Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 809: Crossing

In the cosmic space, Xia Long maintained his transformed posture and continuously shuttled through the long dimensional tunnel.

It’s been a while since I left the world of Sevenov, but I still couldn’t find the direction following Zero’s Ultra signature.

Xia Long looked around solemnly, and his figure flashed near a space-time turbulence.

"This is it."

A large part of the reason why I stayed in the Sevenov world was that I needed to get in touch with the Kingdom of Light through Ultra's signature, but things didn't seem to be going well.

"It was indeed here that I sensed something abnormal before, but this place..."

Xia Long stood outside the turbulence of time and space while thinking.

Not only the Kingdom of Light, but also the connection with all other dimensions has been disconnected.

This place seemed to have something to do with the anomalies in the entire universe. He felt a familiar breath, the power of God, and there was more than one.

In addition to the breath of God that I encountered in the world of Geed, there are other similar things. The energy is very close to the golden giant whose name I didn't even know last time.

“Isn’t there only one God?”

Xia Long was bathed in the floating light from time to time, closely feeling the chaotic time and space.

No matter what the aura of God is about here, the trouble before him may be that he will never be able to return to the Kingdom of Light, or even find the universe where his daughter is.

As long as time and space continue to be chaotic like this, he will be lost in the endless universe.


Xia Long tensed up and turned around to look around.

Affected by the pervasive aura of God, the entire space-time tunnel is undergoing unknown changes...

These different sources of divine power seem to be fighting, devouring or annihilating each other, thus forming the turbulence of time and space in front of them.

"what on earth is it?"

The light shield around Xia Long expanded, and he suddenly left the tunnel and entered a dead universe star field. Surrounding the entire star field were holes like star fields. The difference was that all the holes were very unstable and kept spinning. The ground appears and then collapses, twisting into a ball as if to shatter everything.

Xia Long glanced around and his eyes fell on a dimensional passage in the distance.

During the brief shock, a red light group rushed out of the dimensional channel. After a moment of pause, the light group suddenly turned back and shot towards Xia Long. After a few flashes, it came closer, revealing a black giant that had never been seen before.

"Interesting," the black giant's huge eyes looked at Xia Long with great interest on his devil-like face, "I feel quite powerful energy, so powerful that it makes me excited!"

"Who are you?" Xia Long also looked at the other person and found that he and the golden giant both possessed a certain degree of alien super-dimensional energy.

"I'll tell you after I absorb your energy, haha!" The black giant's eyes glowed red, and he stretched out his sharp claws and rushed straight towards Xia Long, aiming directly at the energy core of Xia Long's chest.

Xia Long staggered slightly and grabbed the opponent's arm before the black giant's claws could grab it.

"What?" The black giant was suddenly startled, looked at Xia Long, and hurriedly growled and pulled back his arm, but he couldn't break free even with all the energy in his body running.

"how come……"

The energy was running to the extreme, and all the energy exploded and collided with Xia Long.


The impact light wave flashed past, and Xia Long and the black giant crashed onto a nearby bare planetary satellite, bringing up a continuous cloud of explosion dust.

Xia Long stood in the deep pit caused by the explosion. The surroundings were gray and dust was rising everywhere. The black giant no longer knew where he had gone.

With no time to quarrel with the other party, Xia Long turned his attention to the turbulence of time and space.

"There should be a way."

The power of his mind swept through the dimensional channels around the turbulent flow of time and space. Xia Long's feet floated up, and he rushed away from the satellite with a violent roar.

"Damn you guy!" The black giant rushed up to the ground from the rubble of earth and rocks in embarrassment. Looking at Xia Long, who had suffered a great loss as he flew away from the satellite, he said fiercely, "Since becoming the strongest ultimate life form in the universe, You are the first person to hurt me since I was born, I will never let you go!"

The black giant roared and opened his arms. Red blood lines spread out as his body squirmed, and the alien super-dimensional energy burned like a flame.

"Don't try to escape!"

"This guy!" Xia Long immediately noticed the black giant that appeared again. After narrowly avoiding the red and black light waves shot from behind, he turned back to face the enemy.

"Bang, bang, bang!" As the black giant continued to attack, a large number of nearby planets exploded and turned into flowers of fire in the universe.

"Scared!" Xia Long passed through the chaotic explosion debris, accelerated his body, and broke through the black giant's light wave head-on. It turned into a bright line under the fierce energy collision and instantly rushed in and collided with the black giant.


The light burst out, the satellite shook violently, and then exploded with a violent energy shock wave. A bright line in the middle knocked apart the planet fragments and finally fell onto an earth-yellow planet.


The light wave dissipated, and Xia Long pinched the black giant's neck and pressed it firmly into the crater.

"Ugh! Damn it!" The giant roared in pain, and the alien super-dimensional energy kept washing over Xia Long's arm, making a sizzling sound.

Xia Long exerted force with his arms, just as he was about to completely solve the opponent, the surrounding space suddenly collapsed sharply, the planet under his feet only lasted for a moment before it collapsed directly, and the terrifying explosion impact swept Xia Long and the dark giant into it.


Xia Long didn't care about the black giant, and urgently expanded a circle of spherical light shield covering his whole body, and quickly stabilized his body and rushed out of the explosion center during the violent shock.

"What happened again?"

After escaping from the explosion, Xia Long noticed the situation of the entire space, and his palms tightened: "This is..."

Looking around, the space-time turbulence has become more and more dangerous, completely blocking this space, and even the dimensional channels have begun to collapse at an accelerated rate.

The divine aura, which was originally in constant conflict, was affected by his battle with the black giant, and became more serious. If this continues, he may really be trapped here forever...

Scanning the dimensional channels that are constantly decreasing, Xia Long quickly made judgments.

At this time, the black giant rushed out again in the explosion behind, rushing towards Xia Long, not paying attention to the abnormality of the surrounding space, like a beast that has lost its mind.

"Bang bang!" After several collisions, Xia Long blocked while paying attention to the turbulence of space and time.

In this situation, fighting is really a challenge. This space can't bear too strong energy. The longer the battle lasts, the more dangerous it is...

Looking at the crazy look of his opponent, Xia Long calmed down. His arm shone brightly, and the super-dimensional energy also filled his body, and his breath suddenly soared.

"Wow!" Facing the black giant rushing again, Xia Long clenched his fist, and the energy surged and condensed into two unfolded flaming wings to bombard the giant, and in an instant, the black giant was completely engulfed.


As a huge light wave spread in front of Xia Long, the black giant and the alien super-dimensional energy disappeared directly.

Xia Long retracted his fist, looked at the space and time that was rapidly collapsing due to the chain reaction, and hurriedly avoided the violent turbulence.

It seemed that he was locked, and the originally conflicting divine auras were somehow rolling towards him at the same time. The terrible destructive aura followed closely behind him, destroying all the planets in the universe together with the space.

As Xia Long was shuttling back and forth, he looked back at the two divine powers that were getting closer and closer. He groaned, passed a star, and suddenly accelerated into the last remaining dimensional channel before the entire universe was swallowed up.


Almost at the moment Xia Long rushed into the channel, all the divine powers swept in, completely swallowing up the channel and the entire dimension, and everything returned to nothingness.

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