Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 714 Love Ghost Appears

"Eh? Does everyone want to go?" Naomi was slightly startled, her eyes were moist for some reason, and she lowered her head silently, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what? After all, this time is everyone's business," Xia Long said as he drove into the SSP garage. "The promised bonus has not been received yet, so everyone is anxious, right?"

Naomi looked at Xia Long and opened his mouth, and said softly: "Long-san, actually, President Xiaozhou has told us the situation. It's just that seeing how hard you work, Long-san, no one can talk. In fact, even if you can't get sponsorship, you won't be able to talk." It doesn't matter……"

"Don't give up so quickly. Let's wait until tomorrow whether it succeeds or not."

Xia Long parked the car, smiled at Naomi, and walked upstairs to the office first.

"Ryuu-san." Zenta greeted from inside the room, but when he noticed Naomi who followed him through the door, he was surprised and said, "Captain, aren't you going to a pre-wedding party?"

Naomi put her bag aside and said with an uneasy expression, "It's a long story. How are you doing here?"

Xia Long was about to change his clothes when Asen suddenly shouted: "Long Sang, captain, come and see this, that wish stone may not be simple."

"Is there something wrong with the wish stone?" Xia Long asked curiously.

"You're back, Long Sang," Hong Kai walked out of the bathroom refreshed, wiped his hair with a towel, and then moved closer to Asen, "What's this?"

After opening the computer information, Asen continued: "This stone tablet has the words 'Liangui is here' written on it. I checked it and found out that according to records of the Taiping Customs, Liangui was a pair of samurai who fell in love but were separated during the Warring States Period. The ghost of the princess, who is jealous of the happy lovers, will appear at the wedding wearing a blazing armor and harm the bride.”

"But what does Liangui have to do with the wish stone?"

"The wish stone was later created by a great mage who sealed Lian Gui into the stone tablet. After that, Lian Gui used his spiritual power to help humans realize their wishes."

"Isn't this great?" Naomi followed, "Even if you were a resentful spirit before, but now you are helping others, you should not report it casually."

"Eh?" Shanta said anxiously with a bitter look on his face, "Captain, don't you think it's a good topic? Our website needs this kind of material..."

"Don't think so much, everyone will go to the wedding with me tomorrow." Naomi interrupted Zenta forcefully.

The next day, at the wedding ceremony in Xiangye Plateau, all the carefully dressed SSPs entered the hotel together, and even Hong Kai was forced to change into a suit.

Before the reception even started, Naomi met the bride Yoko. Accompanied by Xia Long and others, Naomi barely adjusted her mentality to face her former best friends.

"Ryuu-san," Zenta couldn't help but whispered, thinking that Naomi had been acting weird since yesterday, "The captain seems to have something on his mind. What happened yesterday?"

"Nothing happened," Xia Long looked around the hotel carefully and changed the subject. "We have plenty of time now. Let's prepare well and try to leave a good impression."

As expected, Shanta's attention turned to the hotel.

As the wedding venue for the young master of Dongdu Hotel, the entire hotel is very gorgeous. Whether it is the surrounding environment, architectural design or interior decoration, it is an eye-opener for Shanta.

"Ryu-san," Shanta said dreamily and uncertainly, "can we really get sponsorship from such a big hotel? Even if the captain and the bride are best friends..."

"So we have to work hard."

Xia Long narrowed his eyes. In fact, compared to clothing, cars and the like, hotel advertising is not easy for their SSP. After all, everyone is usually shooting outside or staying in the SSP office.

The only advantage is that this hotel seems to be operated separately from the Dongdu Hotel chain, so it needs some channels for special promotion. SSP's live broadcast website has this ability.

Although SSP is currently at a low point, it is well-known, especially in the disaster-prone Tokyo area.

If Nalang is willing to become the title sponsor, it may be a win-win situation. Not only can it break the SSP dilemma, but the hotel itself can also gain popularity.

But that's just thinking about it, it's already very rare for the other party to be willing to sponsor...

"Long-sang," Shanta said with a slightly gloomy expression, "I'm sorry, if it weren't for us, Long-sang wouldn't be working so hard."

"I'm the one who should be sorry," Xia Long shook his head gently, "I'm not a good boss. Even though everyone is trying so hard, they still suffer. However, don't worry, SSP will definitely be a great company in the future. Office."

Naomi on the other side finished chatting with her best friend soon, and the main character happened to be here too.

"Long Sang," Lang said warmly, "are these SSP members?"

Zenta was a little reserved and pulled Asori to introduce himself to Lang: "We are Zenta and Asori from SSP. The one eating over there is Kaisan."

Saying that, Shanta pointed at Hong Kai who was tasting delicious food not far away. After feeling the eyes of everyone, Hong Kai also smiled and nodded.

"How's it going?" Lang smiled politely, turned to Xia Long and said, "Have you encountered any problems?"

"Great hotel." Xia Long praised, and just as he was about to mention the sponsorship, Lang apologetically took his fiancée Yoko to greet the guests on the other side.

Xia Long sensitively noticed an unfriendly look among the guests, but it quickly disappeared.

"Long Sang, this is trouble," Asen suddenly exclaimed and handed the tablet to Xia Long, "The news just now said that someone witnessed a huge warrior wearing red armor last night, and the location was near the wish stone."

"Warrior?" Xia Long took the tablet and looked at the hot news being played. The video screen vaguely captured a huge figure walking in the night, "What's going on?"

"That is, the love ghost left the sealed stone tablet for some reason," Asen said solemnly, "If the record in the Taiping Fengtuji is correct, the love ghost may become a vengeful spirit again to destroy the wedding."

Call out the entire area map, Asen said with an ugly face: "The wedding closest to the wishing stone is here."

"How could this happen?" Naomi came over, and when she heard Asen's words, her body shook, and she said anxiously, "We must inform Yoko quickly."

Xia Long grabbed Naomi and shook her head and said, "Don't panic, what's the use of saying this, let's find Mr. Shibukawa first."

After saying that, Xia Long hurriedly ordered: "Zenta, update the information of the love ghost on the Internet and issue a warning first."

"Okay!" Zenta began to operate the webpage carefully. Whether it was to save people or to successfully attract sponsorship, they had to find a way quickly.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Hong Kai came back with a plate of snacks, and noticed that the atmosphere became solemn and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Zenta seemed to remember something, and grabbed Hong Kai and said: "Kai-san, the love ghost has appeared, and this hotel will definitely be destroyed by it. Think of a way quickly."

"Ah?" Hong Kai was a little overwhelmed by Zenta's fiery gaze, and hurriedly put on a headache and said, "How can I do anything?"

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