Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 198 Glory (Subscribe, monthly ticket required)

"Boom!" Amidst the lightning, a huge black vortex formed in the black fog. The dark energy sleeping in Luluye boiled up and turned into a wave to pour towards Kirino. For a moment, desperate resentment spread in the ruins.

"The energy continues to expand," in the Atredis, Nori exclaimed as he looked at the analysis data, "Oh my God, how can there be such a terrible power!"

"If this goes on, humans..." Iruma Hui's face tightened and he asked quickly, "How long will it take for the Max power system to be activated?"

"At least 10 minutes!" Horii said frustratedly, "It's too late!"

"10 minutes..." Iruma Hui looked heavily at the darkness that was changing dramatically.

Everyone knew that even if the Mags power was activated, it might not be able to stop Kirino, but...

"Captain, I'll delay time!" Xia Long's voice rang in Iruma Hui's heart.

"Takagi?" Iruma Hui stepped forward and looked at Xia Long who had difficulty standing up on the screen, and asked worriedly, "Can you still fight now?"

Such a strong explosion, not only Kirino, but also everyone in TPC could see that Xia Long had basically lost his fighting ability.

"I can!" Xia Long stared at Kirino who was wrapped in darkness and rolled into the air, and continued to transmit his thoughts, "I can still fight!"

"Zaki!" He solemnly felt the terrifying aura bred in the black fog. Zaki, who had been defeated by him, would come in a more powerful posture this time.

"I will never let this world be destroyed!" Xia Long clenched his fists, endured the impact of countless negative energies, and ran towards Kirino in the center of the storm.

"Bang!" A series of footsteps resounded in the space, attracting everyone's attention.

"Takagi!" Shinjo shouted, "Don't mess around, you are now..."

"Scare!" Ignoring Shinjo's dissuasion, Xia Long suddenly transformed into an aerial form and rushed towards Kirino with the sound of the red light on his chest.

"Damn it!" Seeing Xia Long flying towards the darkness like an ant trying to shake a tree, Xincheng shouted and hurriedly pushed the joystick.

"Xincheng, Feiyan 2 has not been debugged yet!" Zongfang said in a deep voice behind.

"It's too late now," Xincheng shook his head indifferently and shouted, "Da Gu, you cover us and let this guy taste the power of Feiyan 2!"

"Got it!" Da Gu nodded and debugged Feiyan 1 to the best state.

"Captain," Lina suddenly stood up in the Atlas and said, "I'll help them too!"

"Wait a little longer." Iruma Hui stared at Xia Long who was rushing towards the darkness, and a layer of sweat appeared on his palms.

"Shock!" Under the churning dark ocean, Xia Long and Kirino confronted each other in the air.

Kirino looked at Xia Long and sneered, "Your body has reached its limit, right? What else can you do now?"

"Shhh!" Xia Long did not respond, but raised his hand and shot a beam of light at Kirino, but the other party waved it away without causing any ripples.

Is it not possible?

Xia Long clenched his fists.

No matter what, we must buy time for the Atlas!

"Shhh!" Giving up the light attack that consumes a lot of energy, Xia Long transformed into a red powerful form and kicked at Kirino angrily.

"Humph! How stupid!" Kirino snorted coldly, and a dark ball of light instantly condensed in his palm, "No one can stop me!"

"This is..."

The purple-black energy column came towards him, and Xia Long did not even have time to dodge. The attack was directly disintegrated, and his body was blown away by the beam and hit the two Feiyans.

"Gao Shu!" Xin Cheng controlled Feiyan 2 to avoid Xia Long's body, and looked at Tong Ye angrily, "Asshole! Let's take care of you! Have a taste of the Texas gun!"

"Swish!" Super strong light burst out from the front of Feiyan 2, and fell directly on Tong Ye in the excited eyes of Xin Cheng and others.


"Boom!" The explosion light dissipated, and an energy barrier appeared in front of Xin Cheng and others, and Tong Ye in the middle was not damaged at all.

"Damn! It's useless!" Xin Cheng gritted his teeth and pounded the panel hard. Seeing a beam of light in front of Tong Ye again, he hurriedly shouted, "Da Gu, retreat!"

"Want to leave?" Tong Ye sneered.

"F--!" Before the two Feiyans turned back, the purple-black light beam burst out.

"Bang!" The strong explosion light wave filled Xin Cheng's eyes, and he blocked his eyes uncomfortably.

"Gao Shu!" Da Gu's cry of pain sounded in the headset. Xin Cheng endured the pain and opened his eyes. As the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, a huge red body appeared in front of Feiyan.

"Gao Shu..." Xin Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the figure who was kneeling helplessly, and shouted in pain, "Gao Shu!"

At the critical moment, Xia Long stood in front of Feiyan and took Tong Ye's attack.

"Beep! Beep!" The tearing feeling spread throughout Xia Long's body, and the sound of the red light also connected into a line, and finally there was a tendency to go out.

"Gao Shulong!" Tong Ye looked at Xia Long indifferently, and the attack in his hand paused.

"Kirino..." Xia Long struggled to stand up, "The real battle will begin now, now!"

"What are you insisting on?" Kirino glanced at Xia Long coldly, "What is it for? You have no hope at all! You have already lost!"

"Because I am a human being," Xia Long struggled to make a starting gesture, "I have friends, teammates, relatives, and so many important partners. How can I allow you to destroy this world!"

Staring at Kirino wrapped in darkness, Xia Long continued: "Kirino, have you forgotten your identity as a human being?"

"Human?" Kirino looked down at his body, and suddenly laughed like crazy, "Human? Am I a human?"

"Stop it, Kirino!" Xia Long scolded in a deep voice, and everyone in TPC also quieted down, holding their breath and watching Kirino in the dark.

"Stop joking!" The laughter stopped abruptly, and with a roar, Kirino suddenly shot a series of light bullets at Xia Long.


"Bang bang bang!" The dense light bullets swallowed Xia Long, and the rumbling explosion made the entire ruins vibrate.

"Beep dong!" The dust settled, and Xia Long's huge body was revealed, lying quietly in the ruins. The red light on his chest flashed several times and suddenly went out, and his milky white eyes gradually dimmed.

"How could it be?" Lina and others were stunned by the giant covered by dust.

"Gao Shu, stand up!" Xin Cheng drove the Feiyan 2 over Xia Long and screamed, "Stand up, Gao Shu!"

The expected miracle did not happen. Instead, Xia Long could not even cancel the transformation and his body turned into a stone statue.

"Gao Shu..." Iruma Hui looked closely at Xia Long, who seemed to be integrated with this relic, this giant tomb, and his body could not help but stand up.

"I won't give you another chance this time!" Kirino snorted coldly, and then raised his hand to blow up the stone statue.

"Stop, stop!" Da Gu shot at Kirino frantically with red eyes, but it seemed like itching. Kirino ignored it and made up his mind to destroy the stone statue.

"Captain, Max system is fully charged!" Just when everyone was anxious, Nori suddenly said in surprise.

Seeing that Kirino was about to attack, Iruma Hui came to his senses and quickly ordered: "Quick, attack!"

"Fu——" A gorgeous giant beam of light was emitted from the muzzle of the Atlas, hitting Kirino's chest.

"Ugh!" The powerful impact interrupted Kirino's movements, and the entire dark vortex stagnated for a moment.


Before they had time to be happy, a cold laugh echoed in everyone's heart.

"Is this your confidence?" Kirino suppressed his anger and looked at the Atreides sarcastically, "How can this degree stop me? Humans are so naive!"

Raising his arm, the purple-black light gathered again and hit Xia Long.

"Stop it!" Da Gu flew past Xia Long in Feiyan 1 and turned his head painfully to look at the stone statue.

"Without the magic stick, I am nothing... I am just a useless ordinary person..."

"What's your appearance!"

"Gao... Gao Shu?"

"Warriors, only those with a strong heart can be called warriors! Don't give up!"

The scene of Kumamoto City in the past appeared in Da Gu's mind, and the straight figure overlapped with the shadow in the wind and sand in front of him.

"Can't give up." Looking at the familiar stone statue in front of him, Da Gu couldn't help but murmured.

Memories flashed through his mind.

Pyramids, giants, time machines, Yuren...

Suddenly, Daigu turned the fuselage and rushed towards the beam, shouting: "Takagi, you said you can't give up! You can't give up!"

"Ah--!" The rich light enveloped Daigu, and finally flew out of the fighter and shot at the chest of the stone statue.

"Boom!" The black and purple beam that followed pierced through Feiyan No. 1.

"Dagu!" Lina screamed and rushed to the screen, "Dagu--!"

"Dagu..." Looking at the scattered wreckage of Feiyan No. 1 in a daze, Horii sat back in his seat weakly, his lips trembling, "Is this the fate of mankind?"

"Darkness..." Iruma Hui turned around reluctantly, trying not to cry.

In a short time, both team members died here.

"Captain Nakama," Sawai sighed and stood up hesitantly, "Let me go, I will talk to Kirino in person, if possible, humans..."

"Sawai, what nonsense are you talking about!" Yoshioka shouted angrily, "This is not your business alone, I will go if I have to!"

"Captain, look!" Before the two of them could say more, Shinjo's joyful voice suddenly rang out, "Takaki is not dead yet!"

"What?" Everyone looked in the direction, only to see that the chest of the giant stone statue that was originally covered by dust suddenly lit up and turned back into a crystal shape.

Not only that, the entire ruins seemed to be affected and trembled slightly. Golden light streams continued to emerge from the remains of the stone statues on the ground, and gathered into a huge nebula-shaped light group in the air.

The entire ruins were filled with these lights, and everyone felt as if they were soaking in a hot spring.

"Ahem," Camilla looked at the light with difficulty, "It can actually wake them up..."

"What is this?" In the Atreides, Nori looked at the light that filled the screen in a daze.

"This should be a super ancient warrior who died long ago!" Iruma Hui was excited.

"Super ancient warrior?" Xincheng was overwhelmed, his face was dyed with a layer of golden color, and he said in a daze, "It turns out that it's not just darkness that is sleeping here!"

"Wow--" The ball of light exploded, turning into a beam of light with a diameter of at least 100 meters and falling to the ground, covering Xia Long, and bursting out a circle of dazzling huge halo.

"It's like this again!" Kirino gathered energy gloomily, and a beam of light that was several times stronger than before shot towards the center of the halo, "Go to hell!"

There was even noise in the voice that was extremely angry.

"No one can stop the darkness!"

Thank you for your support, I will post a thank you chapter when I have time.

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