Thick black mist spread from the underground space and soon enveloped the entire defense force headquarters.

"Ah, what is this?" Countless SADF soldiers curled up in pain.

"Boom!" The sky above the defense forces gradually gathered layers of black clouds due to the influence of black fog, and there was a faint sound of thunder and lightning.

"This is?" Xia Long stopped in mid-air and looked solemnly at the scene in front of him.

When the black fog expanded to a height of more than 100 meters, it finally stopped. However, the clouds in the sky did not decrease. Instead, they gathered more and more, and soon the sun was blocked, and the earth was plunged into darkness.

"What a terrifying power," Astra looked at the black mist in surprise, "What on earth is happening here?"

"Roar!" A huge roar came from the black mist. Even though they were far apart, Xia Long and Astra felt the amazing pressure.

"Dragon..." A vague voice sounded in Xia Long's ears, passing through Leo's body and reaching the bottom of his heart.

"Captain!" Feeling the fluctuations of energy, Xia Long's body shook and he shot towards the black mist.

"Wait, Dragon!" Astra couldn't stop him and could only follow closely, "Don't be impulsive!"

"Scared!" He shouted secretly, and Xia Long's arms flashed with red light, shooting straight into the black mist.

He could feel the terrifying power brewing on the opposite side, but at the same time he also felt the group's increasingly faint aura.

"His!" A pair of huge red eyes appeared in front of Xia Long in the black mist.

This is it!

With light flashing in his eyes, Xia Long clenched his fists and rushed towards the huge figure surrounded by red light.


"Bang!" A huge force collided with Xia Long, and Xia Long flew away with a muffled sound before he could react.

"Wow!" Like a kite with a broken string, Xia Long couldn't control his body at all. Like a rocket taking off, he shot out black mist quickly. His body rubbed fiercely with the air, and flames appeared faintly.

"Dragon!" In desperation, Astra quickly stopped Xia Long, "Hey -"

"?——" A powerful shock wave erupted from the two of them, and a fiery red halo of light flashed around them.

"Are you okay, Dragon?" Astra stood up again and supported Xia Long.

"It's okay." Xia Long shook his head and looked closely at the black mist that gradually began to condense into a figure over a hundred meters high. "What on earth is this?"

"Roar——!!" Under the layers of black clouds, a super-large demon-like monster actually appeared. The giant blood-red eyes were full of violence. Xia Long's body energy was a little unstable just by looking at it. stand up.

"The plan begins!" In the underground space, Sakata completely changed. His whole body was surrounded by black smoke, strange black lines appeared on his face, and his eyes were red.

"Director..." Several researchers looked hesitantly at Sakata, whose image had changed drastically. Everything seemed to be as Tuan said, and things were out of control.

"Kajita!" Sakata glanced at everyone coldly, and his eyes returned to the energy mass overflowing with black mist above his head.

"Bang!" Kajita fired a shot to the side, and walked towards the staff coldly, "If you don't want to be like this guy, you'd better keep operating!"

"Bang bang!" Several consecutive shots hit the fallen staff member, and everyone couldn't help but feel chilled.


"Yes, yes!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they started to operate again.

"The instruments are all running smoothly!"

"Very good!" A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the black smoke on Sakata's body connected with the energy mass above, "Human..."

On the ground, the entire defense force headquarters had been razed to the ground, and the huge monster was fully exposed.


"This guy seems to be a collection of evil thoughts!" Astra said solemnly, "I have seen similar existences in the universe, but they are not so huge... How could such a terrifying guy appear on earth?"

"It's Zaki," Xia Long calmed down his energy and looked at the monster carefully, "Zaki's plan..."

Compared to the monster in front of him, Ultraman was as big as a child. What on earth did Zaki do?

Xia Long felt as if a huge boulder had been pressed down on his heart, which was extremely heavy.

And Captain, what happened?

"Zaki?" Astra looked at Xia Long in confusion, "Is this the opponent you mentioned?"

"Well," Xia Long nodded and collected his thoughts, "No matter what, let's deal with this guy first!"

He had already experienced the strength of the monster just now. It was very strong, and as the black smoke gathered, it continued to get stronger. If it continued like this, he didn't know where it would get.

"Scared!" The two of them looked at each other, and at the same time turned into red light and attacked the giant monster from different directions.


As it approached again, Xia Long looked at the roaring monster and was on guard. It was covered in black smoke just now, and he was knocked away before he could see what it was. If it happened again, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Zhaji!" Adjusting his body shape, Xia Long's legs began to gather red light, his speed increased again, and flames exploded.

Leo flying kick!

"Phew!" The strong energy was pulled towards the monster, but before Xia Long could attack, several tentacles suddenly appeared on the monster's body and surrounded Xia Long.

"Drink!" Xia Long spread his arms as his body shook.

"Here!" Red light spots appeared on Xia Long's chest, and finally converged into light flowing to his hands.

Facing the tentacles from all directions, Xia Long did not avoid them. Using his hand as a knife, his body began to spin rapidly.

“?——!” The scorching flames completely enveloped Xia Long, forming a red cone of light.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” With a few explosions, the tentacles that were close to him broke one after another, and smoke rose from the broken ends.

“Die!” Losing the threat, Xia Long shot straight at the monster.

“Boom——” The huge shock echoed all over the sky, and the powerful energy made the ground in the entire defense headquarters area seem to shake.

“Director, if this continues, this place will collapse!” A researcher looked at the underground space where sand and soil kept falling in horror.

“Hmph!” Feeling the fierce collision of the ground, Sakata snorted coldly, “Strengthen energy absorption!”

“Hiss!” The monster that was hit hard by Xia Long roared wildly, and the surface of its body crackled, and endless black and red lightning turned into electric snakes that kept biting the air.

Not good!

Looking at the tentacles constantly emerging from the monster’s body, Xia Long’s figure exploded back.

"Astra!" Dodging the flashing tentacles, Xia Long looked to the other side. Astra's body paused and was entangled by several tentacles, with a red light flashing on her chest.

"Buzz!" A strong energy wave came from the monster, and Xia Long's body tensed up. He saw a red light wave condensed by the monster and shot towards Astra.

"Astra!" Xia Long shouted loudly, and his body subconsciously rushed towards Astra, "Hey-ah-!"

"Bang!" A red light flashed on his legs, and Xia Long kicked the ground hard. In an instant, he rolled in front of Astra.

"Ah--" The red light wave shot directly to Xia Long's back, and black and red lightning spread all over his body.

"Swish--!" The light wave continued, almost penetrating Xia Long, and soon the red light on his chest rang wildly.


"Brother... Brother!" With his hands and feet bound, Astra looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and the memory of L77 emerged in his mind.

"Astra, I will always protect you!"

Staring blankly at the painful figure in front of him, Astra struggled desperately.


A dazzling light burst out from Astra, and the darkness seemed to be dispelled.

"Brother!!" With his arms grasping forward, the energy in Astra's body vibrated violently.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The tentacles were blown off one after another, and Astra got a chance to breathe.

"Shock!" Holding Xia Long tightly, Astra endured the severe pain in his body and shouted and shot into the sky.

"Boom--" After losing the target, the red light wave shot towards a mountain mist, and there were continuous explosions, and huge rocks on the ground splashed.

"Hu~Hu~" Panting violently, Xia Long nodded to Astra and turned to face the monster. The attack was unsuccessful. The monster seemed to be particularly angry and sent countless tentacles to attack the two.



Hands overlapped with Astra, Xia Long felt that the light particles were unusually active.

"The host's light particle excitation degree is 90%."

"Let's do it together!" The red light flowed between the palms of the two people, and Xia Long's mind was filled with many ways of using Leo's energy.

Leo, is that you?

Feeling the constantly fluctuating energy in his body, Xia Long's eyes were determined.



Accompanied by the huge red light curtain bursting in front of the two people, a flash of light that cut through the darkness appeared.

"Boom--!" The tentacles were submerged by the huge energy light wave, and in a moment, they were all turned into powder.

"What!" In the underground space, Sakata's face sank, staring at the two constantly fluctuating red light balls on the surveillance screen.

"My lord!" Kajita shouted.

"It doesn't matter," Sakata said coldly with his red eyes turning, "Continue!"

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