Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 163 Mags Project

"Hiss, it hurts!"

On Tokyo Highway late at night, Sherlock's patrol car sped past.

"Takashu-kun, can you lower the height of the ball a little? Isn't it often said on TV that cultivation should be gradual?" On the co-pilot seat, Da Gu rubbed his shoulders painfully.

"That makes sense," Xia Long nodded in agreement, "But I believe you can do it, come on, stimulate your potential!"


"Even the weakest people have potential," Xia Long encouraged, sighing, "I used to be like this."

For Da Gu, it is enough to stimulate potential and exert the strength of Tiga. There is no need to spend a lot of effort to practice physical skills for the time being.

However, is the ball really too high...

"Speaking of which, I don't know Gao Shu-kun's past yet," Da Gu paused and said curiously, "I always feel that the information is weird... Uh, sorry, I accidentally read your information."

"It's okay, if I say I'm not from this world, do you believe it?" Xia Long adjusted the instrument and said.

"Not from this world? Gao Shujun can also joke, haha." Da Gu laughed, and was about to say something, but found a strange shadow at the intersection.

"Gao Shujun!"

"Yeah, I see it, it's it!" Xia Long picked up the Hyper gun and jumped out of the car. From a distance, he saw a strange-looking iron man walking towards this side, moving slowly, making a clanging sound when walking.

This thing seems to be...

Xia Long frowned and recalled the plot, but unfortunately, except for remembering the mechanical island and the Mags power system, he had no impression of anything else.

In fact, when Narumi sent him and Da Gu to investigate the rumors of the steel masked man that suddenly emerged recently, he felt a little familiar, as if it was the plot when TPC developed the Mags power system.

"No life reaction, it's a robot!" Facing the approaching iron man, Da Gu took the lead in shooting.

"Bang!" In the strange eyes of the two, the iron man was scattered into parts after only one attack.

"Why is it so weak?" Dagu picked up a part in confusion, "Takashu-kun, the robot is empty inside!"

"Report to the headquarters first." Xia Long frowned as he also picked up the hollow part.

Although I don't remember the details, the mechanical island seems to have caused the Victory Team a lot of suffering. The most important thing is that Dagu encountered a big crisis in this incident.

Looking at Dagu who was still fiddling with it, Xia Long showed a knowing smile on his face.

Pain is a good way to grow.


TPC headquarters.

Because Lina almost had an accident while experimenting with the Mags power system in outer space, the Victory team members and the developer Dr. Yawei had a dispute.

"Director Sawai, the propulsion energy used in the Mags plan has not yet reached the point where it can be tested with real people!" Zongfang stood up and said.

"You are talking nonsense, do you mean that the Mags system is no longer usable?" Dr. Yawei, who has been studying this plan for twenty years, said angrily.

Sawai looked around and thought: "Well, for Dr. Yabi's plan, many people in the Earth Peace United Committee also think it is not feasible."

"But for everyone in the GUTS team, this is a necessary force!" The accompanying TPC Police Bureau Chief Yoshioka stood up. He knew very well how weak humans were in front of monsters.


Let's not talk about the discussion here. After Xia Long and Da Gu finished their investigation, they began to return to the base. The iron men that appeared in the central area of ​​Tokyo were also transported back to the base by TPC.

Although Xia Long felt that the iron man was strange, he did not stop anything. On the one hand, he was indeed unfamiliar with the plot, and on the other hand, he did not interfere with the plot too much and gave Da Gu enough room for growth. If he was not afraid of any special situation, he would even want to take a leave and leave for a while.

"Slow down, pile them all here!"

"Be careful!"

"Come a little closer!"

At the bottom of the base, Xia Long was stunned as he looked at the gradually piled up iron man parts.

He always felt that these things were not simple.

After thinking about it, Xia Long took Da Gu to find the person in charge.

"These things are not safe, please ask everyone to pay more attention."

"Don't worry, we will arrange it!" The person in charge smiled, "But compared to this, the experiment is more troublesome..."

As he was talking, the base broadcast suddenly sounded.

"The power experiment will begin in 15 minutes. There will be some vibrations in the base. Please understand."

"Look," the person in charge smiled bitterly, "It's too frequent recently. If it happens at night, I can't sleep well."

"Then, please!" After looking at Da Gu, Xia Long nodded and walked towards the elevator.

What should happen will always happen, he just needs to pay more attention.

"By the way, is there no news from Masaki Keigo?" Xia Long asked on the way to the command room.

The current Tiga world has many more variables, and he is a little unsure of what will happen next. If the enemy launches an attack during this crisis, or multiple events occur at the same time, it will be bad.

The terrible thing is that several events in the original play happened to not appear. Apart from anything else, there is no sign of the second generation of Gazot appearing at all.

"I heard that the police department is in charge, but there is no news yet," Da Gu asked doubtfully, "Gao Shu-kun, do you think it could be someone from the police department..."

"Whatever you say, I have to go back to analyze the data, excuse me!" As the two were talking, a researcher wearing a white coat rushed out of the command room and walked towards Xia Long and the two.

"Are you Dr. Eight-Tails?" Dagu asked curiously.

"Yeah." After looking at the two of them, Dr. Yatsuo walked towards the elevator with a straight face.

"Who is he?" Xia Long narrowed his eyes. The other person was going downstairs.

"It seems he is the person in charge of Project Mags," Dagu explained, "Okay, Mr. Gao Shu, let's go in first."

"I'll leave for a while, and I'll leave the report to you!" After patting Dagu on the shoulder, Xia Long quickly followed Dr. Eight-Tails' footsteps.

"Hey, Gaoshu!" Seeing Xia Long's figure disappearing at the elevator entrance, Dagu said with a bitter smile, "I want to see it too!"

"Ding~" Just as the elevator door was about to close, Xia Long rushed in in time.

"Hello, doctor!"

Looking helplessly at the smiling Xia Long, Yawei muttered: "I didn't expect that the victory team is a bunch of conservative guys!"

Xia Long laughed a few times and asked, "I'm very interested in that Mags plan."

I remember that when he first entered the world of Tiga, he once attracted the attention of Mags's power system. Later, when he gained the ability to transform into Tiga, he gradually didn't take it to heart.

However, it happened to be the birth of Mags Power, so it would be a pity not to see it. He was also very curious and wanted to know about the black technology of Ultraman's world.

"Huh?" Eight-Tails looked at Xia Long in surprise, was stunned, and smiled, "Want to see with your own eyes the operation of the Mags power system?"


After reaching the bottom floor, Yawei took Xia Long into the F4 hangar.

What appeared in front of the two people was a huge spaceship, just like an ark.

"This is the Atdis equipped with the Magus power system," Dr. Yatsuo said happily. "I have wanted to build a big ship since I was a child. A particularly big ship that no one has ever seen."

Xia Long's eyes stayed on the exposed power system at the rear of the spacecraft.

"Yes, it has not been officially completed. It is still in the testing stage now," Yabi said regretfully, "But I believe that with the data sent back by Lina's team, the day of completion will not be far away!"

"I believe Doctor." Xia Long focused his attention on the glowing glass tubes, gestating with a strange energy.

"Start the power test now." As the announcement sounded, the light in the power part became stronger and stronger. For a moment, Xia Long felt that his body seemed to be full of energy.

"Okay, let's avoid it for a while. I'll take you to the laboratory to have a look..."

"Boom!" An explosion interrupted Dr. Eight-Tail's words, and sirens suddenly sounded in the base.

"What's wrong?"

"A large number of intruders were found in the base, and all personnel are on alert!"

"Those robots!" Xia Long instantly remembered the mechanical parts stacked on the bottom and quickly turned on the communicator.

"Member Gaoshu, there are many intruders heading towards the F4 hangar, yes, that's where you are!" Ye Rui said anxiously, "Everyone go over immediately to support, be careful!"

"Well, I understand!" Turning off the communicator, Xia Long glanced at the Atdis and turned around, "Doctor, get up there quickly. The enemy's target is probably the Mags system!"

"What? My research..."

"I will protect you!" After sending the doctor to the elevator, Xia Long nodded and said with a smile, "Leave it to me!"

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