Holding the pendant, Xia Long looked out the window with emotion.

In the peaceful city, there are many small black smokes gathering into the sky and blending into the unknown space.

This is?

Xia Long's eyelids twitched and he tried to put down the pendant. The strange scene suddenly disappeared and everything seemed normal.

"It's far from over." Staring at the sky, Xia Long felt an inexplicable chill behind his back. The feeling of peeping before came again. He couldn't help but hold the bronze rod tightly. "Not just Reiko, there will be a dark side in human hearts to a greater or lesser extent." …”

After his eyes stayed on the pendant for a moment, Xia Long picked it up and put it on again. Now that his own affairs have stabilized and he has regained the power of light, it is time to find Zaki, and to find Zaki, he still has to rely on the pendant.

"Roar!" Just as he was thinking about it, Xia Long heard a roar. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the black smoke in the air was unusually thick.

"Is it another monster?" Xia Long looked towards the coast in confusion. This time it seemed a little different. In addition to the roar, there was something faintly calling him.

After thinking about it, Xia Long put on his windbreaker and went out.

New development zone coast.

When Xia Long arrived, it was already dark and he found no trace of the monster.

Stepping onto the rocks at the seaside, Xia Long quietly felt the cold sea breeze.

His feeling was unmistakable. This place did have a faint aura of danger.

"Have you seen anything strange?" Xia Long found a couple fishing on the coast.

"Something strange?" The man thought for a while and said apologetically, "No, why is there anything strange happening in this place?"

"I'm hooked, Haransuke, hurry up, hurry up, I'm hooked!"

"Ah, really?" The man left Xia Long and ran to his wife's side excitedly, pulled up the fishing rod and said, "I'll do it!"

"It seems there is nothing we can do for the time being..."

Glancing at the deep sea, Xia Long shook his head and was about to leave when a strong flash of light suddenly erupted from the other end of the bay, and a violent aura flashed past.


Xia Long looked at the bright fire and his eyes narrowed.

"Oh my god, what was that just now? How could there be such a terrifying lightning?" The woman hugged her husband tightly, her face turned pale.

"Get out of here first!" Chao reminded the frightened couple, and Xia Long quickly ran towards the explosion site.

It's a monster!

The building at the explosion site was severely damaged, but fortunately it was just a power station.

"Sorry, this area was hit by lightning and there was a fire. You can't go there!"

Being stopped by the staff, Xia Long could only look at it from a distance.

No trace of the monster, disappeared?

Frowning slightly, Xia Long asked the staff: "Is it really lightning? Could it be a monster?"

"Monster?" The staff was quite surprised. "How could there be a monster in the development zone? It's just an accident."

Xia Long wanted to continue asking questions when he saw a strange figure out of the corner of his eye.

It was a young man who kept staring at the accident site, very strange.

this person……

Xia Long walked towards the man. There was a strange aura about this man.

The other party seemed to notice Xia Long and hurriedly turned around and left.

"Hey, wait!" Xia Long's face darkened and he took steps to catch up.

Over the calm coast, Feiyan-1 flew close to the sea.

"We have arrived over the new development zone," Dagu looked at the detector suspiciously and reported, "But the sensor has no abnormal reaction."

"Be careful, even if it's just for a moment," Ju Jianhui warned in the command room, "but there was indeed an unusually strong bioenergy reaction in that area!"

"Understood," Dagu nodded, suddenly looking towards the shore in surprise, "That's..."

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing." Dagu came back to his senses. He had vaguely seen Xia Long's figure just now, "I will continue to investigate now."

"Da da~" Xia Long followed the man into a hotel.

"You run so fast!" Looking at the empty corridor, Xia Long stopped helplessly.

A normal person would never be so fast. There is definitely something wrong with this person.

"Liangsuke, are you okay?" An exclamation came from upstairs, and Xia Long heard the sound and went up the stairs.

"I'm fine."

"You're always like this these days, you'd better go to the hospital!"

"It's none of your business."

Xia Long walked out of the stairs and saw a man and a woman in the corridor. The young man named Liangsuke was the strange man he was chasing.

"But..." The woman was quite worried.

"You go first, we can talk about anything tomorrow!" When the man saw Xia Long, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly pushed the woman beside him away.

"Did you do what happened on the coast?" Xia Long asked after the woman left.

"I don't understand what you mean," Ryosuke said coldly, "Please leave!"

Leaning against the wall, Xia Long let Liangsuke close the door.

If he remembered correctly, this person seemed to be a human who had been transplanted with Ebron cells.


A trace of embarrassment flashed in Xia Long's eyes.

There are dark corners in everyone's heart, even he who inherited the light is no exception. However, this Ryousuke opened up all the darkest corners in his heart, covering up the light that should be in the human heart.

Xia Long seems to feel the pain of Da Gu in the original play.

"Ah, yes, I won't go back these days. Tell Reiko not to worry about me." After leaving the hotel, Xia Long found a place to stay nearby and called Grandma Akiyama.

Looking through the window at the hotel opposite, Xia Long made a decision in his heart.

Try to avoid casualties caused by Ryosuke first, and then think of a way to save Ryosuke.

"Can humans overcome the darkness in their hearts?" Xia Long murmured, thinking of the fate of Ryosuke's death in the original play.

Reiko defeated the darkness, but to a large extent because Reiko was still young.


The next day, what Xia Long expected happened. The Ebron cells in Ryosuke's body broke out, and he sneaked into the energy center in urgent need of energy.

"What do you look like?" In the basement of the energy center, Xia Long frowned as he looked at the twisted figure of Ryosuke opposite.

"Hiss!" Ryosuke, who looked like a monster, had completely lost his mind and his body gradually grew larger.

This won't work.

Taking out the bronze rod, Xia Long rushed towards Ryosuke.

If he was allowed to grow larger here, he would inevitably hurt innocent people.

"Hah!" With a low cry, Xia Long unfolded the bronze rod, and the whole person was wrapped in white light. After dodging the monster's attack, he pushed the monster against the wall.

"Wow--" As the golden light circle spread, Xia Long disappeared with the monster.

"Who's over there?" The guard who heard the movement looked through the flashlight in confusion, "Strange, there was something just now."


(End of this chapter)

(Thoughts are a bit messy)

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