Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 65 Dark Leo


The giant's arm paused, and his body flew backwards at an unimaginable speed.

"Crash!" After sliding for a distance between the ruins, the giant shot diagonally into the sky under strong momentum.

"Ugh!" With a muffled groan, the giant controlled his body and looked at the huge figure wrapped in flames on the ground.

"Is it here?"

The giant didn't seem surprised and paused in the air as if nothing had happened.

"It's quite powerful, but it's still a little bit short for me!"

"Dragon?" Qingdao stared at the familiar figure with difficulty while stabilizing the body of the McGee.

"Yeah." Putting down his right leg, Xia Long nodded to Qingdao and looked solemnly at the black giant in the air.

He was not hurt by Leo's flying kick...

Just now, in a hurry, he used the speed of flying to kick from a high altitude. The power was already greater than that of an ordinary flying kick. Ordinary monsters would definitely not survive, but the black Leo in front of him just flew backwards and finally released the force in the air.

"Who are you?" Xia Long asked in a deep voice. He didn't remember the Dark Leo in the original book.

"Haha, have you forgotten me so quickly?" The giant floated in the air, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a relaxed look, "I am Dalin, Baibu, and Andaris... Well, in short, you can think of me as a collection, a super life that has integrated the power of darkness!"

"Super life..." Xia Long looked at this guy who looked the same as himself except for the black appearance, "Is it Zaki's tool again?"

"Hey, tool? The power of adults is beyond your imagination. Just now was your strongest attack, it was really powerless," the giant taunted, changed his body shape, and flew towards Xia Long like a sharp blade, "Let me show you the real power!"

"Long, I'll help you!" Qingdao shouted, while controlling McGee No. 3 to turn towards the giant.

"Leave this to me!" Spreading his body, Xia Long stared closely at the enemy rushing towards him, and sent a voice message to Qingdao, "Qingdao, go save everyone! Please!"

"I know, Long, be careful!" Seeing Xia Long, whose body was faintly flashing with red light, Qingdao's eyes tightened and he drove the McGee away.

Seeing Qingdao start to fly low to find the team members, Xia Long raised his hands, and rushed towards the giant with his legs and feet shaking.


The air was solidified by the powerful energy, and bursts of roars sounded between the ruins.

"Shhh!" With enough energy, Xia Long's arms were wrapped in red light and he rushed towards the dark Leo.

It's impossible to be unscathed after being kicked by Leo!

Facing the black light flashing in front of him, Xia Long shouted secretly, his body exploded, and with the help of the ground under his feet, his fists became more powerful.


"Bang!" The strong collision made the whole ground vibrate, and in the flashing light, the two figures exploded and retreated.

"Not bad, you can block this!" Landing opposite Xia Long, the giant looked at Xia Long's hands that were glowing red with some surprise.

"So strong!" Feeling the severe pain in his hands, Xia Long ignored the enemy, concentrated for a moment, lowered his center of gravity, and began to look for the opponent's flaws.

The enemy in front of him was the same size as himself. In terms of fighting ability, he was not much worse than himself after integrating Andaris. The most important thing was that he could even withstand Leo's flying kick!

"As expected of a human that adults have a headache, you have some skills," Dark Leo said with a sigh, "I forgot to tell you that I have no weaknesses. As a super life, even your so-called time limit does not exist on me. Haha, I have unlimited energy!"


Xia Long's eyes condensed.

Unlimited energy? How is that possible? In that case, why would Zagi plan, just revive directly!

"Don't believe it?" Dark Leo seemed to understand Xia Long's doubts, and shook his head, "How can you humans understand the adults' thoughts?"

"Host, the other party is connected to abnormal energy, and there is indeed no obvious time limit." 001's voice sounded.

"Abnormal energy? Zagi?" Looking at Dark Leo in good condition, Xia Long frowned in his heart, "So that's it. With Zagi providing energy, if it goes on like this, even if it's not infinite time, I will be the first to fall..."

Damn it, I have to end the battle quickly!

Thinking of the consequences of defeat, Xia Long was anxious.

"Hey!" Raising his fist, Xia Long mobilized all his strength to hit Dark Leo.

"Huh? Do you want to use that combo punch again?" Dark Leo's eyes flashed red, "I'm not those low-level monsters!"

With a cold snort, Dark Leo also attacked Xia Long.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two huge bodies shot out, turned several directions, and their figures intertwined again, and bursts of explosions sounded in the space.

"I'm quite capable!" Grabbing Xia Long's fist, feeling the power that instantly spread throughout his body, Dark Leo's eyes flashed, "How about coming to help the adults?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Hah!" After Dark Leo dodged several consecutive kicks, Xia Long began to engage in close combat with the enemy.

Punching, slashing, elbowing, grabbing, back throwing...all kinds of attack methods and countless attack techniques were used by Xia Long, and each move directly forced the opponent's empty goal, but Dark Leo, who had merged with Andaris, had an extraordinary fighting ability, and the battle was temporarily deadlocked.

Damn it!

Feeling the passage of time, the strength in Xia Long's hands became heavier.


The attacks came one after another, extremely fierce, and the momentum created was faintly felt by the regiments as far away as the Defense Force headquarters.

At this moment, after a long wait, Tuan finally met Sakata, and the two were discussing the investigation in the conference room.

"Captain Morohoshi!" Seeing that the person he was talking to was deep in thought, Sakata shouted.

"Sorry!" He glanced at Sakata apologetically, then stood up and looked out the window.

"Dragon..." Thinking that Xia Long might be fighting to the death with the enemy, Tuan's palms tightened.

Things here must be resolved as soon as possible!

"What's wrong? Is it about the monster?" Sakata put down the document in his hand, "Since the enemy has appeared, I don't think there is a need for investigation. The team leader should go and direct the battle!"

"Boom!" Fending off the opponent's knife, Xia Long finally found an opportunity to hit Dark Leo's abdomen with his knee. Taking advantage of the opponent's knocking him away, he waved his hand and punched him a few more times.

"Not bad!" Taking a few steps back due to the momentum, Dark Leo rubbed his abdomen, jumped into the air, and snorted coldly, "Your fighting ability is indeed very strong, but..."


Seeing the light that was suddenly drawn away from Dark Leo's arm, Xia Long felt a strong crisis and hurriedly turned over to avoid it.

"call out!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

As the beam flashed, the buildings behind Xia Long exploded one after another, as if they were attacked by dense missiles. Flames burst out and smoke enveloped them.


With screams ringing in his ears, Xia Long turned around and saw countless people running away in panic amid the ruins and collapsed buildings.


Xia Long looked around, seeing ruins, broken walls, and crackling fireworks.

The aftermath of the fighting rippled throughout the area.


Clenching his fists, Xia Long's body surged with energy.

"Why, can't you stand this level?" Dark Leo's chuckle came from the head, "When the master's plan is successful, the whole world will be like this. Haha, don't worry, human beings will not become extinct. Anyone who takes refuge in the master Everyone can survive, so what, do you want to consider..."

"Shut up!" Xia Long looked over his head fiercely and shouted angrily.

"Dad, Dad!" A familiar voice sounded. Xia Long looked down and saw Xiao Tong squatting beside a huge cement slab, crying in pain.


Xia Long's body was shaken. He looked carefully and saw that half of Umeda's body was pinned down under the gap between the reinforced concrete.


"Ahem, Tong, don't be afraid, dad is fine..." Umeda wiped Tong's tears with trembling hands, "Dad will take you... to the park tomorrow..."

"I don't want it!" Xiaotong cried and grabbed Umeda's palm, "Don't leave me!"

"Tong..." Feeling Umeda's gradually weakening breath, Xia Long's body trembled.

"Tsk, tsk, human beings are really fragile. This is the sadness of not having power." Dark Leo shook his head and continued, "How about it, do you want to think about it again? With the help of adults, you can also gain stronger power. !”

"I will fight for my power myself," Xia Long slowly turned around to face Dark Leo, with suppressed anger in his voice, "Now I just want to kill you!"

"Kill me?" Dark Leo was stunned, then laughed, "Are you kidding me?"

"Not just you, but also Zaki!" Xia Long growled.

Umeda was Xiaodong, Xiang, and Hirono's hope, but now...

Nothing is protected!

Looking at his opponent with a tense body, Xia Long tried his best to mobilize the energy in his body.

"You mean kill me, like this kid?" Dark Leo stopped laughing, raised his hand and shot an energy bullet towards Xiaotong.

"call out!"


With a flash of body, Xia Long blocked the middle with his body.

"Boom!" The energy bomb exploded on Xia Long.

"Beep!" The red light began to sound.

Looking at the red light flashing on his chest, Xia Long secretly screamed something bad.

The opponent's status has not changed, but he has no time!

"What else can you do like this?" Leng snorted, and Dark Leo gathered energy in his arms again.

"001, give me overclocking!" Xia Long paused and said in a deep voice. Although overclocking in the transformed state has some side effects, he can't care about that much now.

"The target is connected to abnormal energy, and the maximum strength is too high. It is not recommended for the host to overclock."

"Huh?" Xia Long's heart tightened, "What about protection mode?"

"The conditions are insufficient," 001 continued, "Due to the abnormal energy, the consumption of the protection mode exceeds the total number of transformations of the host so far!"

Is there no other way?

Can't even use protected mode...

Looking at the apocalyptic ruins, the sky began to turn dark. Xia Long's mind went blank and his heart gradually sank.

team leader……

"I said, you are here to kill me!" Looking sarcastically at Xia Long, who was standing still, Dark Leo raised his hand and fired several energy bombs.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Xia Long was shaken by the explosion and stepped back repeatedly, and finally stopped in front of Xiao Tong.

"Beep! Beep!" The rapid chirp of the red light penetrated the smoke.

"You have to protect these humble humans after this?" Dark Leo shook his head and looked at Xia Long with pity, "What a waste of this powerful power!"

"Ahem," Xia Long covered his chest and knelt on the ground, holding on to the ground with one hand, "This is a responsibility, how could you understand..."

"Ultraman...Ultraman," Umeda's face was pale, he raised his arms weakly, as if he wanted to touch the huge red body above his head, "Tong, Jiao...I leave it to you..."

"Dad!" Xiaotong followed Umeda's gaze and stood up, crying, "Come on, Leo!"


Xia Long stared at the father and son at his feet.

"Come on!" Xiaotong's hoarse cry hit Xia Long's heart hard.


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