Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 189 The Wanted Man

"Tokyo is here... Welcome to take it next time..."

After waiting for a few hours at the station, Xia Long first took the shuttle bus, then transferred to the Shinkansen, and finally arrived in Tokyo in the morning.


He got off the bus with his suitcase, and heard noisy voices beside him.

"Make way, I'm going to Saitama Prefecture!"

"Lizi, I'm in Tokyo!"

It was only morning, and the station was crowded with people. Xia Long rubbed his eyes, subconsciously pulled up his scarf a little, and walked out with the crowd leaving the station.

"Mom, look, it's Ultraman!" At the exit of the station, Xia Long was about to leave when he suddenly heard the cheers of a little boy next to him.


He looked over in surprise, only to find that it was just an image on TV.

At the door of the convenience store, a boy with a schoolbag on his back pulled the woman's hand and pointed at the TV on the shelf of the convenience store and said, "Mom, is Ultraman a hero?"

"Of course it is." The woman smiled and picked up the boy.

"Then, Lian will also be a hero when she grows up." The crisp voice flowed through Xia Long's heart like running water, making him stop in his tracks.

"Of course you can," the woman wrinkled her nose and pretended to be serious, "but being a hero is very hard."

"Lian is not afraid of hardship!" The little boy said stubbornly, as if he was very dissatisfied with his mother's suspicion.

"Oh, really?" The woman laughed and said triumphantly, "Then should Lian do her homework well in the future?"

"Ah? Do heroes have to do homework too?" The boy's voice weakened, and he fiddled with his fingers, looking embarrassed.


Xia Long looked up at the scenes flashing on the TV, including Da Gu's battle scenes and his.

"TPC issued an emergency notice, the former Victory team member Gao Shulong, whose real identity is the monster Gorzan, is currently suspected of fleeing to Tokyo. I hope the general public will pay attention..." Suddenly a news broadcast came in.

"Me?" Looking at his own avatar on the screen, Xia Long didn't react for a while.

A wanted order has been issued!

"Mom, that big brother looks so familiar."


Xia Long came back to his senses and saw the boy looking at him curiously. He paused and turned away quickly.

This is bad!

"Really?" Looking at Xia Long's leaving figure, the woman smiled indifferently, "Okay, let's go quickly!"

Xia Long breathed a sigh of relief and didn't dare to stay in a crowded place. After reaching a corner, he dodged into the alley.

I don't know if it's because of preconceived ideas. Every time he saw a police car, he felt that they were searching for him. Under consideration, he didn't dare to take a taxi, but went to the south of the city carefully.

"I wonder how Grandma Akiyama is now?"

After arriving in the south of the city, Xia Long did not immediately go to find Grandma Akiyama and Lingzi, but watched from a distance, because when he tried to get close, he was immediately cast with several eyes.

"Are you following?"

He has a special identity now. It seems that the senior executives of TPC have arranged more than one secret sentry around the Akiyama family.

After a pause, Xia Long pulled up his scarf and pretended to be a passerby and walked in another direction. Seeing that he was not going to Qiushan's house, those eyes quickly gave up their attention.

"Do you think that Victory player is really a monster?"

"I don't know."

Passing by the door of a convenience store, Xia Long faintly heard a few TPC members in casual clothes whispering.

Glancing at a few people with his peripheral vision, Xia Long frowned and walked forward quickly.

It seems that he can't come back for the time being.

"Hey, wait a minute," suddenly, a TPC staff member noticed Xia Long, "Can you take off your scarf?"

Xia Long paused.

Did you find it?

"Have you seen this person?" The other party didn't seem to notice Xia Long's abnormality, and took out a photo and walked towards Xia Long.

Seeing the other party approaching step by step, Xia Long sighed lightly, flashed, and rushed to the corner of the street.

"You..." The TPC staff stared at the afterimage in front of them in a daze, and after a while they reacted and shouted, "Catch him!"

"Don't run!"

The whole street was bustling. Xia Long didn't need to look back, he could feel no less than a hundred breaths with his mind.

It was exactly the treatment of alien invaders, except that the Victory Team was not dispatched.

Xia Long was moving like lightning. He had to go to a crowded place first. Only by confusing the sight could he completely get rid of TPC's tracking.

"Why are you running so fast?" On the crowded street, the pursuers followed Xia Long closely, and the sound of sirens could be heard faintly in the distance.

"Don't shoot, there are too many people here!" someone shouted.

Quickly getting rid of the pursuers, Xia Long ran into a shopping mall with a box. When he was about to go upstairs, he saw two figures walking down with the crowd.

Why are there here too?

Xia Long stopped, and after a while, the other party also saw him and sped up immediately.

Looking back, those who had been far behind him caught up again, and there were even several police cars parked at the entrance of the mall.

"Evacuate the crowd immediately!"

There were police everywhere.

Looking around, Xia Long ran towards a descending escalator.

"Make way!" Ignoring the screaming crowd, Xia Long pushed upward in the opposite direction.

"You guys hurry up!" Someone called from below.

At the same time, the mall broadcast sounded: "Dear customers, due to special circumstances, please leave the mall in an orderly manner!"

We can’t stay here for long.

Xia Long immediately made a decision. If he continued like this, the police outside would form a circle and he would be trapped in the mall.

“These guys, can’t they think about it? If I were a monster, would I still have to run like this?” Xia Long smiled bitterly and kept walking through the mall.

When he passed a clothing store, he saw that no one was following him for the time being, so he quickly picked out a windbreaker and a hat and put them in the box.

“I’m very sorry, this is 1,000 yen!” Leaving the coins, Xia Long hurried away in the surprised eyes of the clerk.

“Bang~ Bang!” Breaking a glass baffle, Xia Long endured the pain and jumped outside.

Following the wind, he adjusted his position slightly and glided onto a tram that happened to pass by.

“Don’t let him escape!” The pursuers in the mall were dumbfounded. They didn’t have such skills and could only continue to page.


Jumping off the tram, Xia Long crossed several streets in a row and finally got rid of the pursuit.


"Where is this?" Xia Long looked around and found that he had unknowingly come to the vicinity of Jingnan Dojo.

Needless to say, there must be someone watching here.

Xia Long secretly cursed his bad luck. Before he calmed down, he had already seen the flow of people outside Jingnan Dojo.

Helplessly, he could only move again and go into an alley.

After a while, hurried footsteps came from outside.

"Where is it? Has anyone seen it?"

"No target found? Keep searching!"

In the dim alley, Xia Long jumped up and supported himself against the walls on both sides, holding his breath.

"No one here either!"

A soldier was searching without noticing the figure above his head. He kicked down the trash can in the alley, and when he saw that there was really no hiding place, he left quickly.

"Pop!" After patiently waiting for the footsteps to fade away, Xia Long jumped to the ground.

"I don't think he'll come back for now."

After confirming that it was safe, Xia Long opened his suitcase and took out his windbreaker to change into. As for the scarf, he thought about it and decided to cover his face with it. Although it was a bit conspicuous, it was better than nothing, and there were many young people wearing scarves in this weather.

There was also a hat, which Xia Long put on his head. With the weak light, he looked like a detective.

"Have you heard? That Gao Shulong turned out to be a monster."

"Will he eat people?"

"I heard his head is as big as a pumpkin!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It should be as big as a house!"

Walking naturally on the street, Xia Long found that the rumors about him were spreading everywhere, and after a circle, it turned into a monster legend.

A cute little girl grabbed the corner of her brother's clothes in fear and said crisply: "So~ scary!"

Xia Long opened his mouth, wanting to clarify the facts, but couldn't say anything.

Perhaps, this was also a plan of Kirino...

Walking slowly to the steps in front of a building, Xia Long sat down silently, his fingers involuntarily pressing the bronze rod in his arms.

"Big brother, do you want some cookies?" The little girl hesitated and handed Xia Long a piece of bear biscuit.

Xia Long stared blankly at the little hand stretched out in front of him, raised his head, and found that it was the child just now, about 4 or 5 years old, who seemed a little afraid of him, but at least he did not retreat.

"Thank you," Xia Long shook his head and smiled, "Brother is not hungry."

"Yumiko, how many times have I told you not to approach strangers casually," the girl's brother rushed over to block in the middle and apologized to Xia Long, "Sorry, I bothered you."

"Ah, it's okay." Seeing the brother and sister hurried away, Xia Long was quite embarrassed.

Shaking his head, just as he was about to leave, a quarrel suddenly came from the crowd not far away.

"Takashu-kun can't be a monster!" The voice sounded familiar. Xia Long looked carefully and saw Xiao Wu's figure in school uniform, carrying a schoolbag in her hand, as if she had just come out of school.

"That being said, since TPC said so, it should be correct." People shook their heads and dispersed.

"Gao Shujun, Gao Shujun..." Xiao Wu almost cried, but she didn't know how to refute.

"Xiao Wu, it's useless," Xiao Wu's classmate advised, "Let's go to TPC to ask clearly."

"At such an important time, I, I can't help at all!" Xiao Wu sobbed, "Gao Shujun must be very disappointed..."

"If that Gao Shulong is really the Ultraman Xiao Wu said, he should be very disappointed with humans."

Xiao Wu...

Xia Long wanted to go forward, but thinking that there might be police around, he stopped in the end.

"Xiao Wu, as an Ultraman, I will not be disappointed because of these things, I will only work harder to defeat the enemies in the dark!"

Across the pedestrians, Xia Long looked at Xiao Wu quietly.

If you give up after encountering this little setback, how can you be called an Ultraman?


Suddenly a loud noise came from behind Xia Long, and before he could come to his senses, the whole ground shook, as if there was an 8-magnitude earthquake.

"Ah——!" The panicked scream pierced the sky.

"What happened?"

Xia Long tiptoed, steadied himself, and looked back. He saw a figure several dozen meters tall emerging from the ground amid the falling dirt and rocks. The surrounding high-rise buildings continued to collapse, and the people who had no time to escape were buried in the ruins.

"Roar!" A violent roar resounded, and the refugees fled from Xia Long in panic.

Standing in the crowd, Xia Long's expression changed drastically.


"Why at this time?"

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