Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 399 Battle of Planet Cheney

"Are they both okay?" Lei worriedly said on the Panlong in the outer space.

"Trust them, Lei!" Captain Hyuga stared at the screen closely.

I saw beams of light flashing on the planet Cheney, colliding violently back and forth, and the fluctuations caused were frightening even through the screen.


Shuttled through space like lightning, Xia Long cooperated with Cero to gradually restrict One-Eyed Cero. Although it was not an overwhelming advantage, it at least suppressed the opponent's arrogance.

"Ha!" Unlike Xia Long's solemnity, Cero seemed quite excited, and the more he fought, the more powerful he became, and the better he cooperated with Xia Long.

"You have some tricks, Kallio," blocking the gap of the enemy's attack, Cero clenched his fist and smiled, "Hey, my battle is not a one-man battle anymore! Okay, kill this guy in one go!"

"Shock!" As he said that, Cero accelerated again, and with the shining ice axe, he launched a plasma spark slash again.

"What a mess!" Shaking his head, Xia Long quickly raised his breath to keep up.

The enemy on the opposite side was not simple at all. He actually relied on the body of Dark One-Eyed Zero to withstand the powerful attacks of him and Zero. You should know that he and the explosive Zero, the combat power formed has far surpassed One-Eyed Zero...

"Ah!" After the high-speed battle, Xia Long and Zero launched a fatal attack at the same time, and the explosive flame kick and plasma spark slash came in an instant.

"Hmph!" One-Eyed Zero's eyes were cold, and he met the two people without caring. They collided violently, and suddenly a ball of light expanded and flashed, and then broke through the atmosphere with a strong momentum and hit the surface of the planet.


In the air, a strong wind whistled past, and several people quickly ignited hot flames around them, but no one cared, and the energy was still running to the extreme.

"Enjoy it, kid!" Zero sneered and continued to bless energy, "Wow!"


A few thousand meters of height passed by, and the fireball soon came to the ground and smashed into the valley.


With a loud explosion, the shock wave lifted up the area of ​​several miles in an instant, and the earth and rocks flew around. The middle collapsed and pressed out a huge bowl-shaped pit.


"How is it?" Zero turned over and landed on the ground, panting and looking at the earth and rocks on the opposite side, "This should be over now, right?"

"Wait, I'm afraid it's not yet!" Xia Long stood up solemnly and looked forward.

In the dust, the light of the mechanical Zero's one eye lit up, and the slightly broken body was revealed, and the electric current sizzled.

"What?" Seeing this scene, Zero stopped moving.

He didn't expect that the other party could resist like this...

"How is it possible?" Zero's eyes tightened.

"Humph, this body is still too bad, but it's enough to deal with you two." Walking out of the dust, the one-eyed Zero looked coldly at Xia Long and the others, and a strange energy breath spread rapidly.

"You are such a big shot!" Zero said angrily, "Damn it, I'll teach you a lesson!"

Suppressing his breath, Zero stood up and swung the ice axe again to rush towards One-Eye Zero.

"Zero!" Xia Long exclaimed, "Be careful!"

"Hah!" Without waiting for Xia Long to stop him, Zero dodged and rushed to the enemy. While controlling the two ice axes to slash out like lightning, his foot kicked at the opponent's one-eyed man with blazing flames, "Go to hell!"

"It's useless!" Facing Zero's attack, One-Eye Zero chuckled, and his body avoided the ice axe with a strange vibration, and he actually came to Zero's side one step ahead.

"What?" Seeing the target disappear, Zero was startled, and it was too late to change his moves.

"Not good!" In Xia Long's surprised eyes, One-Eye Zero's speed suddenly increased by a level, and he knocked Zero out in an instant.


"Wow!" Under the huge impact, Zero's body was thrown out uncontrollably, but this was not over yet. In mid-air, the one-eyed Zero, no, it should be said that Filo chased him again in a playful manner.

"You guy!" Zero roared and wanted to fight back, but as a burst of severe pain spread throughout his body, the whole person was suddenly smashed down by the huge force.


With a cry of pain, Zero almost turned into a cannonball, roaring to the ground with a strong breath.

"Zero!" Xia Long flew forward to catch Zero, and his body sank suddenly in a hurry. The strong shock wave spread all around, and the ground under him also pressed a dent.

What a strong force!


With Zero landing steadily on the ground, Xia Long turned around and looked closely at the one-eyed giant controlled by Filo in the air above his head.

There was a faint and terrifying breath in the calm sky, and this breath continued to gather behind the giant.

"Crack!" With a burst of thunder, the whole sky suddenly darkened, dark clouds gathered together like a vortex, and lightning flashed.

"Damn it," suppressing the severe pain in his body, Zero wiped the burn marks on the corner of his mouth, clenched his fist and looked along Xia Long's line of sight, "Kalio, it looks like trouble now."

"Bang bang!" As soon as the voice fell, several lightning bolts fell from the gray clouds, and the lightning clearly reflected the huge body in the air.

"What is this?" Xia Long's milky white eyes were full of the figure of the one-eyed Zero covered by lightning.

"I can't see anything!" On another planet, after Hinata landed the Panlong in an open space, he and Lei paid attention to the battle on the Cheney planet, but at this moment, as the Cheney planet was suddenly covered by thunderclouds, the two could not understand the battle situation.

"BOSS!" Looking at the terrifying thunderclouds covering the planet from afar, Lei wanted to help several times but was stopped by Captain Hyuga.

"Lei, if they can't do it, it's useless for you to go," Hyuga said solemnly while looking at the flashing lightning on the Cheney planet, "For a battle of that level, we can only trust them! Trust Long and Cero!"

"Trust them?" Lei clenched his fists tightly and stared at the dim Cheney planet.

Under the thunderclouds, the eyes of the one-eyed Cero became brighter and brighter, and the light spots expanded with countless electric lights like the moon in the dark night. Xia Long clearly felt the terrifying energy gathered inside. Although the breath strength was not as strong as Lei Brown, it was definitely not something he and Cero could contend with now.

Thinking of this, Xia Long shook his arm, and while mobilizing energy, the silver wings of the evolution instrument spread out, and the streamer started to run rapidly.


A strange buzzing sound spread suddenly.

"Kalio?" Cero looked at Xia Long in confusion while being wary of the giant above his head.

"Cero, cover me!" Without bothering to explain, Xia Long was completely enveloped by the light from the evolution instrument, "Super Fusion!"


"Bang!" Without giving the two too much time, in mid-air, a brand-new ultimate move suddenly burst out from the giant's single eye, and the powerful ray hit the barrier in front of the two people with the momentum of the thundercloud layer.


"Shock!" In the explosion and fire, Zero shouted and blocked the beam tightly, but with the fierce energy impact, the whole ground shook, and the barrier in front of him continued to crack.


"Hehe," standing in the electric light, Filo laughed, "Did you see it? This is the gap between us! Say goodbye to this world, human!"

"It's you who say goodbye!" With a strong brilliance, Xia Long's arm lightsaber popped out and slashed along the electric light in the sky.



Almost at the moment the barrier broke, a ray of light rushed up against the light wave, breaking through the night sky after destroying the offensive.

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