Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 439 The Third Ultraman, Aguru

Smiling at my mother, Xia Long followed my dream towards the coast.

"Stop it before entering the town!" Since the monster came ashore, several fighter planes have launched attacks on the monster, trying their best to stop the monster from moving forward, but the missile attack did not have any effect, and the firepower was extinguished as soon as it fell on the monster.

"The attack is useless!"

"Kitada, collect the mist sprayed by the monster for samples!"

When Xia Long rushed here, my dream was in contact with the fighter pilot, and it seemed that he wanted to analyze the monster.

The monster did spray white mist around its body while walking, but Xia Long did not sense anything from the white mist. Instead, the several attacks of the fighter plane just now made him realize that the monster's body was actually made of seawater. Unless the monster was completely evaporated instantly, it would recover no matter how much it was attacked.

In general, the monster in front of him was average in strength, but it was more difficult for humans, especially since the monster came to a seaside town.

Xia Long looked away from the monster and looked up at the sky.

Unlike the previous times, the sky was normal this time. The clouds had no tendency to gather, there were no whirlpools, no light beams, and not even a breath fluctuation.

"How could this happen?"

Xia Long frowned slightly. Was there something missing?

Just as he was wondering, Xia Long suddenly saw a shadow from the corner of his eye. He turned around and found that there was a person wearing black clothes on the rocks on the shore where the waves were beating. It was Fujimiya whom he had seen in the desert in the city last time.

Fujimiya is here too...

"Huh?" In the moist sea breeze, Fujimiya looked at Xia Long with a sense of something. Seeing this, Xia Long's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Fujimiya frowned, and soon turned his eyes away and turned to walk towards Womeng.

"What is he going to do?" Xia Long was unsure of Fujimiya's purpose. After he appeared again, he silently watched Fujimiya walk to the front.

"Roar!" The monster on the coast was still moving towards the town. Seeing that it was about to enter the town, Womeng seemed to decide to transform in a hurry, but Fujimiya was one step faster than him.

Before Ime took out the sapphire cone, Fujimiya sneered and raised his arm. The wings of the sapphire bracelet on his wrist spread out to both sides, and the core in the middle kept flashing green light. As Fujimiya clenched his fist and raised his arm to his chest, the transformation device spun upwards, and a blue light curtain instantly wrapped Fujimiya off the ground.


The light stream gathered in the air, and with a huge green light, it crashed into the middle of the battlefield. A blue giant figure appeared in the dust and fog of the explosion in the surprised eyes of everyone.

Blue Ultraman, Aguru...

"Is it the third Ultraman?" Whether it was the commander of the stone room or the other members of XIG, everyone was watching the battlefield nervously.

"Shh!" As soon as he appeared, Aguru looked at the startled Ime below.

"Oh, Ultraman, there is another Ultraman!" Imeng stared at the giant looking at him with a tense body, "Was that man Ultraman just now?"

After the Armored Ultraman who saved him several times, the third Ultraman shocked Imeng a lot less, but it was still difficult for him to accept. When he got the Light of Gaia, he thought he was unique, but the reality hit him one after another, and the little bit of second-year thinking in his heart was completely shattered.

Xia Long walked to the coast and stared at the huge body of blue, black and silver in front of him. After looking at Imeng, the other party jumped in front of the monster.

Fujimiya's target is also a monster...

Xia Long looked at Fujimiya who was fighting with the monster. It can be seen that Fujimiya is very confident and doesn't take this monster seriously at all.

"Bang!" After knocking down the monster with several consecutive light bombs, Agul grabbed the monster's tail and turned around before smashing it to the ground. When the monster stood up, Agul opened his arm and a lightsaber split the monster's body.

However, Agul was soon surprised to find that the monster was not affected at all. The lightsaber seemed to just pass through the water, without causing any damage to the monster. Instead, Agul himself was caught by the monster's head with a pair of pliers.


Under Xia Long's gaze, the monster's body emitted strong currents. Agul was unable to break free from the current shock, and soon the red light on his chest rang sharply.

Xia Long couldn't help but frown.

Too weak, whether it was Agul transformed by Fujimiya or Gaia in front of me, they didn't play the power they should have...

Looking at Gaia who decided to transform into Gaia to help on the other side, Xia Long turned his eyes to the sky of the battlefield.

Why? Why didn't he react this time?

"Were the previous times just coincidences?" Xia Long stared at the sky, "Or is there really no extra light on this planet?"

Unlike last time, he did not sense any light this time.

But repairing the evolution device requires a lot of light energy, a lot of planetary light. If the light he got last time was really a coincidence, he would probably be trapped in this time and space forever.

"Clang!" As a beam of light energy burst out in front of Xia Long, Gaia's huge body appeared in his vision.



Xia Long stood firm between the violently shaking rocks and looked up at the battlefield. He saw that after Wo Meng transformed into Gaia, he immediately rushed to the battlefield and broke the monster's claws to help Agul rescue.

Just like before, even if the pliers were broken, the monster was still not affected. The body made of seawater re-condensed just by moving its arms. Not only that, even if Gaia kicked off its fish-like head, the monster could still grow again.

Following Aguru, Gaia also fell into a hard fight. After several consecutive attacks, he was also at a disadvantage and was clamped by the monster's neck.

Xia Long's eyes swept across the calm sky, looked at Gaia, whose red light was on because of the monster's electric shock, and then turned to his arm.

As the light blue light flowed, the evolution instrument suddenly appeared on his left arm, and the core crystal surrounded by streamlined patterns kept flashing, as if responding to him.

"What's going on?"

Clenching his fists, Xia Long fell silent, carefully recalling the abnormal situations in the sky several times before.

The same monsters appeared, and the same Wo Meng transformed into Gaia to fight...

"Bang!" A violent explosion accompanied by the sound of a large amount of water vapor evaporating interrupted Xia Long's thoughts. He looked up and found that it was Agul who evaporated the monster made of seawater when Wo Meng was in trouble. A large amount of water vapor burst out and completely covered the battlefield. Only two red lights sounded one after another.

"Is the battle over?"

Xia Long paused, and before he could react, the evolution device suddenly flashed a light and then automatically converged into his arm.

"This is..."

Xia Long's eyes flashed with surprise. The automatic reaction of the evolution device just now was too strange. It appeared and disappeared completely out of his control. This situation has not appeared for a long time.

"Could it be," Xia Long put down his arm, looked at the two giants standing face to face on the battlefield from the ground, and murmured, "Could it be that they want me to join their battle?"

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