Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 461 Abnormal Videotape

"Woo~" Under the night sky, the howling of wolves sounded again and again, as if it was going to spread to the universe.

Feeling the sadness in the sound, Xia Long, who was in the form of a middle-aged man, looked at the howling werewolf from a high place in the moonlight.

This creature was somewhat similar to him. He also accidentally landed here and couldn't leave. The only difference was that the other party was not human, and happened to encounter the crisis of the earth, so he was hostile to monsters.

The building where the werewolf was located had been surrounded by the GUARD troops. In the early morning, a Lightning flew through the night sky and fired tranquilizer bullets at the werewolf under the gaze of everyone.

The werewolf who was shot soon fell into a deep sleep. I Meng and a man with braids climbed up the high building to investigate.

However, when they wanted to take the werewolf away, the sun came out, and the werewolf turned into gas under the sunlight and dissipated in the air.

Xia Long locked the werewolf's breath and found that the gas wolf was floating towards the natural gas tank in the coastal area.

Shaking his head, Xia Long unfolded the evolution instrument, selected the Gaussian light power, and rose into the sky in the burst of blue light.


A beam of light suddenly fell from the sky as the energy surged, and Xia Long's breath condensed in it, gradually revealing a blue figure.

Gaussian Moon God Form.

"Ultraman?" Senuma was anxious about the disappearance of the werewolf, and he was stunned when he saw the blue giant in front of him, wondering why Ultraman suddenly appeared.

Xia Long's eyes swept over the soldiers with guns below, and after staying on my dream for a while, he turned forward and condensed a ball of light to collect the gas wolf.

This is considered meddling, but since he met this guy, he didn't mind helping this guy.

"Shh!" With a shock on his feet, Xia Long flew off the ground and flew into the sky, sending it to the vicinity of the moon before letting go of the ball of light in his hand, letting it fly into the depths of the universe.

In the light ball, the gas reunited to form a werewolf, slightly opening its bloody mouth, and its red eyes looked at Xia Long with a complex expression of expectation, gratitude, and confusion.

"Thank you..."

The light ball quickly disappeared from Xia Long's vision, leaving only a faint telepathy in his heart.

Retracting his sight, Xia Long's figure flashed and turned into a beam of light and returned to Earth.

Still in the form of a middle-aged man, he ran into Fujimiya with an angry look on his face shortly after he landed on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Fujimiya asked coldly, "Send it back to the universe, are you saving it?"

"It didn't invade the earth, did it?" Xia Long interrupted expressionlessly, "What you want to do is to protect the earth, not to kill innocent people, right?"

Gently patting the Tang suit that was slightly stained with dust, Xia Long ignored Fujimiya in the middle of the road, walked straight past him, and finally disappeared at the end of the street.

On a super giant planet on the other side of the universe, this magnificent palace is suspended in the air. It is somewhat similar to the Temple of Noah, but there is no stone statue inside, only a huge throne.

At this moment, a giant in a robe is sitting on the throne. The giant is shrouded in a halo and cannot be seen directly.

"The king was killed?" The giant was surprised to hear the report from a light ball below, "Is there anyone stronger than him in the universe? I remember he is about to get the Light of Noah, right?"

"Legend has it that an Ultra Warrior who inherited the Light of Noah defeated the king," the light ball below said respectfully, "But that universe has been destroyed and it is no longer possible to confirm. The other party may have died with the king."

"Ultra Warrior..." The giant pondered and asked, "Where is Filo?"

"Lord Filo seems to have been killed by the legendary Ultra Warrior."

"When did such a powerful guy appear?" The giant stood up from the throne, was silent for a while, and sneered, "But it's good, this way I will be the strongest among the tribe. After controlling this universe, let me become the new king!"

Walking in front of the light ball, the giant asked coldly: "How are those guys doing?"

The light ball trembled slightly, and said nervously: "There was a little accident in the area responsible for Zolim, but it is still under control, and all threats will be eliminated."



In the busy KCB TV station, Xia Long asked Lun Wen while sorting out the sundries in the editing room: "Has Tabata been called to the reporting department?"

"I heard it was because of the special report last week, and the results ranked last." Lun Wen sighed, "Don't tell him later, he should be very sad now."

"Last week's special report?"

Xia Long remembered that Tabata felt that there was a connection between the monsters, so he did a special report on the source of the monster's destruction, but it may be because of the bold assumption, it didn't seem to be very popular.

The closer to the truth, the harder it is to accept. I have to say, it's a bit sad.

In the afternoon, Tabata took Xia Long and the others to a nearby izakaya.

After sitting down, Tabata, who was full of worries, kept drinking: "They said that my source direction was outrageous and asked me to find more popular topics. I just want to find the truth!"

After a few glasses of wine, Tabata couldn't help but vent his grievances.

"I will use my own method to reveal the truth about the threat humanity is facing now!"

"Tabata, you've had too much to drink," Lunwen stopped him when he saw that Tabata was still drinking, "It will affect tomorrow's interview!"

"Interview? What interview?"

"It's the interview with the Chengyan Hot Spring Travel Program."

"Chengyan?" Tabata recovered and suddenly asked, "Lunwen, did you keep the tape that was sent the day before yesterday?"

"Oh, you mean the tape that a kid sent with strange images?"

"Yes, that tape!"

Tabata cheered up and said excitedly: "I insist on completing this interview in my own way!"

Tabata stood up and said to Xia Long and Lun Wen: "Along, Lun Wen, go back to the editing room!"

"What's wrong?" Xia Long and Lun Wen looked at each other and followed Tian Duan in confusion.

Back to the TV station, several people called Lingzi and watched the videotape that Tian Duan mentioned together.

The content was a KCB TV program, but the middle picture suddenly changed and abnormally switched to another unrelated foreign street riot scene.

"What is this?" Xia Long had seen the program in the tape, but it was normal when it was broadcast at that time, and the situation in the tape did not appear.

"It looks like a picture of civil unrest in some country."

"Yeah," Tabata adjusted the image and enlarged a trademark in the picture, "Lunwen, I remember you know someone in the International Department, right?"

"Uh, I have a college classmate there."

"Then please check the trademark on this picture!"


After telling Lunwen, Tabata said to Xia Long, "Along, the three of us will go there tomorrow, you stay and finish the last film, we should be able to come back the day after tomorrow."

"I stay?" Xia Long was stunned.

Although we are just going to investigate the child who sent the strange tape, it may not involve monsters, but I always feel uneasy if I don't take him with me.

If I update more, will it feel watery?

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