Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 395 Dark One-Eyed Zero

"Da Da!"

In the tall and bright metal passage, Xia Long walked towards the center of the base. The sci-fi scene around him made him a little dazed.

Whether it is mechanical Ultraman or dimensional control, the civilization and technological development of the Ultraman world should not be underestimated. Even the Kingdom of Light has developed from technological civilization.

"Roar!" Walking through a long corridor, the ground under Xia Long's feet suddenly shook, followed by a roar like an air wave.

"Gomora?" Hearing the voice, Xia Long dodged and rushed into a huge space. He immediately saw two ferocious monsters fighting fiercely, one was Lei's Gomora, and the other was mechanical Gomora.

"Dragon!" A surprised voice called Xia Long's attention. He looked down and saw two Lei standing together, one in human form and the other in Raymond's rampage form. It was the latter who called him.

"Who is he?" Lei in human form also noticed Xia Long, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

"Lei, get out!" Xia Long didn't have time to think about it. Seeing the powerful impact of the two Gomoras smashed the base into pieces, he shouted out.

"Okay!" Lei nodded and pulled himself out of the hall in another dimension.

Amid the falling fragments, Xia Long's eyes swept over the many mechanical Ultra Warriors on the opposite wall, and finally his eyes fell on the Salome star sitting in the floating chair in the middle.

"It's you!" Helotia stared at Xia Long and exclaimed.

"Stop, Helotia!" Xia Long remembered the woman in front of him. Compared with the past, she was much more mature, but her appearance had not changed much.

"Stop?" Helotia clenched her teeth and her face changed.

"Bang!" After a while, a big hole was directly hit in the base, and the hall passage quickly collapsed, directly blocking the entrance from which Xia Long came.

"Lord Helotia!" The two men below shouted anxiously.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go and restore the base's functions!" Helotia shouted, struggling to say to Xia Long, "Why..."

"Fuck!" Before Helotia could continue speaking, a big hand suddenly grabbed the hover chair from behind.

"Hmm?" Xia Long's body tensed up, and he took a step forward to look at the huge body that appeared in the center of the hall.

It looked like Cero, but the eyes on the head were strangely connected to form a red V shape, with a circular light spot in the middle...

Dark One-Eyed Cero!

A violent breath that was no less violent than Cero came towards him, making Xia Long's blood boil for a while.

"What do you want to do? Let me go, Dark One-Eyed Cero!" Caught in the hand of the giant, Helotia shouted in panic, "Let me go!"

"Zizi!" In response to her, a powerful ray was emitted from the one eye. As the ray beam swept across, the wall loaded with mechanical Ultra Brothers was instantly cut open and exploded, and all the mechanical Ultra Brothers were destroyed at once.

What a strong power!

Avoiding the impact of the explosion, Xia Long looked through the dust and mist to the center. The giant who had done all this was hanging Helotia in the air, letting Helotia grab her little finger.

"Ah!" Captain Hyuga ran over in the ruins on the side, exclaiming, "That giant..."

"Captain Hyuga!" Xia Long was hesitating whether to go forward to save the woman. When he saw Hyuga, he couldn't help but pause, "It's too dangerous here, Captain Hyuga, you..."

"Do you know me?" Hyuga retracted his gaze from the middle of the hall and said in surprise, "Ah, Lei seemed to call you Long just now?"

Xia Long was stunned and understood that the Hyuga in front of him should be from another dimension. Although there are countless parallel dimensions, he only exists in one dimension. For other dimensions, he does not exist.

"That, I am another friend of Captain Hyuga, Xia Long." Nodding awkwardly, Xia Long's sight returned to the center again, and he jumped down the escalator.

"Why? Dark One-Eyed Zero!" Helotia struggled hard to prevent her body from falling, and asked repeatedly.

"Hmph," Dark One-Eyed Cero looked coldly at the embarrassed Helotia on his little finger amid the falling rocks, "Don't be so self-righteous, tiny human, you desperately grasp the so-called life and those illusory things, do you actually want to control me?"

As the giant laughed sarcastically, Helotia's face showed pain, and her body finally couldn't support it. She let go of her hands and fell to the ground with tears.

"Hey, are you giving up now?" In mid-air, before Helotia fell to the ground, Xia Long flashed forward and picked her up and flew out of the falling rocks and dust.

"Why?" Helotia opened her eyes tremblingly, "Why did you save me?"

"I just wanted to save you." After putting Helotia outside the base, Xia Long turned and looked at the dark one-eyed Cero who was slowly walking out of the base, "I think you can still be saved. It would be a pity to die here."

"Dark One-Eyed Cero," Helotia was silent for a while, and seeing Xia Long staring at One-Eyed Cero, she spoke with difficulty, "That guy is not a robot made by us. We found him drifting in the universe and used the technology of Salome Star to wake him up."

Seeing Xia Long looking at him, Helotia continued: "In order to make him obey our orders, he was transformed again... That guy may come from another universe..."

"Ah, I know," Xia Long certainly knew the origin of Dark One-Eyed Cero. After waving to Helotia, he faced the giant who walked out of the flame ruins alone, "Anyway, leave him to me, you stop Mechagomora first!"

Being able to defeat Cero, this Mecha Cero is really not simple...

"Kacha!" At this time, under the control of Helotia, Mechagomora changed its target and rushed towards One-eyed Cero with heavy steps.

"Hey, wait, be careful of him..." Xia Long reacted and was about to stop him, but Mechagomora had already hit One-eyed Cero's hand.

Not good!

Xia Long's face changed.

I saw One-eyed Cero snorted coldly and raised his hand to hit Mechagomora's head with an electric current. Suddenly, Mechagomora, who was still in a state of momentum, stopped and shifted his target to Gomora after a short flash.

He was actually controlled!

"How could it be?" Facing the strength of Dark One-eyed Cero, Helotia's face turned pale. He collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

Xia Long shook his head and said in a deep voice: "He is not something you can deal with."


Condensing the evolution instrument, Xia Long's deep eyes collided with Dark One-eyed Cero.

"Who are you?" Dark One-eyed Cero lowered his head coldly and looked at Xia Long, and the energy aura surged.

"Kalio, your enemy Kalio!" Without saying anything more to the other party, Xia Long directly raised the evolution device, and with a shake of his footsteps, he suddenly jumped up in the burst of light.


As his figure condensed in the air, Xia Long shouted and rushed out of the halo, mobilized his energy and kicked down fiercely.


"Hey!" With billowing flames, Xia Long's red and silver armored body flashed a stream of light and collided with the dark one-eyed Zero.

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