Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 108 Mysterious Youth

"I can only pray silently..."

In the command room of TPC Far East Headquarters, the Victory Team stared blankly at the video message on the screen.

After receiving the investigation information from the Space Development Agency, Nori found this message from the personal computer of Dr. Ezaki's laboratory. The content of the message made people stunned. The entire command room fell into silence, and everyone was speechless for a long time. .

"Is there a way to restore them to their original appearance?" Ju Jianhui asked softly.

Facing Ju Jianhui's gaze, Dr. Jiancun and others sighed and shook their heads.

There is absolutely nothing they can do in this situation.

"I have a question," Zongfang pondered, "They have become captives of monsters, how can they still show up?"

"Maybe," Da Gu paused and replied, "it's the feeling we humans have for our loved ones that monsters can't understand..."

Looking at everyone, Dagu continued: "So their consciousness borrowed the monster's ability to materialize."

"Well, here is this message," Staff Officer Nanyuan nodded and said, "TPC headquarters is also analyzing it, and the answer will be out soon."

"Beep~beep~" A bell rang.

"Command's Office." Zongfang turned around and answered the phone, "I understand!"

"Captain, a monster has appeared," Munakata reported after putting down the phone, "The direction is Tsuruzaki Power Station!"

In an izakaya in downtown Tokyo, Xia Long opened the door and walked in, sitting at a table near the corner in a familiar manner.

"Mr. Gao Shu, we're here again," the boss greeted, "Is Grandma Qiu Shan feeling better?"

"Well, I go out for a walk occasionally." Xia Long responded.

The environment of this izakaya is relatively quiet. After he discovered it by chance, he often came to sit there.

"Are you still having drinks as usual?"

"Have a glass of orange juice."

After ordering a drink, Xia Long took a few sips and put it back on the table, staring blankly at himself in the mirror.

Under the warm light, the thick dark circles under his eyes could not be covered.

These days, it seems that due to the influence of Zhaji's aura, Golzan in the body has become more and more restless, and the number of dark riots has increased.


Xia Long shouted softly. The current situation reminded him of the time in Leo's world, which was also eroded by darkness.

"The host is in a special situation now, and the solution lies with the host itself."

"Really?" Xia Long sighed softly. No matter how many times he asked, the system would always give the same answer, but...

After so many days, he still had no clue and could only try his best to suppress it.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

A strange male voice suddenly sounded. Xia Long looked up and saw a young man wearing black-rimmed glasses and a brown plaid shirt.

"Whatever." Xia Long shook his head and continued to take a sip of his drink.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" The young man smiled and sat across from Xia Long, "I'll treat you to it."

"No, thank you, I need to keep my head clear."

"Are you having a hard time lately?" The young man took a glass of beer and pushed it in front of Xia Long.

"How do you know?" Xia Long looked at the young man in surprise without touching the beer. The young man in front of him seemed to know about him.

"You guessed it," the young man raised his glass and gestured towards Xia Long, smiling, "Tell me about it, maybe I can help you."

"You won't understand." Xia Long frowned slightly.

"Okay then," the hand holding the wine glass paused, and the young man continued to drink. "Whenever you need help, you can come to me at any time. I will come here every weekend."

Ignoring Xia Long's confused eyes, the young man suddenly looked out the door.

"It's really unfortunate. Let's leave it at that for today. We'll talk about it next time we have a chance." The young man said as he left his seat and walked out.

"What on earth are you..." Xia Long slowly stood up and looked at the young man's back.

"By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice." The young man seemed to have remembered something. When he was about to reach the door, he stopped and turned around and said, "It's better not to use things that don't belong to you lightly."

Something that doesn't belong to you?

Xia Long was stunned for a moment and looked at the palm of his right hand.

Could it be that he was referring to Golzan?

"You..." When he came to his senses and wanted to ask again, he found that the man had disappeared.

"Oh, it's that Kirino guy," the izakaya owner walked up to Xia Long and said with a smile, "Takasuki-kun, don't worry about him, that's what he is like, he says weird things all day long."


Xia Long stared blankly at the direction the young man left, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He seemed to have heard this name before, and the other person didn't seem like an ordinary person. Who could it be?

"Ang——" A vague voice interrupted Xia Long's contemplation. He looked around in confusion and saw a huge monster appearing on the TV screen on the counter.

"Now we can see from a distance that the monster is heading in that direction," a reporter with a round face appeared on the screen. "Oh, my God, it seems that the Tsuruzaki Power Station is ahead!"

That is……

Xia Long watched the monsters on TV that were constantly destroying, and memories emerged in his mind.


"Has it started yet?" Xia Long murmured.

On the winding mountain road, a green taxi stopped at the roadside.

"Hey, do you really want to go there?" The driver leaned out of the car and shouted to Xia Long, "I heard that a monster appeared."

"I know, don't worry about me." Waving to the driver, Xia Long walked up the stone steps.

Originally, the dark aura was in his body. If there were no accidents, the Victory Team and Tiga should be able to handle it.

However, he came here in the end. On the one hand, he wanted to take another look at the three astronauts, and on the other hand, he didn't forget the other Zaki lurking in this world.

Although there is no trace yet, with Zaki's temperament, he might do something.

"Roar!" After passing through a torii, Xia Long saw the true body of the monster from a distance, as well as the two Feiyans hovering in the sky.

"Bang!" With an explosion, the tail of a Feiyan attacking the monster caught fire and fell to the ground.

"Dagu?" Xia Long stopped when he sensed the familiar breath in the direction of the crash.

To be honest, he didn't want to contact Dagu yet. After all, if Dagu saw him like this, he might find out something.


Looking at Tiga appearing in the light, Xia Long's eyes flashed with a complex color.

Due to the aura of Golzan and Zaki, he seemed to be going deeper and deeper on the opposite side of humans. No one would have thought that he was once an Ultraman.


Feeling the aura of his right hand fluctuating again, Xia Long's eyes tightened.

No matter what, he must find the method the system said to completely solve this hidden danger in his body that may explode at any time.


If he is controlled by darkness, it is hard to imagine what will happen.

Looking at Ligadelon who put Tiga in a difficult battle, Xia Long nodded and continued to move forward.

(Some old problems encountered in recent chapters)

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