Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 731 The Princess in Distress

"Why are you here?" Xia Long came back to his senses, temporarily put aside the girl's business, and responded, "Just looking for something."

"Looking for something?"

Xiao Zhi was confused for a while, and said excitedly: "It's something important, right? I'll help you find it too..."

"No need," Xia Long interrupted with a smile, "I can only find it by myself."

"Is that so."

The spaceship shuttled smoothly in the fleeting light stream. Xiao Zhi began to feel sleepy after pestering Xia Long for a while, and soon fell asleep in his parents' arms.

After worrying and tossing for a long time, the other people in the cabin gradually began to rest tiredly, and the slight breathing sound came one after another.

Xia Long was not sleepy, just looking out the window quietly.

It has been a while since he parted with Hong Kai and his group, but he still hasn't found the way to evolve later, and he doesn't know how to return to another universe...

"Buzz!" After an unknown amount of time, the spaceship suddenly vibrated slightly, waking up a large number of people.

"What's wrong?"

"Have we arrived?"

Many people looked out the window and found that the spacecraft had left the curvature jump and returned to the star field, but it didn't look like it had reached its destination.

There was a lot of discussion in the cabin, and the cabin broadcast sounded again in the middle of the uneasy moment.

"We are in trouble for the time being, and we will be back to normal soon..."

The captain's voice was heard over and over again, but it not only failed to stabilize people's hearts, but made people more worried, especially when everyone saw countless enemy ships appearing outside the spacecraft.

"We can't escape!" A person with a little more knowledge said palely, "Why are we making such a big fuss for a civilian refuge ship?"

There was no surprise. It seemed that the transport plane had no way to escape. The enemy fleet did not have the first time and space, but communicated with the captain.

Xia Long secretly glanced at the girl next to him and noticed that the girl looked gloomy. She wanted to leave her seat but was stopped by the bodyguard, while the captain in the cockpit was still communicating nervously with the enemy.

No matter how ignorant they are, they should be able to see that the transport plane has no room for resistance. Under absolute force, a few bodyguards can do nothing.

Shaking his head, Xia Long asked Zero to take over the transport plane, temporarily set up a circle of invisible shields, and directly took the transport plane away from the enemy ship.

"Zizi!" In the cockpit, the captain was negotiating with the enemy with sweat on his head, and the communication was suddenly disconnected automatically, and all signals were lost.

"What's going on?" The group of people were sweating and looked nervously at the enemy ships in the detection screen.

For some reason, the originally neat fleet group had some commotion, but no attack was launched...

"Captain," a subordinate said in horror, "the transport plane has lost control!"


Not only in the cockpit, everyone on the ship found something unusual.

The transport plane, which was already at the end of its rope, actually took the initiative to fly out of the encirclement of the enemy ships, and the enemy ships were like blind people, without any obstacles.

"This..." The bearded man widened his eyes and watched the transport plane swagger out of the encirclement as if he had seen a ghost.

"Such a large spaceship cannot be seen, what are those guys doing?"

Xia Long smiled, and waited until the transport plane was almost safe before removing the shield and releasing the control of the spaceship.

"Recovered!" Everyone in the cockpit was still confused, but seeing that the spaceship had regained control and escaped the encirclement, the captain wiped his sweat and continued to give orders.

"Adjust the route, target neutral planets!"

Although the escape was a bit inexplicable, the captain was relieved.

Continue sailing, it will take only one day to reach the neutral planet, and the journey should be safe afterwards.

The captain looked back at the cabin with a slight relaxation.

As one of the few insiders, he certainly knew what the enemy's goal was.

The girl was the imperial princess Galanqi, who was originally arranged with the civilian refugee ship just in case, but the enemy didn't know where they got the news from, and they actually targeted the princess directly.

If the princess was caught or killed, the consequences would be unimaginable...

The spaceship continued to move forward, and Xia Long didn't relax like the people around him.

He felt that the fleets would not give up so easily, and he should not be careless even if he successfully reached the destination.

However, perhaps the enemy ships really gave up or were afraid of his two attacks, and there was really no danger in the next journey, not even the pirates who roamed the universe.

Xia Long was relieved without danger, and simply turned his attention to the neutral planet where the refuge ship was going.

The planet in front of him was much larger than the Earth and the planet Z43. When the transport plane approached, Xia Long was even more surprised by the prosperity of the spaceport.

The huge metal tracks intersected, and the densely packed spaceships flew in and out. The gorgeous protective light curtain surrounding the atmosphere was also very unusual. It was really a big deal. One could imagine the strength and wealth of the civilization of this planet.

No wonder it could become a neutral planet like a shelter...

"Swoosh!" The spaceship fell smoothly towards the spaceport. When passing through the shield, Xia Long clearly felt a scanning fluctuation.

It was probably to confirm his identity. With Zero's help, Xia Long didn't care at all and followed the spaceship into the spaceport without any surprise.

"Brother A'long, are you leaving?" After getting off the ship with the crowd, Xiao Zhi reluctantly caught up with Xia Long.

Xia Long turned around and smiled, "I will rest here for a few days, but I will definitely leave after that. If Xiao Zhi wants to become a cosmic mercenary, you can only rely on yourself."

Xiao Zhi's eyes darkened and he choked up and said, "But..."

"Long Sang," before Xiao Zhi finished speaking, the girl came over with her guards and said happily, "Can I trouble you to protect me?"

Xia Long looked at the girl who exuded a noble atmosphere in her gentleness and shook his head, "If it is a commission, I will not accept it in a short time."

"Why?" The girl asked curiously, "It is not as dangerous as before."

"Sorry, it's not a question of whether it is dangerous or not." Xia Long still shook his head apologetically. He was just a passer-by and had his own things to do. There was no need to have too many intersections with the people in this universe.

"Your Highness," the bearded man squeezed forward from behind, looked at Xia Long with dissatisfaction, and patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you, nothing will happen."

The girl still felt a little regretful, but she had to let Xia Long leave with Xiao Zhi's family.

"Your Highness, Princess," the bearded man said uncomfortably, feeling ignored, "Why do you care so much about that kid? He said he was a mercenary, but I think he is just a liar. At most, he is a rookie who has never seen blood."

"Okay," the captain glared at the bearded man who didn't know how to behave, and turned to the girl and said, "Your Highness, go back to the ship first. We can set off as soon as the supplies are completed."


The girl came to her senses, nodded silently, and returned to the transport plane under the protection of the guards.

However, just after entering the ship, a contemptuous voice suddenly came from inside.

"I thought there was something special, but it turned out to be just an ordinary transport plane. I actually have to take action," the Nakel star raised his pistol, looked around, and sneered at the girl who was different from others, "Your Highness, go with me honestly!"

"Protect the princess!"

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