Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 111 The Battle of the Heart

The next day, Xia Long had breakfast and heard a familiar voice while passing by a convenience store.

"In Japan today, disasters caused by monsters occur frequently. The only thing we are lucky about is that we have a victory team with excellent strategists. They are always protecting us. Here, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to them, ordinary citizens. A token of gratitude…”

"Onoda?" Looking at the man talking on the TV, Xia Long paused.

It's that reporter. It seems that everything went well with this monster incident.

"Then, let me take action too!" Looking around at the lively scene of people coming and going, Xia Long walked towards the tram.

"Actually, you don't have to do this," Xia Long leaned against the car window, and a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, "I have a vague idea of ​​your current plan, it's very risky."

"I had a dream, a dream that was very real, so real that it was scary," Xia Long murmured, looking at the scenery passing by outside the window. "The whole of Tokyo was in ruins, and a little girl cried and asked me why. To hurt everyone... I can’t answer.”

Taking a deep breath and looking at the faintly black right hand, Xia Long continued: "I don't know how much you know about me. At least, you should also know the consequences of me losing control. Its power is getting stronger and stronger. If I don't act again, Maybe next time…”

Walking on the remote mountain road, Xia Long felt particularly calm.

I don't know when he started to feel a little lost. Perhaps it was because of his excessive thirst for power that he was taken advantage of by the dark atmosphere.

"I don't know how you escaped, and I don't know what your purpose is," Xia Longping said quietly, standing on a cliff with his right hand raised, "Everything will end here!"

Looking up into the distant space, Xia Long seemed to see three more flashing lights.

"Human power..." Feeling his beating heart tightly, Xia Long faced the mountain wind, a look of determination flashed through his eyes.

TPC headquarters.

"Yerui, how's it going? Is there any result?" Xincheng walked up behind Yerui with a glass of boiling water and asked.

The computer screen was displaying Golzan's image data.

"Not yet," Ye Rui kept calling up the information and frowned, "It appeared very suddenly several times, as if it came out of thin air. There is no trace at all. Look..."

Pulling up the information about the Kirialodians incident, Ye Rui pointed at the scene of Gorzan coming out and said: "Although he appeared from the ground, there was no trace of the surrounding tunnels afterwards, and he disappeared several times. strangeness."

"Is that so?" Xincheng touched his chin, "This guy seems to be getting stronger every time. If he continues, it will be difficult to handle. I will definitely deal with this guy next time!"

"Huh?" Ye Rui was about to continue his research when an alarm suddenly sounded in the command room.

"What's wrong?"

"A monster appeared north of Tokyo," Yerui was operating the computer, slightly startled, and looked at Xincheng Road strangely, "It's Golzan!"

"hold head high--"

Xia Long endured the confusion in his mind painfully and kept roaring.

"Ah, monster! Run away!" The residents at the foot of the mountain ran away in panic.

"Monsters should look like monsters," the black shadow appeared in front of Xia Long again, "Look at the way those humans are afraid, how wonderful it is!"

"Uh-huh!" With red eyes, Xia Long stretched his thick arms towards the crowd.

I won't hurt...

"His!" A louder roar came from Xia Long's mouth, and the entire mountainous area reverberated.

"Run away!"

"My child, my child!"

Looking at the panicked village, Xia Long stopped moving in pain.

"See? Only power can make you superior to humans!" Black Shadow spread his arms, "As long as you are willing, the whole world will crawl at your feet!"

"I..." Xia Long's consciousness began to blur, his eyes flashed red, murderous intent surged, and his body uncontrollably wanted to attack the fleeing people.

"That's right, kill them and you will gain supreme power!" Black Shadow shouted, with a fierce look on his face.

"I'm a human being!" Xia Long roared and pulled on his body, trying desperately to stop him from continuing to advance towards the crowd.

Must be under control...

Resisting the murderous intention in his mind, Xia Long felt that Golzan's body was constantly vibrating, and bursts of loud noises erupted.

"Roar!" The violent aura continued to intensify, black smoke billowed, Xia Long roared, and the red light in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Hold on!

"Boom!" Xia Long roared, controlling Golzan to retreat with all his strength.


"Hmph!" The black shadow snorted coldly and turned into a black light and penetrated into Golzan's body, "Let me help you!"

"Tsk--" Gorzan's huge body shook suddenly, his steps stopped, and powerful energy began to gather in his head.

don't want!

Looking at the mother and daughter behind the crowd, Xia Long was heartbroken.

"Stop!" At the critical moment, Golzan was forced to turn around by Xia Long.

"Boom!" As a black-purple beam of light flashed past, the sound wave hit the hillside next to the crowd. The earth and rocks were shattered, and stones rolled down the mountain.

"Ah!" screams sounded out one after another, like knocking on Xia Long's heart.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" A clear child's voice sounded. Xia Long looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a woman at the foot of the mountain being crushed by a broken tree. The little girl next to her kept shouting, "Mom!"

"Kill her!" Commands kept coming from the depths of his mind, and his breath was surging. Xia Long's consciousness was once again overwhelmed by the killing intent.

"Roar--" With a low roar, Golzan moved his body towards the girl.

"Real Xia Long, enjoy this feeling!"

"Bang!" The ground kept shaking, and Golzan's huge body raised his foot to step on the girl in the panic eyes of the crowd.

"Woo~" The crying sounded, clearly transmitted to Xia Long's heart, and Golzan's foot-raising action suddenly stopped.

Can't lose myself again...

"Human... Light..." The red light flashed in his eyes, Xia Long pressed his body tightly, and the figures of Dr. Ezaki and others kept appearing in his mind.

Control yourself, with the power of mankind!

"Can't lose!"

Golzan's body shook violently, and slowly retreated under Xia Long's efforts.


"Bang!" A series of beams suddenly shot towards Xia Long, and Golzan's body was covered with black smoke in the explosion of fire.

"Hiss--!" Resisting the dark breath, Xia Long looked forward and saw two Feiyans flying out of the clouds, covering him with attacks from all over the sky.


Feeling the surging breath in his body, Xia Long groaned and retreated repeatedly.

"We can't let this guy get close to the crowd, Xincheng, Dagu, intensive attack!"


(End of this chapter)

(Ahem, too tired, just leave it at that for now)

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