Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 448: Resurrection of the Undead

Onuma Dam, Lunwen and his team, who had obtained interview permission, drove into the mountains.

"It seems that there are GUARD people in front."

On the winding mountain road, Lunwen saw from a distance that the intersection leading to the dam was blocked.

"Hello," Lunwen stopped the car in front of the roadblock and rolled down the window and said, "We are from KCB. We came here to collect materials in order to find the water source in Tokyo. Can we go in?"

A staff member stepped forward and said, "Sorry, the vicinity of the water source is very dangerous because of the volcanic gas. It is forbidden to enter."

"We obviously got the interview permit..."

Lunwen wanted to say more, but the senior TV station senior Umezawa sitting next to him grabbed him, winked at him, and smiled at the staff: "Sorry, I disturbed your work, we will turn around and leave immediately!"

After that, he quickly asked Lunwen to reverse.

"What are you doing? How can you turn around on such a narrow road!"

Lunwen complained and carefully turned the steering wheel to back away.

"Aaron seems to have gone there. Should we contact him?" After changing direction, Lunwen asked Mei Ze.

Reiko remembered and said, "Oh, right, Aaron came here to interview the paleontologist named Asano?"

"It's Asano Mirai, a very famous paleontologist," Mei Ze smiled confidently and said to the two, "There's no need for that now. We're still busy."

When passing a bridge, he asked Lunwen to deviate from the way back and turn into a fork.

"Aren't we going back?"

"Yes, this is the right way to go," Mei Ze smiled, "You can succeed no matter how you go, just like me!"

Lunwen and the others reacted and said happily, "Are there other ways? You are worthy of being Tabata's senior!"


At the Asano Paleobiology Research Institute, Xia Long was filming with a camera.

This research institute preserves a large amount of ancient biological research data, as well as various fossils. It is simply an ancient biological museum. Under the leadership of Asano Mirai, Xia Long recorded the ancient biological fossils and many data images. Unfortunately, Asano Mirai did not seem to be in the mood to be interviewed. He just gave a simple explanation and returned to his workbench.

However, this part of the content itself is not important. It just needs to be shown when Asano Mirai is introduced in the program. The biggest gain this time is the information about Anemos, which is difficult for Reiko and others to understand.

Xia Long has already thought about how to arrange the content of this interview, that is, as a supplementary report on Anemos.

While Xia Long was collecting materials, I Meng received a communication from the air base.

"TV station? KCB?"

I Meng glanced at Xia Long and ran up to turn on the TV.

"We found a huge creature. Is there any connection between this creature and the root extinction body?"

Xia Long heard the voice and put down the camera and looked, and found that it was Reiko who was reporting on the scene.

"How come Reiko and the others are there? The dam should be blocked..."

Looking at Reiko in the report and the huge figure of Anemos behind Reiko, Xia Long was slightly stunned, and then he sensed a huge life form appearing from the direction of the dam.

"What's wrong?"

"It's awake," Asano Mirai came over and said in panic, "Because of the TV broadcast, it was awakened by everyone's consciousness!"

"Get closer and take a look at this mysterious creature..." Reiko and the others were still as bold as before, and they even approached the monster when it materialized. Soon, they were embarrassed by the purple slime rain suddenly sprayed by Anemos and fled.

"Really." Seeing the TV screen shaking violently, Xia Long shook his head, holding the camera and following Wo Meng and the others out of the institute.

The institute was not far from the dam, and several people walked directly through the woods towards the direction of Anemos.

"You said, since Anemos only appears around people who are aware of it," Xia Long asked Asano Mirai in the forest, "How did it appear here?"

Without waiting for Asano Mirai to respond, Imeng said first: "The reason why the monster appeared should be Gob, which awakened Anemos, who was originally dormant in the quantum field and could not be detected."

"Gob?" Xia Long's mind flashed the first monster that appeared. The guy from the universe was like a fuse. Since then, monsters have appeared continuously, leaving almost no chance for people to breathe.

"Then what do you say is its purpose?" Asano Mirai heard Imeng's unfounded explanation, frowned and stopped, with a helpless look on his face, "I said Imeng, you always do things based on intuition."

"Do you have a way to explain?" Imeng shrank his neck when he was looked at by Asano Mirai, and asked weakly.

"You should know," Asano Mirai continued to walk forward, "every 26 million years, there will be a biological extinction on Earth, and it has happened five times."

"Is there such a thing?" Xia Long was surprised. Seeing Asano Mirai stopped and looked at him again, he quickly turned his head and looked forward and said, "So this is how Anemos was destroyed."

Being looked at by Asano Mirai like this, I always seem to be very ignorant, so I'd better not interrupt.

Womeng patted Xia Long's shoulder with sympathy. He didn't know what Asano Mirai said. He studied the quantum field, not ancient biologists.

Seeing Womeng's deep understanding, Xia Long laughed secretly.

Asano Mirai ignored the two and said to himself: "Anemos is a creature eliminated by the earth. It wants us to listen to its cry of being unloved by the earth..."

"A creature eliminated by the earth?" As the distance got closer, the breath that Xia Long sensed became stronger and stronger.

Compared with Asano Mirai's idealistic statement, he was more willing to believe my dream's explanation. Under the influence of the root destruction summoner, the appearance of each monster was not simple. Anemos was indeed very likely awakened by Gob.

Moreover, in his perception, the other party was full of the aura of beast-like brutality, and he was probably not a good person.

On the other side, the purple liquid sprayed by Anemos dyed the river purple, extending from the reservoir to the outside, and all the rivers were rapidly infected by purple.

At the air base, Qiao Ji answered the call and said, "The Biochemical Research Center of the Geo Center is calling."

"The results of the analysis of the ingredients show that this ingredient will not have a bad effect on the human body or the environment," a researcher at the Geo base contacted, "If you can only say it, it is more like an alarm hormone, just like the substances secreted by ants or bees to replace language to convey information."

"Convey information? Could it be that the monster has a companion?" Shishi pondered and said quickly, "Call me Meng immediately!"

"Anemos is just a part of the ancient creatures that have been excavated," Xia Long, after contacting XIG, explained to Asano Mirai, "It is symbiotic with a creature called Kraberga..."

Xia Long walked to the front with the camera, his eyes swept around, and his brows frowned slightly.

He sensed that a huge creature was coming here through the river, no, more than one.

Xia Long's pupils shrank slightly, and after strengthening his telekinesis, dense breaths continued to appear in his perception.

"Why are there so many monsters?"

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