after wave, making him almost breathless.


After a long period of probing, the two monsters suddenly attacked Seven, and their huge bodies stirred the entire sea surface so that it seemed to roll over. With a violent collision, the violent hurricane spread, forming small tsunamis on the sea surface, heading straight for Xia Long.


Xia Long's chest tightened, and he immediately swam behind the boulder. But the speed of the several-meter-high waves was too fast, and before Xia Long could hide, they hit Xia Long hard.

At that moment, Xia Long seemed to hear the bursting of his blood vessels.

"It's over, if I don't die this time, I will lose half my life!"

Xia Long spit out a mouthful of blood and closed his eyes in despair. Just when he thought he was going to die in this strange place, he suddenly felt a burst of warmth on his body.

What happened?

Xia Long opened his eyes in confusion, and saw that the surroundings had become a world of light. He was tightly wrapped by these soft lights, and countless light particles drilled into his body.

These lights? Saving me?

Xia Long stared blankly at the free light particles in front of him, jumping lively one by one, like countless little elves.

Have I become Ultraman?

Xia Long curiously stretched out his hand to catch the light, but the light particles retreated like the tide, and then Xia Long felt that he was lifted up by a giant hand.

He turned around confusedly, and a pair of giant light bulbs appeared in front of him. The light emitted from them made him feel extremely relieved, and there was a faint feeling of hope.

This is? Seven!

Xia Long widened his eyes.

Seven saved him.

In this dark place, Seven's majestic body looked so special, as if the power of heaven and earth was no more than this.

Is this Ultraman? How great it would be if I could become Ultraman too!

"Thank you!" Xia Long only had time to say one sentence before he was invaded by a deep fatigue and fell asleep.

Xia Long slept soundly this time. He dreamed that he became Ultraman, fought various monsters, traveled through the universe, witnessed various stories, and finally became the legendary Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light...

"Hey, wake up!"

Xia Long had just dreamed that he was fighting fiercely with Ultraman Noa, and there was a noise next to his ear.

"What's going on? Don't disturb us, I'm the strongest!" Xia Long muttered.

"Wake up, you coward, you fainted out of fear!"

Huh? No, why is it a girl's voice?

Xia Long opened his blurry eyes.

"Ayumi, don't talk nonsense!"

"Humph, if it weren't for saving him, the giant would have defeated the monster long ago!"

Xia Long finally woke up.

It turned out to be a dream.

He looked at the two people in front of him blankly. A girl of about the same age as him, with an angry face, was the one who woke him up. Next to him was a middle-aged man wearing a raincoat, who seemed to have just come back from outside.

"You're awake, come, drink some hot water!"

Taking the cup from the middle-aged man, Xia Long began to sort out his thoughts. He seemed to have fainted after being rescued by Seven, and he didn't know where he was now.

Drinking hot water, Xia Long looked outside. The sky was still dark, and the battle not far away could still be seen.

It seemed that he was moved away from the battlefield by them.

Thinking of this, Xia Long looked at the middle-aged man gratefully. If he stayed in that ghost place, he would be trampled to death or drowned.

"Thank you!"

"Ha, I didn't help much, thank the giant if you want to thank someone!" The middle-aged man sighed, "You are lucky to survive like this!"

Xia Long shook his head, not wanting to continue the topic, and asked: "Where is this?"

"Don't worry, it's still relatively safe here."

Seeing that the middle-aged man didn't understand what he meant, Xia Long didn't ask any more. He wanted to know what this place was called, but it was difficult to explain to the middle-aged man how he got here.

"Okay, Dad, he's awake, don't worry about him!" The girl pouted and pulled the middle-aged man out.

Although he was a little confused about the girl's attitude, Xia Long was relieved.

He looked around. Although he had never been to Japan, he had watched a lot of anime. The furnishings here, such as tatami, all showed that this was no longer a familiar place.

Is it Japan? But why can he understand what they say?

Looking back now, Xia Long gradually felt something was wrong. The father and daughter were definitely not speaking Chinese, but he could understand it.

What a weird place!

Xia Long muttered as he picked up a newspaper on the table. It was indeed written in Japanese, but he could understand it. It seemed that some strange power had engraved these words in his memory.

Did he enter the infinite world?

Xia Long frowned, and saw that the date on the newspaper was 1974.

But there was no mission arranged by the main god.

Could the mission be hidden in the newspaper?

Xia Long carefully flipped through the newspaper and found that it was just ordinary news reports. Occasionally, there were mentions of monsters such as Ultraman, but they had nothing to do with the mission.

No matter, he threw the newspaper aside angrily.

Let's take a look first!

As soon as Xia Long walked out of the house, he saw a strange fighter plane landing on the other side of the island.

What is this?

"Dad!" A girl's cheerful voice came from the side, "It's the MAC team! Come on, let's go and take a look!"


MAC team?

Xia Long followed in confusion.

Isn't this the Earth Team in Ultraman Leo?

MAC team is also known as the Space Monster Attack Team. Xia Long's only impression of this team is the extremely high mortality rate and extremely low combat effectiveness.

However, there is MAC team, which means that this world may be the world of Ultraman Leo.

Xia Long was not in a good mood. The Ultraman world was originally very dangerous, not to mention this world with no guarantee.

Xia Long is an Ultraman fan. He may not be very clear about the details, but he knows something about the Leo series. Not only the team, but the mortality rate of this world itself is extremely high.

When Xia Long and his friends arrived, the seaside had returned to normal. The waves beat against the rocks. Although it had not subsided, it was not as turbulent as before.

The sky cleared up, the storm disappeared, and it seemed that everything before was just an illusion.

A man in strange clothes was lying on his back on the beach, surrounded by MAC team members wearing the same clothes.

Looking at the man who seemed to have a broken leg, Xia Long always felt a little familiar.

Is the battle over? Where is Seven?

After the man was helped up, Xia Long almost cried out when he saw the man's embarrassed look.

Tuan Zhuxing!

Xia Long finally knew why he felt familiar. This person was the human body of Ultraman Seven, Tuan Zhuxing!

In other words, this is Kuroshio Island? But where is Leo?

Xia Long looked around in confusion, but there was nothing unusual.

Where did Ultraman Leo go?


Tuan Zhuxing was supported by his teammates, with a gloomy face.

The monster was not defeated, but just retreated temporarily, and he, Ultraman Seven, could no longer transform.

"Go back to the headquarters first." Tuan Zhuxing looked at the sunset in the sky, feeling a little confused. The era of Ultraman Seven has passed, but what about the future of mankind?

In the previous battle, although he forced the monster back, his right leg was broken, and he lost the ability to transform.

Tuan Zhuxing saw Xia Long standing in the distance.

Under the sunset, the boy stood on the rock, letting the sea breeze blow.

It was the child just now! Zhu Xingtuan narrowed his eyes. He didn't know why, but he felt a glimmer of hope in Xia Long. However, the boy in front of him was just an ordinary person.

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