Toba Raiha's arms trembled slightly and she choked with sobs: "I failed to protect them, mom and dad... I have lived in pain and regret these past six years. When I close my eyes every day, I think of them!"

"big sister!"

On the bank of the river, Xiaococoon suddenly walked out of the space passage and found Toba Laiye who was in a stalemate.

"Little cocoon?" Toba Raiha asked anxiously, ignoring Xia Long, "Why are you here? Did I tell you about the Litru Star? You will be targeted by monsters. It is very dangerous here! "

"But big sister, aren't you also in danger?" Xiao Yu worried, "What exactly do you want to do? Go back, big sister, let's go back!"

"Little Cocoon," Toba Raiha saw that the monster was about to be defeated by Geed, put down his sword and said sincerely, "I have been waiting for this opportunity for 6 years... one day you will understand me!"

Saying that, Toba Kuruha stopped confronting Xia Long and went straight around to rush towards the battlefield.

"Big sister!" Xiao Yu wanted to chase her anxiously, but ended up falling into the sand.

"Little cocoon!"

Xia Long stepped forward to help the little girl up. As the light shone, a golden ball of light emerged from the girl's chest.

"Star of Litru?"

The girl was leaning on Xia Long, not paying attention to the strange situation, and urgently begged Geede, who was defeating the monster in the front, "Please, Geede, save big sister!"

"Wow!" Under Xia Long's gaze, Litru's Star flew towards Geed, and finally merged into the energy indicator.

Same as before...

Xia Long's eyes stayed on Geede for a moment, then turned to the bottom of the battlefield. After sensing the trace of K from Fujing, he supported the girl and said: "Xiao Yu, you stay here first."

On the creek suspension bridge, Izuku Fushii stood in the middle of the bridge, smiling and looking at Toba Kuriha running from the other end.

"It's really hard on you to know that I'm here."

"Sure enough, it's you!" Toba Raiha calmly clenched the sword, "It's really unexpected that you are here again after 6 years."

"If not, how could my most precious Litru Star appear," Fushii DeK chuckled, "It would be terrible if it was lost, just like that time."

"You guy!" The girl subconsciously looked back at the cocoon on the far bank of the river, shouted angrily and waved her long sword.

"Toba Raiha!" When Xia Long rushed to the suspension bridge, Toba Raiha had already rushed towards Fushii Ide, splitting layers of energy and fighting fiercely at close quarters, with swords like dragons and snakes, clanging with Fusui one after another. Ide's canes collide.

Compared with the elegance of his appearance, IdeK Fushii's fighting skills are more charming. He can easily disintegrate Toba Raiha's attack with just his cane, and he can break through the long sword with ease and knock the girl away instantly.

"You're too young to fight me."

Perhaps because he saw Xia Long, Izuku Fushii chuckled, put away his cane and was about to leave, but the indignant Toba Kuriha picked up the scabbard again and faced him.


It was too late for Xia Long to stop him. As the lightning flashed, Toba Laiye was suddenly blown away by an impact and fell straight into Xia Long's arms.

"Hmph," Izuku Fushii casually adjusted his collar and chuckled, "President Manatsu, I didn't expect to meet here."

"I didn't expect that either." Xia Long helped the girl in pain aside and watched the girl's eyes shed tears. She sobbed unwillingly and felt a little heavy for a while.

"This is not what you should do, let me do it."

Bowing slightly, Xia Long concentrated on facing Fu Jing's K.

"Huh?" Fushii Idek frowned slightly, and he also opened his palms to gather an impact energy.

"Bang bang!"

Waves of sonic booms sounded out of thin air on the suspension bridge. As Xia Long's arm evolution instrument appeared, an invisible energy shield burst open like water. The wind roared on the suspension bridge for a while. Toba who was leaning on the bridge widened his eyes and died. Death looked towards the center of the storm.

"Is this?" Fushii made a move, and Mingwu smiled, "I see, President Manatsu is not from Earth either. That's interesting."

With the corners of his mouth raised, Fushii no longer used conservative attacks. He excitedly enveloped the cane with a ball of black and purple energy, and pushed towards Xia Long with piercing energy like a poisonous snake.

"bring it on!"

"call out!"

Between the invisible positions, the air flow slowly passed through traces in front of Xia Long's eyes. Fusui Izuku's movements were clearly reflected in his eyes. When the attack was about to fall on him, Xia Long raised his hand and struck hard. While flicking the cane away, he punched the target with a punch. Fushii comes out of the chest.


Izuku Fushii groaned and took a few steps back, looking at Xia Long in disbelief.

too fast……

Enduring the pain, Ide Fushii picked up his cane, dodged and teleported behind Xia Long: "Die!"


Xia Long was not careless. With a thought, he teleported at the same time. Light flashed on his hand, and he knocked Fujing away again.


The shock wave exploded, and Fushii was thrown away, landing heavily on the edge of the suspension bridge.


Xia Long didn't hit him hard, but he directly lost his fighting ability. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't stand up.

"You..." Fushii Izuku took a painful breath and looked at Xia Long's pupils tightening, "Who are you?"

Xia Long did not answer. Just as he was about to seal off Fushii Izuku's last strength, the familiar aura of the silver-robed man flashed through him again. In a daze, Fushii Dezhi's figure suddenly disappeared on the suspension bridge, leaving only erratic sounds echoing in all directions.

"Lord Kallio, now is not the time..."

"you again!"

Xia Long looked around, and suddenly his eyebrows jumped. His sight turned to the dense forest on the other side. Aizaki Moeya and the Shade starman appeared in the induction, looking at him in surprise.

"Yu, aliens?" Aizaki Moeya exclaimed and covered her mouth, "Senior, he found us!"


Xia Long murmured at the two people, and before he could think about it, the shouts of Asakura Riku and others came from behind.


"President Manxia?"

Iga Li had someone bring his daughter Xiaojian and Asakura Riku to the suspension bridge in a hurry. Seeing Xia Long, he was stunned.

"Ryu-san," Asakura Riku nervously helped Toba Raiye up and asked Xia Long, "Where is Fui Ide?"

"He's gone." Xia Long came back to his senses, ignored the two AIB agents, gathered his thoughts and faced everyone.

Toba Raiye struggled to support his body, looked at Xia Long with a complicated expression, and tears could be seen faintly in his eyes.

"Kalio, sir..."

"Miss Laiye," Xia Long picked up the long sword on the ground, sheathed it and handed it to the girl, saying, "The past cannot be changed. There is still a long way to go in the future. We cannot be swayed by hatred."

Xiao Jian walked to Laiye who was silent, and worriedly pulled the corner of her clothes: "Big sister..."

Toba Laiye paused, took the long sword and hugged Xiao Jian tightly with tears in her eyes.

Seeing that the girl did not mention the previous incident, Xia Long breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the two people and said, "I am afraid it will be difficult to capture Fujingchu alive in the future. Let's think of other ways."

Not only did the silver-robed man intervene, but after this incident, Fujingchu K probably would not be so careless again.

"Well," Asakura Lu saw Laiye crying for the first time, and he felt uncomfortable. He nodded and said, "Let's go back. There must be a way in the future."

Xia Long responded and left with everyone. When he passed by Laiye, he vaguely heard a faint thank you.

Stupified, Xia Long smiled and said nothing more.

Unlike Zero, he doesn't want Asakura Riku to know his identity if it's not necessary. It's enough to secretly help this growing warrior while dealing with his own enemies.

My main plot is not well integrated with Geed, and Geed's last few episodes are not very clear. Belia is not dead yet. I will try my best to write it.

I will update it tomorrow

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