Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 117 Monster Fighting

“Buzz——!” The capsule seemed to understand Xia Long’s meaning and suddenly vibrated at a high frequency.

“Golzan, please!” Xia Long said silently, with a complicated look on his face.

I didn’t expect that I would have to rely on monsters to protect humans, but…

Looking at the silent girl, Xia Long groaned and loosened his fingers.

“Swish!” After the capsule that was ready to go lost its restraint, it suddenly turned into a stream of light and left Xia Long’s palm, making a sharp whistle.

Must succeed!

Holding the girl’s hand tightly, Xia Long stared at the light with full concentration.


“Swish——” A bright light suddenly flashed between the ruins, and the rumbling vibration resounded throughout the earth.

“Hiss!” The monster stopped eating and stood up in confusion. It was simple-minded and could not understand what was going on.

"This feeling," Xincheng leaned against the wall, looked at Lina, and said in surprise, "Could it be?"

"Roar--" The terrifying roar echoed faintly, making the two people's faces change.

"Boom!!" The ground under the monster's feet suddenly exploded, and with a huge sound, the monster was pushed away by a huge force.

"Golzan!" Lina exclaimed, and as the smoke and dust dissipated, a huge gray body appeared on the spot, with bright eyes and a solid shell on his body, like a demon from the underground.

"Ang--" Golzan glanced around coldly, his eyes stayed at the position where Xia Long was, and he let out a low and long roar.

"What's wrong?" Suddenly a huge pressure fell on him, and Xia Long's heart sank.

Out of control?

He was still too reckless, and he actually pinned his hopes on something he didn't understand.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Picking up the trembling girl, Xia Long's eyes condensed and looked at Golzan.

If a fight is necessary, he will definitely accompany him. Even if he has to risk his life, he cannot let Golzan lose control and attack humans!

"Shhh!" Just as Xia Long was ready to use his telekinesis again, Golzan suddenly turned his attention to the monster standing opposite and roared.


Xia Long's eyes moved, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the monster that was starting to confront him.

Although it was a little out of control, it could finally be used for fighting.

"Shhhh--" The big-mouthed monster cried out and took the lead in attacking, with strong energy fluctuations flashing in its mouth.

However, Golzan, who was one step ahead of it and gathered energy faster, had already fired a purple beam.

Ultrasonic beam!

"Zz!" Hit by the beam head-on, the monster screamed, and its body retreated uncontrollably, and even the energy in its mouth was forced to dissipate.

"Bang Bang--" Golzan, who was in power, began to engage in close combat, which he was good at, and punched his opponent.

"Boom!" After enduring the last tail attack from Golzan, the monster fell to the ground in the ruins, and the ground shook violently, splashing dust dozens of meters high.

"Has it become stronger?" Xia Long murmured as he looked at the imposing Golzan.

I don't know if it's because he couldn't exert his full strength when controlling it, or what, this time Golzan is much stronger than before the dark transformation.


Looking at the monster flying into the air while Golzan wasn't paying attention, Xia Long frowned slightly.

His combat awareness is too poor. If it were him, he would never let his opponent have a chance to escape, not to mention that it might pose a fatal threat to himself.

Although this monster has low fighting power on the ground due to its size, Xia Long just observed that the monster has a lot of energy in its body. It has fired so many powerful energy balls in a row, but there is no sign of fatigue at all.

In other words, if it attacks from the air, Golzan will be very passive!

"Hiss!" As expected, the monster in the sky roared and sent out three electric balls in succession, blasting down towards Golzan.

"Boom boom" Two consecutive loud noises exploded around Golzan. After the violent impact restricted his movement, the last energy ball shot straight at Golzan.

"Not good!" Xia Long's eyes shrank.

If this goes on, Golzan will definitely lose.

Putting the girl down, Xia Long stepped forward slightly and was about to use telekinesis...

"Swish" A sound of energy collision sounded, Xia Long looked at Golzan in surprise, and his arm stopped.

What is this?

"Buzz!" Circles of energy ripples appeared on Golzan's chest, and they swallowed up the electric ball completely at once.

Energy absorption?

Xia Long's body shook.

When did Golzan have such ability?

"Hiss--!!" Before Xia Long could think about it, the furious Golzan had already started to counterattack. A more powerful ultrasonic beam mixed with electric light suddenly penetrated the air. The monster in the air didn't even have time to react and crashed directly into the beam.

"Ziz!!" As the purple electric light continued to flow out of the monster's body, a soul-stirring cry was heard.


"Boom!" A huge ball of light exploded in the air, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire area. Everyone involuntarily covered their eyes.

It became stronger again...

Feeling the more fierce breath on Golzan, Xia Long's expression moved slightly.

"Good, so powerful!" Xincheng swallowed his saliva and looked at the weapon in his hand with a frown, "What should I do now?"

"Roar!" Roaring at the small light spots scattered in the air, Golzan turned and walked in one direction.


The strong shock made Xia Long's heart tighten.

In that direction, it seemed to be Dagu, could it be Golzan...

"What is it going to do?" Seeing Golzan get rid of the monster, Lina was hesitating whether to attack or not. After discovering Golzan's actions, she couldn't help but shudder, "Dagu is over there!"

"Oh no, how can I get it back?" Seeing Golzan approaching the crash site of Dagu with murderous intent, Xia Long was secretly anxious.

It was very simple when I used it just now, but when I took it back, I had no idea at all. He had seen the information about the capsule monster on TV before. It seemed that it only took a shout to collect it, but when it was his turn, he found that it was not as simple as it seemed.

Is this capsule different?

He vaguely knew that the capsule monster was a masterpiece of the system, but the system had not made any movement during this period, and now he could not rely on it at all.

"Stop!" Lina screamed, shooting at Golzan non-stop, "Stop!"

"Bang bang bang!" Lina shot desperately, but the attack of the Victory Hyper Gun hit Golzan, barely splashing some sparks, and could not stop Golzan's steps at all.

"Shh--!" Golzan completely ignored Lina's attack and roared towards a huge cocoon-shaped fragment.

"Da Gu!"

"Damn!" Hearing Lina's shout from the front, Xia Long flashed and immediately used telekinesis, "Come back to me!"

A strong sense of fatigue emerged from the depths of his mind, and Xia Long gritted his teeth and concentrated his telekinesis completely on Golzan.


"Shh!" Golzan stopped and struggled frantically, especially when he saw the giant figure rushing out of the light in front of him, he couldn't stop roaring.


Glancing at the red and purple body from the corner of his eye, Xia Long groaned and continued to exert his strength.

After finally getting rid of the dark aura, things were just beginning to move in a positive direction, so no more mistakes could be made!

He must control Golzan's power!

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