Xia Long couldn't say anything about Qingdao's fighting skills, so he had no choice but to pretend to be a rookie and ask for advice humbly. Of course, to be able to become a MAC player, one's own abilities must be outstanding. Suzuki told him privately that Qingdao's air combat capabilities were the most outstanding in the team, and following Qingdao was the fastest way for Xia Long to get started with the McGee.

So, out of this plan, the regiment handed over Xia Long to Qingdao as his deputy.

In this way, at the MAC headquarters, Xia Long had a rare and comfortable life, because he discovered that not only did he have the responsibility to protect himself, but the same responsibility was also shouldered by many people.

This feeling of having teammates warmed his heart.

When on patrol, Xia Long mostly rides on the Mackie with Qingdao. While patrolling, he can enjoy the scenery. Sometimes he passes some islands and can enjoy sunbathing on them.

When it's time for vacation, Xia Long will help out at the club and visit the University of Tokyo.

But of course, a peaceful life doesn't last long.

On this day, after receiving information that monsters were attacking Tokyo, MAC launched an emergency attack, and Xia Long was assigned to the McGee 2 as co-pilot.

"The monster is a guy who has passed through the MAC warning network," Qingdao explained, "So you must not underestimate the enemy! Dragon, remember to act according to my command later!"

"I know!" Xia Long nodded and looked down through the clouds and mist, "Just in time for this guy to taste the power of the new weapon!"

The person coming this time should be Bekila. His weak point is on his back. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he should not need to transform. It can be solved by relying on the powerful firepower of the McGee, thus saving an opportunity to transform.

"It's a good thing to have enthusiasm, but don't act without authorization!" Qingdao looked at Xia Long uneasily, "This is your first attack, and everything will follow my command!"


Xia Long saw Bekila's figure from a distance. He frowned at the super destructive power. Various buildings were torn into pieces by Bekira. The explosions continued, and the collapsed cement blocks were scattered in the dust. , fell into the crowd.

"The monster is coming, run away!"

Looking at the chaotic crowd below, Xia Long wondered: "Didn't an evacuation order be issued? Why are there still so many people?"

"The monster is coming too fast!" Qingdao gritted his teeth, "Attack the monster first, don't let it move forward!"


The two Mackies kept firing, and the improved rocket launchers temporarily stopped the monster's progress, but it was still unable to cause damage.

"This guy is very durable!" Qingdao said with a headache, "Dragon, try using the laser beam to shoot the monster's eyes!"

"Yes!" Xia Long focused his eyes on the monster's head, took aim, and shot.

"Here!" The beam hit the monster's eyes straight, sparks flew out, and Bekila covered her eyes in pain and screamed.

"Okay," Qingdao said happily, "McGee No. 3, cooperate with this machine to shoot the monster's eyes!"


"Boom!" Bekila roared.

"Now, speed up your attack!"

The two fighter planes kept firing missiles around the monster. The deafening sound surrounded Xia Long's ears, and the constant vibration of the fuselage made his palms sweat.

"call out!"

The attack effect is very obvious, but Xia Long is not too happy in his heart. Although the power of the weapon has increased, it is simply impossible to defeat the monster like this.

Sure enough, under the continued attack of the McGee, a line of black smoke came out of Bekila's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Qingdao frowned when he saw the monster stopped moving, "Is it dead?"

"Be careful!" Xia Long's eyes tightened.

"Roar!" The monster suddenly raised its head, a pair of huge scarlet eyes looked coldly into the air, and a large amount of sparks suddenly shot out from its bloody mouth.

"Boom!" McGee 3 was hit by these sparks, and the fuselage immediately burst into flames, rushing to the ground with thick smoke. The crew members in the aircraft exploded violently just as they parachuted, forming a fireball more than ten meters high.

"Damn it!" Qingdao, who had narrowly avoided the sparks, saw this scene and hammered the console hard, "Dragon, keep firing the laser beam!"

Xia Long continued to shoot, but found that there was no reaction at all when the laser beam hit Bekila.

No longer useful?

Xia Long's heart sank.

It seems that after the darkness has been strengthened, attacking from the front will have no effect. The only way is to attack the weak point behind the monster!

However, after losing a fighter plane, if you want to get behind the monster and attack...

"How could this happen?" Qingdao cursed secretly and controlled the Mackie to avoid the monster's attack again.

"This won't work," Xia Long gritted his teeth and said, "Qingdao, I found that the monster's weak point seems to be on its back. I have to find a way to get behind the monster and attack!"

"Are you sure?" Qingdao was stunned when he heard this.

"Well, no matter what kind of attack the monster received from the beginning to the end, it never turned its back to us, so there is a high chance that the weakness is behind it!" Xia Long nodded and affirmed.

"Okay!" Qingdao hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice, "Long, go to the ground. While I attract the monster's attention, you attack its back!"


"If this continues, none of us will be spared!" Qingdao's eyes were firm and he patted Xia Long on the shoulder hard, "Long, I'm begging you!"


After pressing the black button, Xia Long was ejected by a thrust. The parachute behind him opened in mid-air, taking him to the ground.

"Hu——" Xia Long took a breath, untied the parachute, looked up into the sky, and saw Qingdao maneuvering the McGee to flip and pass by the monster. He was almost hit several times during the process, which was terrifying.

"No, hurry up, Qingdao will be in trouble if this continues!" Seeing that the monster's attention was successfully attracted and its back was exposed, Xia Long hurriedly pulled out his pistol.

"Ziz!" After aiming at the target, Xia Long fired a laser at the monster without hesitation.


"Roar!" Bekira only roared a few times in pain, and still chased the McGee regardless.

Oops, the laser beam of the pistol is not powerful enough!

Xia Long continued to fire the laser, but the effect was very limited. Bekira seemed to have identified Qingdao.

How could this happen?

Looking at Qingdao, which was surrounded by dangers, Xia Long was secretly anxious. In the past, the monsters would target him whenever he appeared. Why this time...

"Haha, human!" A black shadow suddenly appeared and chuckled, "Is it strange?"

"It's you!" Xia Long's body tensed up.


"I don't know if abandoning teammates counts as your so-called protection," the black shadow said, "Humans are always selfish, aren't they?"

"No!" Xia Long was furious and raised his pistol to shoot Zaki.

"Oh?" Zaki sneered, not caring about Xia Long's actions, pointed at the monster and shouted, "Bekira!"

"Asshole!" Xia Long's eyelids jumped, and he looked in the direction, only to see the monster suddenly accelerate and hit the tail of the McGee hard. The huge force caused the McGee to burst into flames and spin out of control in the air.

"Long, the parachute device is broken, ahem," Qingdao's voice came from the communicator, "Give the captain a message for me... Sorry, I didn't defeat the monster..."

"Qingdao!" Xia Long's eyes turned red, he looked at Zagi fiercely, and raised his right hand.

There was no other way!


At the moment when the Magee was hit by the monster and was about to crash, Xia Long was wrapped in a ray of light and rushed up.

"Shock!" The Magee, with smoke coming out of the tail, was hugged by a pair of giant hands.

"Leo?" Qingdao looked at the giant outside with difficulty, smiled slightly, and then fainted on the seat.

Qingdao, I'm sorry!

After putting the Magee away, Xia Long turned angrily to Bekira.

I shouldn't have been stingy with the number of transformations!

"Bekira!" Xia Long raised his fist, his body shook, and a hot light flashed in his eyes.


Looking at the monster charging at him, Xia Long used his strength in his feet, like a lion rising up, his body tensed, and the power was transmitted from his waist and hips. A red light flashed, and his right fist shook violently, drawing an arc and hitting the monster's abdomen fiercely!


Looking at the figure of the monster flying backwards, Xia Long shouted secretly, and his body followed closely. The faint red light gathered and turned into a hot stream rushing to his right fist.


"Bang bang bang——"

More than ten consecutive heavy blows made Bekira roar wildly before he landed.


Xia Long stabilized his breath and looked at the dust and fog spreading in front of him. A black shadow struggled to stand up.

Is it not possible?

Xia Long frowned in his heart. The force of the attack just now almost reached the level of millions of tons, but Bekira still had fighting power.

It seems that to deal with this kind of monster, we can only start from the weakness!


Dodged the sparks from the monster's mouth, Xia Long used his strength again. As the ground sank slightly, a huge force burst out and leaped into the sky.

Leo Kick!


Xia Long's legs were wrapped in flames of light, and turned into a red light that penetrated through Bekira's back.

"Hu~Hu~" Xia Long panted rapidly after his footsteps landed. It was still a bit difficult to use such a trick.


"Boom!" Xia Long turned around and saw the monster with a big hole on its chest exploded violently in the flames.

It is worthy of Leo's ultimate move!

"I say, it's too early to be happy!" Watching Bekira turn into ashes, even under his clothes and hood, Zaki's mouth corners slightly raised.


(End of this chapter)

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