Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 761 Let’s fight together

"Fight hand in hand with me, I will protect your smile..."

Time seems to have returned to the day more than ten years ago when the Flashman Handshake Meeting was held in Xingshan City.

The same gentle voice sounded clearly in Asakura Lu's ears, and it faintly overlapped with Xia Long's, as if he had met Flash Man again.

Asakura's pupils narrowed and he opened his eyes. The Flash Man's figure faded away, leaving only Xia Long's stretched out arm.

After gathering himself, Asakura Riku grabbed his arm and stood up.


The heavy rain stopped, and a rich brilliance burst out from the middle, quickly covering the entire space.

At the same time in the outside world, Beria suddenly made a cry of pain, and the energy timer in his chest kept gushing out.

"What's wrong?"

Toba Raiha and the others immediately noticed the movement on the battlefield: "Did it succeed?"

The light became more and more intense, and finally gathered together to form the figure of Geed opposite Beria.

"Xiaolu is separated!"

Peijia said in surprise: "Great, Long Sang did it!"

"What?" Beria held his chest slightly weakly and looked gloomily at Geed in front of him, "Are you going to abandon your father? Son!"

"Don't call me son!"

Geed unfolded his fighting stance, looked around suspiciously, and after not finding Xia Long, he stepped forward and rushed towards Beria in a deep voice.

"I decide my own destiny!"

"Haha, you are indeed my son, Beria."

Belial raised his hand to block Geed's attack, and Evil Smile merged the Five Emperor Beast and Zog's second form capsule in the black and purple light, sublimating into a pterosaur-like beast form.

"This is a monster capsule based on the Kingdom of Light capsule. Haha, let my father love you!"

"Xiao Lu..."

Pejia looked at the battlefield scene worriedly, and then realized that Xia Long did not appear together.

"Strange, where is Long Sang?"

"Maybe he left early," Toba Raiha breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the battlefield with a smile. "It's completely different from Xiaolu. He is always mysterious."

On the battlefield, Geedlian and Belia, who had retrieved all the capsules, started a fierce battle, and in an instant they transformed into a heroic form that combined the power of Ultra's father and Zero, attracting the attention of a large number of people who were seeking refuge.

However, his heroic form alone could not defeat Beria, and instead he gradually began to be suppressed by Beria.

Toba Raiha looked at his hands, and the scene from 6 years ago came to mind again.

Parents, Fushii Ide, Belial Fusion Beast... In the past six years, she has spent her whole day in pain and regret, and has never been able to let it go. However, after meeting Xiao Lu, the others, and Xia Long, she gradually gained some understanding in her heart. The new support is no longer just hatred.

Thinking of risking being fused to enter Belia's body and destroy Xiaolu's Xia Long, Toba Raiha breathed a sigh of relief, took off the long sword from his back and stepped forward to swing it.

Following Toba Raiha's movements, the Litru Star finally took shape, and a ball of light flew straight out and merged high into the Geed timer.

"This is," Riku Asakura picked up the newly opened Ultra Capsule and said unexpectedly, "The King of Ultra?"

Xia Long stood in the street and looked at Jade quietly.

After getting the new Ultra Capsule, Geed transformed again, fused Belial and the Ultra King Capsule in a burst of golden brilliance, golden armor, king's cloak, and descended from the sky holding the Emperor's Holy Sword.

"Come on, Xiao Lu."

Xia Long smiled slightly, turned around and walked out of the battlefield.

He could feel the powerful power contained in Geed's new form, which had completely surpassed Beria. At least there was no suspense in this battle anymore.

"It's the King of Ultra, the old man," Zero said in surprise as he looked at the Emperor Geed who easily suppressed Beria, "That form combines Beria and the old man!"

Surprised, Zero turned to Laiye and said, "I heard that you heard a very majestic voice before. Is it the King of Ultra?"

"Well, that's what Longsang called him," Laiye nodded and asked curiously, "Sero, what kind of person is the King of Ultra?"

"It's the legendary Superman. It was the old man who saved the universe during the Parker Crisis."

Also feeling the powerful power of Emperor Zed, Zero felt relieved and said with a smile: "However, I didn't expect that Kallio would actually know the old man."

"Speaking of which, Zero, did you know that Long Sang was Kallio from the beginning?"

"Ah, I'm sorry," Cero said with an awkward smile, "It's Kallio...Aaron asked me not to say it. If possible, please don't tell Geed. Although I don't know clearly, Aaron also told me There are reasons.”

"never mind."

Laiye thought of the conversation between the Ultra King and Xia Long at Tsutsui General Hospital, and did not continue to ask more questions, nor did he elaborate on it with Zero and the others.

"No matter what, he saved Xiao Lu regardless of the danger."

"Thanks to Ultraman Geed, I defeated Belial and saved the earth..."

In Xingyun Village, after Geed defeated Beria, everyone gathered in the command room. When Xia Long was called over, news about Geed was being broadcast on the TV.

"Everyone is here."

Xia Long walked out of the elevator and saw Asakura Lu among the crowd and said with a smile: "Xiao Lu, you did a good job. Now the city hall has officially recognized Geed, but thanks to you, the Litru Star in our laboratory seems to be It was also passed on to you by those children."

"Sorry," Asakura Lu touched the back of his head in embarrassment. Seeing that Xia Long didn't seem to care too much, he hesitated and said, "Um, Long Sang."

"What's wrong?" Xia Long found a seat and sat down, looking at Asakura Lu strangely.

"That's right," Riku Asakura paused and said seriously, "Have you ever appeared in "The Flash" in the past?"

Xia Long was slightly stunned and said, "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"What about the handshake meeting?" Riku Asakura asked nervously, "More than ten years ago, a Flash Man handshake meeting was held here in Xingshan City..."

Before he finished speaking, Asakura Lu smiled gloomily and said, "I thought too much. Long Sang couldn't have been here more than ten years ago."

Xia Long is not an alien. He should have been just a child like him more than ten years ago...

"So what's going on?" Xia Long looked at Asakura Riku in confusion, and was about to ask in detail when the elevator appeared again behind him, and Moa Aizaki walked out of it, making a roar.

"Is this right here?"

Aizaki Moya looked around in surprise when she saw everyone, and her eyes fell on Pejia in the corner: "Eh? Planet Pegasa? Why are Planet Pegasus here?"

"He is Pejia," Asakura Riku explained hurriedly, "I have been wanting to tell you about this since you knew I was Geede, and Pejia has wanted to meet you a long time ago."

Aizaki Moya said in confusion: "A long time ago? When did you start to be together? You didn't come to our house together, right?"

Seeing Peijia's embarrassed look, Aizaki Moya said with a guilty conscience: "Xiao Lu, when you were in kindergarten, you still slept with me."

"I didn't know Xiao Lu at that time." Peijia waved her hands repeatedly.

Aizaki Moya paused. He continued to test: "Before we went to elementary school, we took a shower together..."

"Pegasa and I met when we were in junior high school!" Faced with the weird looks from Xia Long and Rensero, Asakura Riku hurriedly stopped Aizaki Moya and interrupted the conversation, "By the way, Moya, look for What's wrong with us?"

"Ah, I almost forgot."

Aizaki Moa took out a handkerchief and kept wiping her sweat and said, "Actually, it was Zena-senpai who asked me to come here to find you and President Manatsu."

Asakura Lu said in surprise: "What happened?"

"When Beria was eliminated, many monster capsules were scattered in Xingshan City. Now they have been targeted by many aliens. I'm afraid they need to use your power," Moya Aizaki explained, then turned to Xia Long He said, "President Manatsu, can you arrange for personnel to recycle it?"

"Of course. Then I'll go back to SSP first. If anything happens, please contact me."

Xia Long knew the seriousness of the matter, stood up and glanced at Asakura Riku, nodded and said goodbye to everyone and left.

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