Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 166 Target, Mechanical Island

"Bang!" A dull sound exploded from the bottom of the sea. As water splashed tens of meters high, Diga rushed into the sky holding the robot.

Dagu finally got out of trouble!

"Very good!"

On the deck, Xia Long looked up against the torrential sea water.

Although the indicators of Dagu and the robot have both entered the stage of crazy beeping, and the sounds are almost connected in a line, at least the crisis has been solved, and then there will be no problem as long as the robot explodes at high altitude.


"Boom!" Through the sea water, Xia Long suddenly felt an unusually large amount of energy rushing out of the robot's body, and his heart that had just been relieved couldn't help but pick up again.

"Come back quickly!" Seeing that Dagu continued to charge regardless, Xia Long quickly sent a message, but Dagu ignored him.


"Idiot!" Xia Long subconsciously used his telekinesis before he had time to think about it.


Crossing his arms, Xia Long's brain felt a sharp pain. The energy he had accumulated to its peak could not be restrained at all. After only a moment of stalemate, the robot exploded.

"Bang——!" There was a loud explosion, followed by a shock wave that flew him away and hit him hard on the water-soaked deck.

"Damn it..." Climbing up from the deck, Xia Long felt like his head was mushy and his ears were buzzing. He shook his head and immediately looked towards the sky. The explosion fire spread and almost enveloped the sea area, and the sky rumbled continuously. Endless.

"Da Gu!"

The remnants of the robot explosion were scattered in the sea water, and metals of unknown materials were floating everywhere, except for Diga.

Xia Long looked around and finally found the unconscious Dagu on one of the fragments.

"Huh~" Seeing this, Xia Long breathed a sigh of relief. Although his condition was not very good, at least he was still alive.

"Hey, I'm Gao Shu!" After confirming Dagu's position, Xia Long contacted the command room.

"Gao Shujun, how are you and Dagu now?" Hui Jian was the first to speak, his tone full of worry.

"The hangar was flooded by sea water. We escaped in time, but Dagu seemed to have been washed into the sea." Holding the communicator, Xia Long responded, "I will rescue him now. Is there any rescue facility at the base?"

"In the transport warehouse, there are lifeboats stored there." In the command room, after understanding the situation, Ye Rui stood up and said, "I'll go too!"

In space, Lina and her team encountered a crisis just after they recovered from the explosion. Countless robots rushed out of the mechanical island and suicidally collided with the Atdis.

"Woooo~" Fires appeared on the surface of the spacecraft, and the alarm system sounded.

"No, if this continues, this ship will not be saved!"

"We can only shoot them all down one by one!"

As a last resort, Shinjo and Horii piloted the Victory Feiyan to attack the mothership.

It will take 30 minutes for the Magus system to recharge. At that time, the Atdis can launch another attack. During this period, it can only rely on the Feiyan.

"Please, you must hold on!" Lina nodded.


Faced with countless robots, Xincheng and Horii struggled to support themselves.

"Damn it, don't underestimate us!"

Frowning at the picture on the screen, Munakata said helplessly: "After the Mags system is fully charged, let's return to Earth first!"

If this continues, the spaceship will never be saved. As a commander, he must be responsible for the safety of his team members and cannot make unnecessary sacrifices.

On the sea near the base, Xia Long and Ye Rui took a speedboat towards Dagu.

"I didn't expect you could drive a speedboat." Facing the biting sea breeze, Xia Long looked at Ye Rui in surprise.

"After a long time, Mr. Gao Shu will also know it." Ye Rui smiled sheepishly, pointed forward and said, "Over there!"

Splitting the waves, the speedboat flew toward the debris gathering area, and the two of them could clearly see Dagu.

"Slow down." He carefully lifted Dagu onto the boat, and Yerui got a first aid kit. "Fortunately, I brought it!"

Dagu's injury was much more serious than Xia Long thought. Although it was not life-threatening, he would probably have to spend a short time in the medical center.

"It's not a big problem." After doing some simple processing, Ye Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Xia Long murmured as he looked at the unconscious Da Gu.

In the original work, he just fainted and was not injured, but now it is like this. It is difficult to say that it is not due to the butterfly effect caused by him.

"It's nothing, I rarely have the chance to come out." Ye Rui thought Xia Long was talking to him, turned around and smiled, "Can you help me move this thing up?"

Seeing Ye Rui pointing at a piece of robot fragment, Xia Long nodded and said, "You want to take it back for research?"

"Of course, it doesn't mean that only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle," Ye Rui said with a smile, "right?"

"Yeah." Xia Long was stunned, not expecting to hear famous quotes from his hometown here.

After returning to the headquarters, Ye Rui took the fragments to the laboratory, while Xia Long stayed at the medical center.

"Really, everyone doesn't care about themselves so much!" In the ward, Mayumi wrapped a bandage on Dagu who woke up and said, "Just stay in bed these days and don't go anywhere!"

"Haha, I got it." Da Gu winked at Xia Long with a wry smile.

"How do you feel?" After Mayumi turned around and left, Xia Long walked to the bedside and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just not used to it." Dagu smiled. This was the first time he had been so seriously injured.

"However," Xia Long said seriously, "you clearly knew that the other party was about to explode, why didn't you let go and avoid it?"

"That way, the base would be in danger, wouldn't it?" Dagu rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Indeed, the robot was indeed very close to the base at that time.

Xia Long's eyes flashed and he scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about! If you weren't lucky, you might have died!"

"I just want to do what I can do, what a person should do." Dagu took out the divine light stick and looked at it quietly, "Although it's not very clear, I can feel Gao Shujun's pain... I can't do it unless I do it. Protecting your own life, but sacrificing the lives of many people for this is unforgivable... I seemed to hear this sentence when I was in Kumamoto City last time. "

"You, how could you do this?" Xia Long's pupils narrowed.

"Who are team members Gaoshu?" Dagu looked at Xia Long in confusion, always feeling that there was a layer of confusion.

"I am your friend," Xia Long calmed down and replied, "You should have a good rest and leave the rest to me."

The matter on Mechanical Island has not yet been resolved, and he must join this battle.

"Can't Mr. Gao Shu transform now?" Seeing Xia Long turning around to leave, Da Gu said anxiously, "From the beginning, I doubted..."

"Don't worry, it was due to some special circumstances. Now I have recovered." Xia Long paused and continued walking towards the command room.

There is still time to recover, but even if he can't transform, there must be a way to solve the mechanical island.

"Captain!" When Xia Long entered the command room, he found that Director Sawai and his team were also inside.

It seems the situation is serious.

"How's Team Dagu doing?" Sawai stood up and asked after seeing Xia Long.

"In the medical center, there is no big problem. I just need to rest for a few days." Xia Long nodded, looked at the screen and said, "How is the Atdis?"

"It was sucked into the mechanical island!" Hui Jian said in a deep voice.

"Member Gaoshu, the opponent is a mechanical life form that wants to destroy the Mags power system. Mags power makes the opponent active and has the ability to move," Ye Rui explained on the main screen, "We plan to reverse the process on the mechanical island. Bit turned Maggs power system, passed the test machine!”

"Let me go!"

(End of chapter)

(Uh, thank you everyone)

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