Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 434 Hyperspace Wave Monster

"Give it!"

The area outside the blockade was already crowded with reporters nearby. After Xia Long squeezed in, his eyes fell on the huge jellyfish floating in the ruins.

This jellyfish monster seemed to be the culprit responsible for the desertification of the city, but Xia Long could not sense the opponent's aura, as if it was just a phantom. Even the missiles fired by the Lightning Team directly passed through the monster's body.

"What is that?" Seeing the jellyfish, reporters rushed to take pictures of the ruins.

The monsters that appeared this time were so strange that they were beyond people's understanding.

"Aaron, help quickly!" Tabata glanced at the monster that disappeared and then appeared on the other side next to the live news car, and quickly got into the back seat to seize the time to prepare.

Xia Long glanced at the ruins of the city buried in the desert, took a few steps back and returned to the news truck to help.

"Is the line connected?"

While contacting the TV station, Tabata ordered: "Reiko, stop putting on makeup and move quickly!"

"I'm coming."

"Lunwen, please!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot something!"

"Move quickly!"

After Xia Long adjusted the equipment and received a reply from the TV station, he hurriedly said to Tabata: "The line is connected, Mr. Tabata."

"Okay," Tabata nodded and exhaled, "Get ready, start the live broadcast right away!"

Xia Long picked up the reshooting camera and walked to the front with Lun Wen, focusing the camera on the giant jellyfish that kept changing its position.

It was obviously not teleportation, but it looked like teleportation to the naked eye. What was most incomprehensible to him was that he could not sense the monster's breath, as if it was disturbed by some kind of fluctuation.

"What kind of monster is it?"

Xia Long looked at the monsters in the camera in confusion. Unfortunately, the system cannot be used now, otherwise there should be information on monsters in Gaia time and space.

At the XIG air base on the other side, after Commander Ishiro recalled Team Lightning based on Gamu's judgment, he started operational discussions with Staff Chiba and others.

"This monster is a wave life form," I Meng called up the detection screen and said, "Use ultra-precision instruments to scan the monster, and you can see interference phenomena on the screen, a series of radio wave levels, in the electric potential range..."

As the current combat analysis expert of XIG, I dreamed of explaining the principles of monsters, but everyone present was confused. Staff Officer Chiba interrupted directly: "I'm sorry, please tell us the conclusion directly!"

The situation is urgent now, and there are still a large number of people trapped in the desert ruins waiting for rescue. Every minute and every second is precious. He is not in the mood to listen to the explanation of my dream.

I paused and continued: "In short, this is a wave-like creature. This creature exists in many places at the same time, and what we see is just a shadow of it. It is a possession, within the physical category. Extremely microscopic, hyperspace life form!”

"What's the solution?" Shi Shi asked thoughtfully.

"As long as it is induced into the macroscopic world, we can launch an attack on it," I Mengxin said. "What we have to do now is to interfere with the resistance wave it emits and shrink its existence to a single point."

"Can it be done?"

“I got all the work done on the way back!”

Not to mention Wo Meng's plan against the monsters, Reiko and others at the scene have already started live broadcasting.

"The giant plankton is still silent, and the desertification phenomenon has temporarily stopped. However, GUARD has not announced specific countermeasures yet..."

GUARD is the organization to which XIG belongs.

"Okay," Tabata leaned out of the news truck and gestured, "the image has been transmitted back to the studio! How is Aaron doing there?"

"No problem," Xia Long responded to Tabata, "I took pictures of everything I needed."

After the live broadcast ended, Tabata walked to the front and looked at the ruins in confusion: "It's really incomprehensible. Why does the monster keep stopping there?"

"Who knows, we don't even know the reason why the monster appeared." Lun Wen sighed and shook his head, and followed Xia Long to put the camera back in the news van.

Xia Long was checking the line and took action when he heard this.

It was indeed strange. The damage range was still expanding before, but when they arrived, the monster didn't move at all. It just changed its position a few times like a juggle.

He still vaguely remembered that the disaster mentioned by Gaiyari Alchemy Star seemed to be some kind of root cause of destruction. He wondered if this jellyfish monster was related to that...

"Hey? Lunwen!" Reiko outside suddenly turned around and shouted into the car, "Lunwen! Can you take a photo of that person?"

"Miss Reiko, can you be more polite when you speak to me?" Lun Wen turned to Reiko helplessly.

"Oh, stop talking and hurry up, there is a person standing there..." Reiko dragged Lunwen to the front of the car and pointed eagerly at the desert ruins, but her words soon stopped.

Lunwen followed and looked towards the ruins, but found nothing, only ruins covered by the desert.

"Where? No."

"How is that possible?" Reiko looked at the ruins in confusion, "I clearly saw that there was someone over there?"

"How could anyone go into a desert like that?" Lun Wen sighed and complained, "I said Reiko, don't ask me to do that in the future, okay? Really."

Reiko pursed her lips unwillingly, looking at the desert ruins with confusion on her face.

She did see a man in a black shirt standing in the ruins, and the man looked at her. She felt that he was the mysterious man she met on TV a few days ago.

"What's wrong, Lingzi?" Xia Long asked in confusion while holding the camera.

"Along," Lingzi said sullenly, "I saw a man in the desert just now, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye."

"Really?" Xia Long looked at Lingzi, and then looked at the desert in the blockade area.

Perhaps Lingzi was right. He felt that Fujimiya was nearby. As long as a monster appeared, it was natural for Fujimiya to appear as the chosen one of the Ocean Light Aguru. He was not surprised at all.

"I'll go shoot some more footage." Sensing the breath of the people trapped in the ruins, Xia Long and Tian Duan said something, carrying the camera and leaving the news car, entering the blockade from another place.

"Wait, Aaron!" Lun Wen watched Xia Long break into the desert ruins and worriedly said, "Is this really okay? Who knows when the monster will move again!"

"Don't worry," Tian Duan patted Lun Wen and said, "Aaron will be sensible."

Unlike what you see outside, after visiting the ruins, the radio interference in the air is more obvious, and you can feel the horror of the monster more. It is hard to believe that such a desert area was a prosperous city not long ago.

Xia Long walked on the sand, and the camera lens faithfully captured the tragic scene around him.

Collapsed buildings, billboards, rubble, cars... In the light dust, Xia Long seemed to see the scenes of people being buried in the ruins in fear when the crisis came without any signs.

Xia Long's heart sank.

The number of casualties this time is much greater than before, and a large number of people are trapped in the ruins. If the monster is not solved in time, I am afraid these people will also...

Hearing the faint crying in the desert, Xia Long turned the camera to the huge jellyfish above his head.

Hasn't XIG thought of a solution yet? My dream should be able to do it, right?

As if noticing Xia Long's gaze, the jellyfish floating in the air moved. At this moment, a cold voice came from behind Xia Long: "What are you doing? If you don't want to die, leave quickly!"

Xia Long turned around, and a young man who looked a little indifferent suddenly appeared in front of him.


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