Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 406: Destruction of Tokyo

Zaki, who was trapped in the ruins, reacted quickly. Facing Xia Long's pursuit, he directly sent out a beam of light.


Just like the previous battle in the field, the beam of light suddenly penetrated the dust and mist and shot towards Xia Long.

"Shock!" Without dodging, Xia Long continued to move forward and took the light wave with his arm.


"Bang!" Facing the impact of the electric current, Xia Long suddenly slapped it hard, looked sideways with red eyes, and disappeared in a flash while moving at high speed.

The next moment, with a muffled sound, Zaki's figure suddenly appeared and punched the air.

"Haha!" Before Zaki could doubt, Xia Long had come to Zaki's side with a grin, and the violent force gathered on his fist and smashed it down heavily, and suddenly a circle of halo in the air spread out.


Under the extraordinary impact, Zaki only had time to block it, and then he cut through the air and flew backwards at high speed, like a supersonic plane passing through layers of clouds and fog, and the impact did not dissipate until he reached the sea.

"Die!" Xia Long's figure flashed and caught up almost instantly, and his red eyes full of murderous intent shone brightly and attacked again.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two figures shuttled back and forth in the air, and kept colliding at high speed like lightning.

Whether in the refuge area or in other areas, people were nervously watching the battle over Tokyo Bay at this moment. From a distance in Tokyo, the scene could not be seen clearly with the naked eye. Only the terrible explosions could be heard, showing the fierceness of the battle. However, the broadcast images provided by the defense army could barely see some shadows.

"Is the end of mankind coming again?" Looking at the rolling sea of ​​clouds and lightning in the satellite images, everyone's face turned pale.

Since the Dark Zaki incident five years ago, everyone has been more or less afraid of Zaki's strength, and this time there are actually two of them.


"Don't be afraid, Reiko, everything will be fine soon." In an air raid shelter somewhere in Tokyo, a young woman hugged her child tightly in the crowded crowd.

Zhu Xingtuan walked in with a cane, sighed and glanced at the mother and daughter, then moved his eyes to the display screen in front of the hall.

"Is it really you? Long!" Zhu Xingtuan walked in front of the screen, his expression was complicated and kept changing.

He knew that the light power in Xia Long's body was complicated, but he didn't expect that it would turn into Zaki this time. This kind of thing...

Feeling the increasingly strong dark breath outside, Zhu Xingtuan's eyes revealed a deep worry.

"Bang!" Above Tokyo, Xia Long broke the barrier in front of Zaki with a punch, and the energy around him increased sharply when the huge force touched the opponent's energy core.



Wrapped in a fiercely burning flame, Xia Long and Zaki violently slammed into the ground.

"Bang——!!" As if a small nuclear bomb exploded, as a ray of light flashed, the entire ground suddenly sank.


In the violent shock, the city was like a domino for a moment. The shock wave spread continuously with Xia Long and the other person falling as the center, and the streets sank and the buildings collapsed.

"City..." In the faintly shaking shelter, the crowd trembled as they watched the huge pit on the screen that was constantly expanding. In just a short while, half of Tokyo was reduced to ruins.

"Bang!" In the center of the ruins, Xia Long grabbed Zaki's neck and punched him in the face again. Suddenly, a crack spread from the eye, revealing the complex electronic circuit inside.

"Robot..." Looking at Zaki who was still calm, Xia Long roared to the sky, raised his fist again, and smashed it down with red and black electric currents.



Under the destructive force of the fist, the cracks continued to expand, and sparks of electricity splashed from the circuits.


After being hit repeatedly, Zaki's red eyes flickered, and the energy quickly concentrated on his right arm. Seeing the breath constantly rising...

"Hah!" Grabbing Zaki's arm with flashing electric light, Xia Long's body shook, and he shouted and pulled it outward.


With a bang, Zaki's entire arm was broken at the shoulder and was suddenly torn apart by Xia Long, revealing the parts with electric current running wildly. Only then did a rapid alarm sound in Zaki's body.

"Shock!" Roaring and throwing away the mechanical arm, Xia Long clenched his fingers and punched hard again.


"That giant..." People looked at the giant like a demon king in the picture in horror. The explosions that broke the silence seemed to hit everyone's heart, and the brutal scene made people panic.

"Huh?" Zhu Xingtuan stared at the picture closely, and suddenly found that the situation had changed a little. After the heavy rain of boxing bombardment, Xia Long raised his arm high, and a circle of hot energy light balls immediately appeared in Xia Long's palm.

"That is..."

Looking at the visible storm vortex on the screen, Zhu Xingtuan almost simultaneously sensed a frightening energy wave that was gathering crazily.

Not good!

Seeing Xia Long press down the expanding red and black light ball, Zhu Xingtuan's palms tightened, and he quickly turned around and shouted: "Danger! Everyone squat down!"

"Bang--!" Before everyone could think about it, the satellite image was instantly filled with white light, and the strong light illuminated the entire shelter. Then a violent shock came from the ground. Even though the shelter was deep underground, it was still shaking violently under the terrifying impact.




"Hold your head and squat down!"

Under the continuous impact, the shelter was in chaos, but the thunderous sound came and went quickly, and the shelter calmed down soon.

"Are you saved?" After a moment of silence, someone stood up and looked up, and found that the earthquake was really over, so he couldn't help but breathe quickly.

In the quiet space for a while, everyone whispered, and there were also slight sobs and comforting sounds.

Zhu Xingtuan's eyes swept across the crowd of survivors, and finally returned to the screen full of snowflakes beside him.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Xingtuan rushed to the entrance of the passage. The exit of the shelter was intact, but the situation on the ground was very bad. The fire almost dyed half of the sky red, and the broken buildings seemed to have experienced a nuclear bomb explosion.

Looking further inside, the ground was even cut off a layer.

"Joooo!" Looking at the ruins like a doomsday disaster, Zhu Xingtuan took out the Ultra Glasses and put them on. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a human-sized Seven and flew directly to the center of the ruins.


Seven flew through the flames and came to the middle area. He saw a torn figure lying on the ground among the burning mechanical fragments. It was Xia Long who was unconscious.

"Tokyo was devastated. The specific casualties are still unknown... The fire department is working hard to rescue after the incident..."

In March Eastern Hospital, a TV report sounded beside Xia Long's ears. He slowly opened his eyes and his eyes fell on the TV opposite.

"Hmm!" Xia Long sat up from the bed with difficulty and stared at the TV screen.

"Next is the live report..."

"Buzz!" A piece of flaming ruins, a red night sky, and the background of the TV was full of the beeping of helicopter propellers.

"There is still no news about the two black giants that caused the disaster. The government is planning measures, and the countries are united again... Citizens don't need to panic too much..."


Several vague fragments of the picture flashed before Xia Long's eyes, and he gradually recalled the previous battle.

"Is it out of control?"

Feeling the tearing feeling from deep in his body, Xia Long pressed his forehead uncomfortably.

At this moment, the scene of the explosion of the Magee No. 1 fighter piloted by Ayumi appeared in his mind again.

Why did things turn out like this? I just wanted to spend more time with Ayumi...

With slightly red eyes, Xia Long took out the shell amulet left by Ayumi on his chest.

"Damn it!"

Holding the shell tightly, Xia Long looked gloomy, looked at the wreckage of the mechanical Zaki on the TV screen, and struggled to get off the bed.

"Wow!" Turning into a beam of light and leaving the hospital, Xia Long flew across the night sky and quietly landed in the ruins of Tokyo.


Walking through the gradually subsiding flames, Xia Long scanned all the way, and when he came to an open space, he suddenly stopped and looked at the night sky.

"It's here."

Closing his eyes, Xia Long condensed the evolution device while his telekinesis spread rapidly.


As if he was traveling in a tunnel of light, he faintly felt the faint breath of Ayumi.


As the light surged, Xia Long's face wrinkled, and sweat continued to flow from the corners of his eyes. After a while, his whole body began to tremble, and finally he knelt on the ground with a muffled groan.

"Huh!" Xia Long opened his eyes again and gasped for air.

"Long!" Zhu Xingtuan stepped on the debris and walked towards Xia Long.

"Captain," Xia Long panted and raised his head to look at the starry sky, "Ayumi is still alive, the breath of light I left on her has not disappeared, she must be somewhere..."

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