Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 825 Masked Superman (I)

The next morning, Godai returned to the restaurant with the ingredients and found that the boss was the only one down there.

"Where's Mr. Aaron?"

"I don't know," the boss shook his head. "I haven't been down since the morning. Maybe I'm still sleeping."

Godai put down the ingredients, looked upstairs suspiciously and said, "I'll go take a look."


Xia Long was lying on the bed wearing only a vest, his face was slightly sweaty, and he was in a dream state.

Standing calmly in the heavy snow, he watched a figure walking step by step. The other person's black robe was extremely conspicuous in the vast snow. He walked through the wind and snow unimpeded, and finally stopped dozens of meters away.

As the black smoke around him surged out like flames, the wind and snow were suddenly pushed open to form a vacuum area, and the sky that was still illuminated dimmed in an instant. An unprecedented oppressive atmosphere was approaching Xia Long, along with the snow. Coming like a tidal wave.

"Nexus!" He pulled out the Evolved Truster and shouted, condensing light energy to block the impact, like a lonely boat in a sea storm...

"Mr. Aaron?" Godai carefully opened the door and saw Xia Long who was still sleeping on the bed. He paused and looked around the room hesitantly.

The mask had been put away, and the other decorations were very simple. After looking at it for five generations, it became even more confusing.

"Am I overthinking it?"

Xia Long opened his eyes with emotion from his sleep, looked at the door warily, and found that it was Wu Daihou who breathed softly and said: "Is something wrong?"

"Ah," Godai came back to his senses and said awkwardly, "I see you haven't gone down yet...are you dreaming?"

"I don't know what happened, but I suddenly dreamed of a lot of things from the past."

Xia Long wiped the sweat from his face and asked as he got up and dressed: "That No. 6...how was the situation yesterday?"

"Sakura helped me interpret a new fighting method, and finally defeated No. 6 with the power of blue," Godai explained and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Aaron, the masked man yesterday was actually your opponent. Bar?"

Xia Long paused, looked back at Godai, nodded and made the bed and said, "Well, I can't transform like you, so I put on a mask to avoid some trouble."

"Eh?" Wu Dai didn't expect that Xia Long would really admit it, and was a little dazed for a moment. When he saw Xia Long carrying a backpack and going downstairs after packing, he hurriedly followed, "Mr. Aaron, what kind of person are you? You can't. Transformation... was it possible to transform before? Mr. Aaron!"

"It's nothing. Could you please not tell others for now? I don't want Officer Ichijo to know about it yet."

Xia Long walked to the counter, picked up a newspaper, and directly browsed the recruitment information on it.

The boss looked at the two of them from the side: "Why are we talking about transformation again? Are there any other parties? Speaking of parties, I used to attend them often..."

Seeing that his boss had a tendency to talk at length, Godai quickly interrupted with a wry smile: "It's not what you think, boss."

"Isn't it?"

The boss was stunned and wanted to speak, but Xia Long at the counter folded the newspaper and said, "Boss, I'm going out to look for a job."

"Eh? There are ready-made jobs here, Aaron..."

In an aquarium in Tokyo, Rose Girl walked towards a group of strangely dressed humanoid Gurungi on high heels.

A strange man with whale features stopped in front of Rose Girl: "Is it my turn next?"

Rose Girl stopped and smiled slightly, then walked straight through the group of people and left.

In the port area, Xia Long walked into a building according to the address, took the elevator and found a newspaper group.

He carefully chose to be a reporter because he felt that it was more suitable for his current job. However, he went to several other parties but did not give him a chance. After finding Kaoru Ichijo and smoothing the relationship through personal connections, a newspaper agreed to meet with him. noodle.

The newspaper he applied for was not a big one, just a branch. After Xia Long pushed the door open, he found that the whole newspaper only had a small office and a storage room.

There were two men in the office and a dull-looking girl wearing glasses. They were all busy sitting in front of the computer and did not notice Xia Long's presence. It was not until Xia Long knocked on the door that a man in a suit appeared. Look towards the door.

"Hello, I'm here to apply for a job as Zhen Xia Long."

"That's you."

The man looked at Xia Long and thought he looked ordinary, like a freshly graduated college student, but he didn't expect too much, and then introduced: "I am the editor-in-chief here, Zhu Xingtuan..."

Xia Long paused: "Huh?"

"Is there any problem?" The man gave Xia Long a strange look, pointed to the empty seat on the other side and said, "You can work here from now on. They are all your seniors, Hirata and Caiko."

A man and a woman at work looked at Xia Long after hearing this, and continued to type on the keyboard in front of the computer.

Xia Long silently nodded towards the two people working, then turned back to the editor-in-chief: "Don't you still have to interview?"

"No need," editor-in-chief Morohoshidan said without saying much, "just follow Hirata for now, he will teach you other things."


Xia Long did not continue to ask. Although it was a bit hasty and unreliable, he could not control much about the current situation.

Looking at the people who were immersed in their work, Xia Long put his backpack next to his seat and then turned on the computer. Hirata next to him handed over a stack of information.

"This is the latest unconfirmed life form information. You should sort it out and get familiar with it first, and then go out with me to investigate tomorrow."

While talking here, the editor-in-chief, who was busy with something, looked over and said, "Are you okay? The person in front of you was killed by those guys during the investigation. Being a reporter is also very dangerous. If you can't do it, don't force it."

"No, I asked before I came here." Xia Long flipped through the information.

"That's good."

Zhu Xingtuan looked very satisfied, but there was still no expression on his face. He just reminded: "Ask Hirata if you have anything. He knows the most about unconfirmed life forms here."

The office returned to silence. The atmosphere made Xia Long a little uncomfortable. He shook his head slightly and continued to look at the information in his hand.

It's called information, but it's just some messy intelligence. Most of it seems to be obtained from the police, and there are some very vague and simple eyewitness investigation reports.

Since the 5th incident, the police have reported that unconfirmed life forms can disguise as humans. Hirata's information lists some suspicious-looking photos.

Xia Long flipped through them one by one and found that the people in the photos that have been confirmed to be unconfirmed life forms have obvious tattoo marks.

One of the men, identified as No. 6, had a black locust mark clearly photographed on his left arm.

Xia Long subconsciously looked at the back of his left hand. The golden mark that had deepened yesterday had disappeared at some point, but as he moved his mind, the mark reappeared. Unlike the mark of the weirdo, it had a unique beauty.

"Beep, beep!" At this moment, a phone call suddenly interrupted Xia Long's thoughts.

He shook his hand gently, and when the mark disappeared behind his hand with a faint light, Xia Long looked up at the editor-in-chief Zhu Xingtuan who answered the phone.

"Hirata!" Zhu Xingtuan hurriedly shouted after answering the phone, "Those guys appeared again! This time it's No. 7!"

"I'll be there right away."

Hirata put down his work, took a bag and left the office without caring about anything else.

Although the other party did not mean to call Xia Long, Xia Long still left his seat and ran out of the door with his backpack without waiting for the other two people in the office to react.

Zhu Xingtuan stared at the door in a daze: "This kid is really active, but is it okay?"

How many chapters do I need to make up?

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