Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 196 Inheritance of Light (Part 2)

"Wow!" The surging power exploded, and Hitler had no time to react. His body flew backwards and smashed into the ruins. He knocked down a building and cried miserably.

"How could this happen?" The light spread, and Kirino looked at the purple and red giant that suddenly appeared in the ruins, his face fluctuating constantly, "How could this be possible?"

"This feeling," Camilla stared at Xia Long, her cold eyes seemed to pierce Xia Long, "Why do I have this familiar feeling?"

"Camilla." Ignoring Hitler's screams and Darram's vigilance, Xia Long looked at Camilla quietly, and memories that did not belong to him kept emerging in his mind.

Shouts, cries, and the tragic scene of the end of the world appeared in front of Xia Long.

Desperate darkness, the world-destroying fire that burned everything, and the ruined ancient buildings...

"Superman, Tiga!"


"What are you hesitating about? Kill that woman!"



"Di, Tiga?" Everyone in the Victory Team, Sawai, and Yoshioka were attracted by the brilliant light in front of them.

"It's the new giant!" Horii was the first to come back to his senses, and looked at the arm guard on the giant's left hand excitedly, "It's the giant who can create subspace!"

"But," Shinjo stared, "How could he appear here? Could it be..."

"It's Takaki." Souma said in a deep voice, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, "It seems that this kid is hiding very deep!"

Indeed, he always thought that Xia Long could only control Golzan.

"Takaki-kun? No wonder last time..." Horii murmured, and then seemed to remember something and said to everyone, "Since Takaki can be Tiga, what about the other Tiga?"

He suddenly thought of the problem that everyone had always ignored when studying giants, that is, giants can become humans or humans can become Ultraman.

"Now is not the time to think about these things," Daigu interrupted Horii, staring at the screen closely, "We can't let him fight alone!"

"Daigu is right," Iruma nodded and ordered, "We can't let Gaoshu fight alone! Victory Team..."

"Humans can't stop the revival of darkness!" A laugh came from the door, and everyone looked back and found a police soldier holding a weapon against the room.

"Human?" Iruma frowned, "Who are you?"

"Humans' resentment is too strong. It has been 30 million years since their death, and they are still making that curse sound!" The soldier continued with a stiff expression.

"What are you talking about?" Horii said angrily, "At this time, do you still want to help that Kirino?"

The soldier smiled strangely and pointed the gun at Horii: "You also join their team!"

"Be careful!" Shinjo exclaimed.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out, Horii stared, and opened his mouth to shout.

It's just...

"Am I dead?" Touching his body in doubt, Horii found that he didn't seem to be shot, but the soldier at the door fell down and turned into a monster.

"These guys are all transformed by Saga." Masaki walked in with a team of guards, nodded to Director Sawai and Chief Yoshioka, and then said to Iruma Kei, "I have dealt with all the enemies on this ship. You should find a way to restore power and help Takaki!"

"Sorry for bothering you!" Iruma Kei looked at Masaki strangely, and quickly ordered, "Dagu, Shinjo and the deputy captain drive the Feiyan to assist Takaki, and the others should repair the Atlas as soon as possible!"


At this time, the light in the ruins completely subsided.

"Asshole!" Hitler screamed and stood up from the ruins, angrily raised his right arm to gather energy, "Go to hell!"

The thick beam of light burst towards Xia Long, making a series of "chi chi" sounds.

Recovering from his memory, Xia Long did not dodge and let Hitler's beam hit him.

"Shh!" Under Hitler's horrified gaze, Xia Long shouted, absorbing the energy of the beam and merging it into his body.

Energy absorption!

Absorbing dark energy and converting it into his own attack and returning it to the enemy, it happened once in the last battle against the god Kirielod, but this time, Xia Long had an instinctive feeling.

"Wow--" The body shook, and the more powerful attack beam was counterattacked by Xia Long.

"Ah--" Hitler had no time to avoid it, and his whole body was instantly penetrated by the beam and shattered.

"Hitler!" Darram on the side shouted in a deep voice, looking at Xia Long angrily, clenching his fists and saying, "You, go to hell!"

Xia Long did not move until Darram rushed in front of him and then grabbed the other party's arm with lightning speed.

"Hah!" Darram angrily tried to break free, but found that he could not move at all.

"Give it back to you!" With a cold shout, Xia Long's physical strength burst out and threw the other party away violently.

"Ugh!" Durham hit the stone wall hard, cried out in pain, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Damn it!" He stood up angrily and said, "I will use my own power to bury you here!"

"Wow!" He raised his right hand, and a bright light formed in Durham's hand, and then slammed to the ground.

"Bang!" A series of explosions sounded on the ground, approaching Xia Long quickly along a straight line, covering Xia Long with earth, rocks and fire.

"What's wrong?" Dagu flew out of Atlas in the Flying Swallow 1 and saw this scene, "Gao Shu!"

"It's over, haha." Daram laughed.

"Fool, didn't you see what happened just now?" Camilla sneered, staring at the falling dust, "He can convert dark energy into light, just like 30 million years ago!"

"Huh?" Daram reacted and looked at the explosion site quickly. Suddenly, a powerful light bullet that kept getting bigger appeared in his eyes.


"Bang bang bang!" Under the violent explosion, Daram turned into pieces.

"It's you," Camilla looked at Xia Long with hatred without caring about the life and death of her men, and her body suddenly rose into the air, "You finally appeared, in this place where we once loved each other, but..."

Camilla took out a weird flash prism, and with the black and purple halo bursting, a female giant with a terrifying aura appeared in front of Xia Long.

"What a pity, now we can only kill each other!"

Looking at the dark giant Camilla in front of him, Xia Long felt a little awkward.

Strictly speaking, neither he nor Da Gu is Tiga, but the successor of Tiga's light. When they fight, they will not just seal up the dark giants like the ancient Tiga did.

In the final analysis, Camilla is just a poor person who has lost herself.

"Ha!" Unlike Xia Long's calmness, Camilla's heart is boiling like boiling water, and she raised her hand and whipped Xia Long with a whip of light.

"Shh!" Grabbing the whip of light close to him, Xia Long began to turn the energy of his whole body.

His current energy is not much stronger than Camilla's, so he can't be arrogant, not to mention that there is a covetous Kirino below.

With a flash of pity in his eyes, Xia Long shouted, pulled the whip of light, and the surging energy burst out from his legs, kicking Camilla with a burst of white light.


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