Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 454 New Fusion (Revised)

"Really?" Lingzi complained in a restaurant near the hospital. "You were mistaken for a member of the rescue team. Why didn't you say you were Ultraman? That's ridiculous."

Xia Long's eyelids jumped, and he said unhappily: "Hey, I paid for this meal, so stop complaining."

"What? I'm your senior," Lingzi sighed after taking a bite of the dessert, "In the end, I didn't get any interviews. That person was vague."

Xia Long explained: "It's not like you didn't hear what Mr. Hirakawa said about the situation at the time. It's rare for him to survive.

Shaking his head, Xia Long was about to start eating when he suddenly noticed a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.


He put down his fork and looked outside. Fujimiya, wearing a black coat, appeared in his field of vision outside the hospital.

Black shirt, black trousers, this guy always wears the same clothes...

"What are you looking at? "Reiko followed Xia Long's strange gaze and looked over here, just in time, Fujimiya also looked over here.

"It's from last time..."

Reiko was startled, and soon remembered that she had seen Fujimiya in the city desert last time.

Fujimiya only stayed for a while, ignored the meaning of this side, and soon disappeared in the crowd again.

"Along," Reiko turned her head and said anxiously, "Do you know who that person was just now?"

"That strange guy?" Xia Long glanced at Reiko and shook his head, "How should I know, maybe he is also a reporter."

"That's right." Seeing Fujimiya disappear, Reiko reluctantly withdrew her attention.

Xia Long blinked, said nothing more, and silently buried his head in finishing the food in front of him.

At this time, Tabata came in after finishing his work outside and said: "The video has been sent back..."

Just as he was talking, Tabata noticed the food that had been eaten up, and glared: "Why are you all eaten?"

"Really?" Reiko realized that she had eaten Tabata's portion as well, and her face suddenly turned red, "Oh, you can order another one. ”

Since Gob appeared, Xia Long had worked at KCB for more than a month without realizing it. After completing the interview with Pingchuan, he finally received his first salary, with a lot of bonuses, not too much and not too little.

He borrowed some money from Lun Wen again, and after adding some savings from before, he bought himself a motorcycle.

The silver-white streamlined body exudes a metallic luster. Although the performance is average, it is still a good means of transportation. After all, he can't use his superpowers every time to travel.

"It's so cool, A Long, can I drive it in the future?" When accompanying Xia Long to pick up the car from the store, Lun Wen couldn't help but envy.

"Of course," Xia Long smiled, "but you shouldn't use it, don't you usually use the car in the station?"

Unlike him, Lun Wen basically doesn't go out for interviews alone, and basically follows Tabata and Reiko.

Lun Wen touched his nose: "That's right, I actually want to have a car of my own."

"If you really want it, I'll give this car to you in the future. "Xia Long got on the motorcycle, shook his head and smiled.

Lun Wen was stunned when he heard Xia Long's words: "In the future?"

"Buzz!" After putting on the helmet, Xia Long directly shifted the gears and turned the handlebars and rushed onto the road at lightning speed.

"Let's go first!"

"Along!" Under Lun Wen's frightened eyes, the motorcycle was like lightning, quickly passing through the traffic, and disappeared in the distance in the blink of an eye.

"Hu——! "The scenes on both sides flew by, and the strong wind hit the helmet glass and cheeks, making a whistling sound.

With the blessing of the light energy of the evolution device, he didn't have to worry too much about safety issues. Although it was his first time driving, it looked very comfortable. It was another feeling compared to flying as a light particle or Ultraman.

Jumping out of the crowded traffic, Xia Long used light energy to condense a bullet barrier in front of the motorcycle, and the speed increased again.

It was rare to buy a motorcycle, so he didn't go back to his residence directly, but planned to take a detour to go around the city, but he encountered a problem halfway.

On his day of rest, XIG was not idle. The air base launched a number of fighters into space, targeting a giant space fortress that left the wormhole and flew towards the earth.

"Is it here again? "

After crossing the Tokyo Bridge, Xia Long sped all the way to the deserted coast before stopping the motorcycle. He also sensed the movement in space.

After hanging the helmet on the front of the motorcycle, Xia Long looked up at the sky along the ocean. As his sight passed through the clouds, the fortress in space suddenly came into view.

"What is it this time? "

The fortress looks like an enlarged version of Peanuts. It has a large internal space and many monster auras similar to the last Gob. It is disturbed by unknown radio waves, so the specific situation cannot be detected, but many Gob larvae can be faintly sensed.

It seems to be a monster manufacturing factory...

Xia Long locked the motorcycle and walked to the shore to watch XIG's operations.

There are a total of 3 teams and 9 new fighters. This is the most fighters he has seen XIG dispatch.

Outside the atmosphere, the Lightning Team, the Falcon Team and the women's team Cool Dragon Team are conducting coordinated operations, but under the influence of the fortress radio waves, the communication has lost its function. However, the Cool Dragon Team's wonderful coordination through gestures has outstanding results, and one round of attack has caused damage to the fortress.

But the situation is still very bad, and the damaged fortress is still falling towards the earth...

"According to the landing trajectory, it will eventually land on the west coast of the United States and hit Seattle directly..." Dunzi reported at the air base.

"This is bad!" Shishi said in a deep voice, "Contact GUARD's US branch immediately. "

"Can't we launch a missile attack?"

"The communication has just been repaired, and this kind of highly direct attack will increase the scope of damage!"

XIG contacted GUARD America and finally found that the only way to resolve the crisis was to deflect the fortress's landing trajectory to avoid densely populated areas.

"I dream, is there any way?" Shi Shi asked.

"Let me go, I'll drive the EX over there!" Wo Meng said hurriedly.

On the other side, before Xia Long had time to think about it, the evolution instrument had spontaneously emerged, and the core radiance flashed into one piece.

After taking a look at the active evolution device, Xia Long smiled and didn't intend to sit idly by, so he took advantage of the situation and raised the evolution device.



Following Xia Long's movements, the flashing halo condensed instantly, wrapping Xia Long into a stream of light and rushing towards the sky.

"Scared!" Like the previous times, Xia Long rushed out of the aperture of the atmosphere and rushed straight to the front of the fortress.

"Is this?" After revealing his figure, Xia Long was about to stop the fortress, but suddenly stopped at the next moment and looked at his body in disbelief.

Even though super fusion is still unavailable, the light breaths of Kallio and Tiga are perfectly fused together after transformation.

"How is this going?"

Feeling the aura of light that had increased himself several times, Xia Long's thoughts were racing.

The improvement in strength is not as good as perfect super fusion, but it does not have the side effects of super fusion.

Now, he seems to have gotten rid of the limitations of his potential and has truly integrated the power of light of Diga...

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