"Swish!" Just as Xia Long was about to let Anton pull the attack, a man in burgundy armor fell to the ground in the beam of light.

He had long hair and was a young man with a sultry look.

"Oh, I seem to have disturbed you, but since you're already here," the man took out a palm-sized device with his left hand after looking at Xia Long with interest, and said with a smile, "Will you play with me?"

"Bang!" Anton pulled the man down and stood quietly beside Xia Long, attracting the man's attention, and Xia Long's mind also flooded with the man's identity information.

Qilu Star Grandi, Leonix.

After learning the man's simple information, Xia Long frowned slightly, but before he could respond, Grandi on the opposite side had already raised the fighting device in his hand.

"Ang!" With a roar, a monster suddenly fell in front of Xia Long.

"Skeleton monster, King Red!"

The violent and brutal aura instantly enveloped Xia Long, making him feel a little oppressive.

This is not an ordinary Red King. I am afraid that Antonla is not his opponent.

Xia Long frowned and turned to Grundy. He could vaguely feel the other party's inner desire for fighting from this man, and he also had an impulse in his heart, but he didn't have time to tangle with this guy now.

Besides, Antonla was not his opponent, but there was no challenge for him to transform and fight.

"You are wrong. I am not Leonix, and I don't have time to play boring Leonix fighting games with you." With a cold sentence, Xia Long shook his head and looked at the horizon.

The energy aura became more and more chaotic, and darkness and light intersected. It seemed that the protagonist Lei and his party in the plot found the dark armor sealed by Seven.

In this way, he didn't need to rescue Seven, but he had to rush over to meet Seven as soon as possible. According to the information, Seven left Hama Planet immediately after being rescued. If he didn't hurry up, he might miss it.

"Huh?" Grandi scratched his ears, looked at Xia Long awkwardly for a while, and said helplessly, "Well, since it's like this, let's just fight and make do with it."

"Not interested."


Jumping on top of Antonla again, Xia Long controlled Antonla to fly to the horizon again, leaving Grandi with a stunned look.

"What are you doing?" Seeing that Xia Long completely ignored his challenge, Grandi was a little crazy, "I'm like this, he..."

After a few dry chokes, Grandi shrugged helplessly and said uninterestedly: "Boring, he looked pretty strong."

Waving his hand to take back King Red, Grandi looked at the direction where Xia Long left and wondered: "But who is this kid?"


In a valley somewhere in the northern hemisphere, when Antonla and Xia Long were whizzing past, a red figure suddenly flew into the void in the distance, and finally turned into a light spot and disappeared in Xia Long's field of vision.

"Who is that?" Xia Long's heart skipped a beat. Seven actually left the Hama planet in advance, and he was still a step late.

Arriving above the destination, Xia Long saw a group of people in uniforms in the valley below, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Although he didn't need Seven's help, it was still a bit depressing to arrive at the scene just as Seven left.


Without contacting Lei and his group below, Xia Long asked Antonla to continue flying forward.

Since Seven had left, the purpose of his trip was only to find the energy source.

"Ah, that's Antonla!" Several people on the ground noticed Antonla flying by.

"Is it the Barbar star?" Captain Hinata frowned. The Barbar star in front of him controlled Antonla and hurt him a lot.

"No," Lei in the middle shook his head, his eyes fixed on the top of Antonla's head, and asked in confusion, "It's not the Barbar star, but..."

Lei didn't say what was in his heart in the end. I don't know why, the back standing on Antonla's head gave him a strange pressure.

It was obviously a back that couldn't be more ordinary.

Squinting at Antonla's figure disappearing in the sky, Lei shook his head and left with his companions.

Planet Hama, the dull and monotonous mountain scenery made Xia Long, who had flown almost half of the planet, a little bored.

After missing Seven, he looked for the energy source everywhere, but he couldn't find any useful clues. Instead, he fought with several Leonixes several times.

These Leonixes controlled various monsters, even the volcanic bird Barton appeared, and the strength of the monsters summoned through the fighting instrument increased significantly with the strength of Leonix, almost causing his only monster Antola to be damaged.


After taking back the tired Antola, Xia Long jumped onto a mountain peak.

Logically speaking, there would be more or less clues about the energy source on this planet, unless it was not on this planet at all.

After opening the system navigation map again and seeing that the light spot representing the planet Hama was still flashing, Xia Long sighed helplessly.

Perhaps he would be able to find clues about the energy source when the Rebrando star appeared.

After a short break, Xia Long was about to call out Antonla to leave when he suddenly noticed a huge fighter plane from the corner of his eye.

"That is..."

The style of the fighter plane looked very familiar, with a "zap" logo on it.

It was an Earth fighter plane.

"Panlong?" After checking the relevant information, Xia Long found that the fighter plane was the Panlong transport ship that Lei and his party were riding on.

After crossing the mountain mist, Xia Long came close to the Panlong and found that

there were no crew members inside, and everyone was gone.

In doubt, Xia Long released his telekinesis and finally found a giant spaceship in a valley. Captain Hyuga and his party were trapped in an electromagnetic shield outside the ship, while Lei was confronting a group of soldiers in special uniforms outside.

Looking at this scene from afar, Xia Long called up the system data again and quickly sorted out the situation.

This time, it was the Pedan people who held the Panlong crew hostage. The purpose seemed to be to force Lei, the strongest Leonix, to surrender and become a tool for Pedan to dominate the universe.

According to the system data, Pedan was destroyed because of Leonix fifty years later, so the Pedan people sent a fleet to travel to the present to hunt Leonix and change the future.

However, in addition to saving the future crisis, the female commander of this fleet also had the ambition to dominate the universe. After learning about Lei's strength, she decided to brainwash Lei and control him.

"The plot has developed to this point?" Xia Long gathered his telekinesis and summoned Antonla to rush to the location of the Pedan battleship.

Outside the Pedan star battleship, female commander Harlan forced Lei to accept brainwashing with the lives of the Panlong crew, and the situation was serious.

Lei was immediately caught in a dilemma.

"Please wait, Commander Harlan!" At this time, Dayl, a Leonix hunter standing on Lei's side, said anxiously, "You have clearly agreed with me that you will no longer interfere in the past, return to the future, and use our power to revive the abandoned Pedan star!"

Dayl was originally responsible for hunting Lei's Pedan soldiers, but after repeated failures, he recognized Lei and his party. This time, he made an agreement with the commander and personally brought Lei to see the commander, hoping that the commander would change his mind, but it turned out to be like this.

The commander he had always obeyed had no intention of negotiating at all, but instead caught Lei's companions when Lei left.

"Commander Harlan, it is wrong to use Leonix as a weapon," Dayl said with hope, "There are things in this world that are more important than power!"

As if he remembered something, Dayl paused and said, "Once a dispute is caused, it will cause new disputes, and it will go on and on. As a result, Pedan Star will also..."

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded before Dayl finished speaking, and then Dayl groaned and retreated to the ground.

"Ha... Commander Harlan!" Dayl stared at the cane pointed at him by the female commander in front of him in disbelief, and the smoking muzzle made his heart pierce.

"Pedan Star does not need timid people." The female commander silently put away the cane-shaped spear, expressionless, and did not care about Dayl's life at all.

"Dayil!" Seeing Dayil being shot and falling to the ground, Lei's eyes were red and he rushed to the female commander angrily, "You guy!"

"Don't worry, he's fine!" Just as Lei was fighting with the soldiers under the female commander, a peaceful voice reached everyone's ears.

"What?" Lei knocked down several soldiers and turned to look at the source of the sound, only to see a familiar figure in his eyes.

"It's you!" Lei stopped and looked at the person in surprise.

"I'm fine?" Dayil, who fell to the ground, reacted and found that although his abdomen was in great pain, it was not pierced, and there was no wound. He immediately looked at the person in confusion.

"What?" The female commander's face sank and said coldly, "Who are you?"

"As for me, I hate self-righteous women like you the most." The person stopped, and a huge ant lion-like monster fell heavily behind him.

The cat caught a cold if he was not careful, everyone should pay attention to their health.

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