Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 156 Return to Kumamoto

Kumamoto City.

Xia Long stood in front of the high earth slope with a frown.

"What happened here?"

There were huge holes everywhere on the ground near the ruins, as if a group of monsters had drilled out of the ground, and the footprints all around destroyed the jungle.


Facing the breeze, Xia Long closed his eyes, and a vague picture appeared, roaring, roaring, and raging attacks.

"Roar--" In stark contrast to the calmness around him, Xia Long seemed to see more than one monster attacking Tiga, and the battle was fierce.

"Masaki Keigo..." Xia Long murmured after opening his eyes.

What was supposed to come still came, but I don't know what changes have been made compared to the original drama.

Looking up at the flying swallow hovering above his head, Xia Long set off towards the entrance of the ruins.

"Captain, Gao Shujun..." Horii exclaimed in the flying swallow.

"It's okay, you continue to search." Watching Xia Long gradually disappear in the cave on the screen, Ju Jianhui's thoughts fluctuated, and many scenes kept appearing in her mind.

"Gao Shu, who are you?"

Standing up from her seat, Ju Jianhui folded her arms and stared at the screen.

"Golzan... Tiga..."

The more she interacted with Xia Long, the more she couldn't understand.

After a pause, Ju Jianhui said: "Horui, the matter of finding the whereabouts of the Dagu team members will be handed over to others first, and you follow Gao Shujun to see the situation."

"Got it!"


"Da Da!"

Walking in the ancient passage, Xia Long remembered his experience some time ago.

There seems to be some connection between the super ancient ruins. Even in this kind of ruins that seem to have nothing to do with Tiga, it can stimulate Tiga's power, allowing him to have an intersection with the super ancient dark Tiga.

He didn't know whether it was a memory or a real time and space, but the feeling was really wonderful, completely different from the usual experience of transformation, without a trace of estrangement.

This situation also occurred for a moment when fighting against Dark Kirielod. If he could continue in that state...

Holding the bronze rod on his chest, Xia Long frowned slightly.

Let alone the state, he is now having difficulty even transforming. The side effects of overclocking have already appeared. I am afraid there will be a long period of weakness next.


Everything is caused by Zaki. If there is no Zaki, he probably won't choose the evolutionary path mentioned by the system, and the world will not be as chaotic as it is now.

In an invisible place, the world of Tiga has quietly shifted. At least there would never be a mysterious enemy who uses darkness everywhere, and there would be Masaki Keigo, who is probably still studying in the early stage, and it would not be as unstable as it is now.

The footsteps stopped at the end of the passage, and the dazzling light shone from Xia Long's head.


Looking around, whether it is the giant stone statue or the monster stone statue, they have disappeared without a trace, and only the huge hole above explains something.

"So those holes lead here." Following the sound of footsteps, Horii walked to Xia Long in amazement, "Did Gao Shu find anything?"

"It's a little late," Xia Long said after looking around the ruins, "the other party has taken the things away."

"Things?" Horii wanted to ask again, but Xia Long had already started walking back. He couldn't help but be stunned, "Hey, Gao Shu!"

"Please tell Captain Iruma Hui that the guy this time is called Masaki Keigo," Xia Long nodded gently after passing Horii, "Please pay more attention to the researcher in charge of the giant stone statue at TPC."

"Do you know Dr. Tango? Exactly..." Before he could react from the words, Horii looked at Xia Long's back and suddenly felt a little dazed, "Gao Shu, have we met somewhere before?"

"Why do you say that? Aren't we always meeting each other?" Xia Long looked strange.

"No, that..." Horii was stunned for a while, and smiled bitterly, "What am I talking about?"

"Beep!" The sound of the communicator interrupted Horii's embarrassment. He smiled embarrassedly and picked up the PDI.

"I'm Horii."

"There's something wrong with Kumamoto City, go and join us immediately!"

"Yes, I got it!"

"Abnormal?" Xia Long hurriedly followed Horii as he hurried away.

If it was Masaki Keigo, he should still be studying the giant stone statue at this time.

"Boom!" The huge shock interrupted Xia Long's thoughts. After he ran to the ground, he saw the giant floating above the city from a distance.

"Masaki Keigo!"

How could it be so fast?

"I'm a god..." The faint voice drifted along the wind, and Xia Long knew what was happening without getting close.

Out of control!

This is what happened in the original drama. Masaki Keigo pursued power excessively, but didn't consider whether he could control it at all. Not everyone can be like Daigu.

"Swoosh——" Seeing Horii passing by on the Flying Swallow, Xia Long paused and took out the bronze rod.

"I don't know where Daigu is now, I can only..." Gritting his teeth, Xia Long squeezed hard.


"Hu~" The light flashed and disappeared, unable to transform.


Looking at the giants that started to attack everywhere, Xia Long groaned and focused all his energy on the bronze rod.

Capsule Golzan was seriously injured and could not be used, and Da Gu was missing... No matter what, he had to transform!

"Come out--!"

His face was red and sweat was pouring down. Xia Long grabbed the bronze rod and raised it up.

"Hua——" When he was almost exhausted, the bronze rod finally reacted, and Xia Long turned into a ball of light and rushed towards the giant.

"Huh?" On the city street, the dark gray giant who was venting his anger felt the movement, and just turned around and was hit by the ball of light.

"Bang——!" The giant who was hit hard crashed several high-rise buildings before stopping.

"Asshole!" The giant stood up in a panic, as if he felt that his dignity was challenged, and he looked at the ball of light fiercely and roared, "I will kill you!"


As soon as he raised his hand and the energy began to run, the giant stopped moving and stared closely at the figure emerging from the ball of light.

"Is it you?"

"Beep-dong——" With the sound of the timer, Xia Long slowly raised his head and looked at the enemy. His red and purple body flashed from time to time, as if it would disappear in the next moment.

It was too reluctant...

"Hu~" After taking a breath, Xia Long stood up with difficulty.

At this moment, his situation was very bad. Not to mention fighting, even maintaining the transformation seemed so difficult.

"It's really you!" The giant put down his arm, his tone full of confusion, "There is no optogenetic gene, why..."

Seemingly unable to accept it, the giant trembled and looked at his hands, his breath fluctuated violently.

"Why——!" In the puzzled eyes of everyone, the giant suddenly hugged his head and roared.

"Whoosh~" The red light sounded faster and faster, Xia Long shouted and was about to attack, but the opponent suddenly rushed into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Masaki Keigo?" Without time to think about it, Xia Long's body softened and knelt on the ground, breaking away from the transformation in a virtual and real transformation.

"Just win like this? Just next time..."

"What's going on?" Outside the TPC temporary command tent, Zong Fang and his group looked at each other.

"Maybe," said Hui Jujian, thinking about the giant's strange behavior, "If it's him, something must have happened in the past."


"Huh~" The cold wind blew, and Xia Long climbed a high slope with a pale face and looked far away.

The sky was a little dim, vaguely foreshadowing the unrest in the future.

"Dagu..." Holding the wooden pillar of the shrine's torii, Xia Long felt the faint breath of light in the wind.

Masaki Keigo will definitely not stop here, and it is unrealistic to expect him to use his power correctly. In this case, I am afraid that I will have to rely on Dagu to get through the next.

With the light genetic gene from ancient times and the recognition of Tiga, Dagu has great potential. Moreover, it is also up to Dagu to gather the light of mankind.

"Ahem, Dagu must grow up as soon as possible!" Xia Long stared at the dense forest in the mountain with discomfort.

If it continues like this, it will only become more and more passive, just like this time, the other party almost succeeded, and he absolutely cannot accept the consequences of that.


Walking along the stairs and across a stone bridge, Xia Long saw Dagu leaning on the stone by the stream.

"Without the magic stick, I am nothing... I am just a useless ordinary person..." Xia Long was slightly startled when he heard Dagu mumbling to himself before he got close.

"What's the point of your appearance!" After standing quietly for a while, Xia Long shouted in a deep voice when he saw Da Gu staring at the stream.

"Gao...Gao Shu?" Da Gu sat up and looked at Xia Long in surprise, "You..."

"The enemy has appeared, what's the point of just sighing here?" Xia Long walked forward and swept his eyes over Da Gu, "Warriors, only those with a strong heart can be called warriors!"


"Da Gu, I have always believed in you, and everyone has always believed in you," Xia Long patted Da Gu on the shoulder and said, "Don't give up!"

"Gao Shujun, have you always known my identity?" Da Gu looked at Xia Long closely.

(End of this chapter)

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