"Roar——" The violent flames burst out, and with a loud bang, two huge figures were covered by the earth, rocks and smoke.

"Dragon——!" On the ground, Xiao Wu broke through the police line frantically, looking at the spreading flames with red eyes, "Dragon..."

"Come back quickly!"

"Wait, what is that?" Xiao Wu stopped in a burst of exclamations and stared blankly in the direction of the monster.

"Huh?" Kirino, who was originally planning to leave, also stopped and frowned as he looked at the battlefield.

"Roar!" The smoke dissipated, and a more shocking roar swept away. In the horrified eyes of the people, a familiar monster appeared in front of Ultraman.

"Brother, Golzan?" Sugita widened his eyes.

If he was not mistaken, this suddenly appearing Golzan seemed to have blocked the attack for the giant, and the monster on the opposite side...

Sugita moved his Adam's apple.

The monster on the opposite side had a big hole in its neck, and fell heavily to the ground amid Golzan's roar, making a huge muffled sound.

The city suddenly became strangely quiet, with only the sound of the red light on Xia Long's chest and Golzan's low roar echoing.

"Flame Golzan?" Kirino was only surprised for a moment, and soon came to his senses. Seeing Golzan roaring at him vigilantly, he chuckled and said, "Interesting, but..."


The terrifying dark energy gathered, and as Kirino took out a black flash lens, a strong black light wrapped him and descended on the battlefield.

"Shock!" The black light dissipated, and a huge gray body appeared in front of everyone.

"What is that?" Sugita asked in confusion, "The black giant!"

Dark Tiga!

Xia Long looked at the giant in front of him solemnly, clenching his fists tightly.

Why is this happening? Why can Kirino become Dark Tiga?

"The game is over, Gao Shulong," Tongye snorted coldly and walked towards Xia Long, "I will deal with you personally!"

"Roar——" Golzan's eyes became sharp and he roared. His instinct made him feel the extreme danger of the enemy in front of him.

"Hmph." Not caring about Golzan's hostility, Tongye casually raised his arm and easily blocked Golzan's energy attack.

"Do you think a monster of this level can be useful to me?" Tongye's eyes flashed purple.

Not good!

"Come back!" Sensing the strange energy acting on Golzan, Xia Long hurriedly recalled Golzan.

"Swish!" Among the broken ruins, Xia Long stood up and caught Golzan who had turned into a capsule.

He is not in a good state now. The side effects of forced transformation are undoubtedly great. Last time, he could hardly maintain the transformation. This time is better. At least he has persisted until now, but it has reached his limit.

He considered the consequences before the transformation, but he didn't expect Tongye to be so deliberate in planning for him.

"Beep! Beep!" The timer began to enter the final stage, and time was getting tighter.


Xia Long solemnly put on the starting posture, with high concentration.

"Wow!" With his legs shaking, Xia Long gathered his strength and took the lead in attacking.

"Kirino!" With his waist and hips rotating, Xia Long kicked towards Kirino with great force.

"Bang!" With a heavy impact, Xia Long's attack stopped at Kirino's side, and a strong arm blocked the kick.

The strong wind brought by the shock wave blew away the dust around Kirino, but did not cause any harm to him.

"Not enough strength," Kirino said, "If this is all I have, I'm sorry for all the effort I put in!"

"Shhh!" Xia Long ignored the other party's sarcasm, and used his waist again to push forward with his legs.

"Hmph." Kirino still blocked with his arms, motionless, "Are you done? It's my turn!"

How could it be?

Seeing that the attack with all his strength did not make Kirino retreat even a step, Xia Long was shocked.

Their strengths were completely different!

"Bang!" Before he could prepare for the next attack, a powerful force came, and Kirino grabbed his attacking leg with his backhand and spun violently.

"Wow——" Without any room for fighting back, Xia Long's whole body turned upside down and was thrown away fiercely.

Under the huge force, he smashed a piece of ruins like a cannonball.


Amid the roar, the earth and rocks covered Xia Long again.

"How could this happen? Why did the two giants fight?" Sugita looked at the direction where Xia Long landed in despair.

"It's over!" Kirino snorted coldly.

"Swish!" The surging purple-black energy gathered in front of Kirino, and a beam of light shot directly at Xia Long who staggered up.

"Don't..." Xiao Wu's exclamation had not yet come out, and the extremely terrifying light hit Xia Long's body.


"Beep!" The sound of the red light stopped abruptly.

"I..." Xia Long stared blankly at the golden light spots flying away from his body.

Lost, lost...

"Wow!" The light spots flew away quickly, passing through the space and merging into Tongye's body. In an instant, Xia Long was out of the transformation and fell to the ground with the remaining light.

"I accept your power." Tongye absorbed the last light particles, glanced coldly at Xia Long, who was on the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and flew into the sky with a swish.

"Run!" The fire was still spreading, and the aftermath of the disaster had not yet subsided. The crowd fled in panic.

Xia Long fainted on the ground, and people who fled passed by him one after another. The Golzan capsule rolled to the side at some point, making bursts of mournful cries.

"Make way!" Xiao Wu panted as she walked through the crowd, anxiously running towards the direction where the light fell.

"Long..." Seeing Xia Long lying on the ground from a distance, she didn't care about resting and rushed to Xia Long without taking a rest.

"Long, wake up, wake up!" Holding Xia Long, Xiao Wu's eyes were red and she choked with sobs.

"The building here is going to collapse, leave quickly!" The chaos continued, and pedestrians hurriedly ran past the two of them.

Smoke floated around unconsciously, choking Xiao Wu to cough.


Looking up at the ruins of the building behind her, the terrible sound made her face pale.

Gritting her teeth, Xiao Wu used all her strength to carry Xia Long on her back.

"Long, I won't let you die!"

Tears flowed down her cheeks, and Xiao Wu struggled to keep up with the crowd.

"Don't die, wuwu..."


In the distant South Pacific, a huge island emerged from the sea at some point, surrounded by dark clouds, and soon spread in all directions.

Above the island, huge energy gathered to form a space vortex, connecting with the subspace below Luluye.

At this time, a huge spaceship was slowly flying into the subspace.

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely recognize that this spaceship was TPC's ultimate weapon, Atreus.

Inside the spaceship, in the cockpit, Sawai, Yoshioka and the Victory Team were all present.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Sawai broke the silence and said, "I underestimated Kirino's ambition."

"Sawai, I am also responsible for this matter." Seeing his old friend's bleak appearance, Yoshioka stood up with a gloomy face.

After Xia Long left TPC, Kirino immediately controlled the entire TPC. Not only did he use his strange ability to disintegrate most of the police officers, but he also received support from a group of senior officials.

Under the coup, the unwilling high-level officials like Zei and the Victory Team were placed under house arrest, and today, for some unknown reason, they were forced to drive the Atredis to Luluye.

"Where is this?" Lina looked at the screen in surprise at the console.

This world has not developed space technology. After witnessing the Luluye space, everyone was shocked.

"Yes, this is the Luluye super-ancient ruins discovered by Plan F." Zei nodded, and his forehead had a few more wrinkles unnaturally.

When he first discovered this place, although he had some doubts, he was undoubtedly more excited, but he didn't expect today...

"There really is such a place," Horii smacked his lips, "What an incredible civilization!"

"But why did Kirino ask us to come here?" While Shinjo was operating the instrument, he looked at the fully armed soldiers at the door with fear.

It was these soldiers who controlled the entire TPC. Shinjo really couldn't understand why these guys were so determined to work for Kirino, and those high-level officials didn't care about the lives of humans at all, and didn't care when they heard that monsters appeared in Tokyo.

Unfortunately, after the house arrest, the equipment of the Victory Team was taken away, otherwise...

Reluctantly retracting his gaze, Xincheng could only grit his teeth in hatred.

"I remember that the new giant can also create such a space, is it possible," Dagu stood up, thinking of Kirino's eagerness to capture Xia Long, and couldn't help thinking, "Could it be related to this?"

When he woke up, he found that his transformation device had been taken away by Kirino. He could not transform and could only watch Kirino control TPC.

Looking at the darkness outside the spaceship, Dagu said silently in his heart: "Now everyone's hope is only you, Gao Shu, you must not be in trouble."


(End of this chapter)

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