Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 844 Tracking

After the incident on the 38th, Ichijo made an appointment to meet Xia Long at a restaurant near the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Boss, how are they doing?" he asked after seeing Xia Long.

"Boss, it's okay. Only Nana seems to be a little irritated," Xia Long sat down and said, "But it's already much better."

"That's good."

Ichijo breathed a sigh of relief: "The number of victims has been increasing during this period, and everyone has been worried."

"I heard," Xia Long paused and asked, "the behavioral patterns of No. 37 and this time No. 38 have been found."

"Yes," Ichijo nodded, "The crime area of ​​No. 37, read with the opening words, can form a Japanese fifty-sound chart, and No. 38 seems to be based on the musical scale to determine the location and number of the murder, as well as the swimming pool where the accident occurred. The pronunciation at the beginning of the name coincides with a song, and the notes in the song are also represented by the number of kills, and even specifically kill children. "

"Sorry," Xia Long sighed, "I can't protect them."

"It has nothing to do with you. You have already saved many people," Ichijo smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Let's not talk about it for now. In fact, this is why I called you here."

Ichijo put a document in front of Xia Long and opened it to a photo.

"The old man wearing sunglasses you mentioned last time, there happened to be news from Nagano that a patrol officer had seen him, and he was very suspicious, so he wanted to confirm whether it was him or not."

Xia Long picked up the document and looked at the silhouette in the photo, wearing black clothes and old man's sunglasses, which indeed looked like the Gulangji Chachio.

"Are you still in Nagano?" Xia Long said in a deep voice, "I will go to Nagano to see you later."

Putting the documents into his backpack, Xia Long looked at Ichijou who looked very worried, and continued: "Actually, I met that B1 Rose Girl. I originally wanted to eliminate all the Gurungi at once, but things still happened. It’s more troublesome than imagined. Without B1, all the Gurungi hidden in human society may lose their restraints.”

Hearing this, Yi Yiyi became more energetic: "Do you know the purpose of their killing game?"

"It's not clear, but," Xia Long explained, "Gurungi are an extreme fighting nation, and the killing game is to gain a higher status, just like a competition."

"Competition?" Ichijo raised his fist tightly, "Damn it..."

Xia Long did not say anything more, but instead said: "Officer Ichijo, I may be leaving soon. Before then, could you please try to find out where they gather?"

At noon, when Xia Long went to Nagano Prefecture, there was another movement from the Kuzu Group in Tokyo.

Rose Girl and the strongest man in military uniform from the Ge Group found a gathering point together, the home ground of the next Gurungi No. 39 after the 38th.

In a corporate building in Sumida District, in a room that looks like a casino, the human form No. 39 is wearing a striped suit and a gentleman's hat, welcoming the arrival of Rose Girl.

"That Lindo soldier has already gone to Nagano Prefecture," Rose Girl said after seeing many members of the Kudzu Group, "You are very lucky."

"I'm not afraid of him," Turtle No. 39 Gurungi chuckled, "You can just wait until he comes back to start the game again."

"You'd better not do that," Rose Girl said expressionlessly, "If that Linduo warrior is here, no one can enter the promotion competition."

"Will Daguaba kill him this time?"

In Nagano Prefecture, Xia Long walked out of the station and followed the information in the document to find the area where the old man in sunglasses was last seen. But before he could find the old man, a familiar feeling enveloped his heart again, as if he saw Da Cuba's figure from a distance.

"It's the scent of Daguaba."

Looking around closely, Xia Long quickly rushed into an abandoned factory building.

Every time Daguaba appeared, he had an extremely strong feeling, as if he had been to this place not long ago.

After passing through the sweltering duct area, Xia Long slowly walked to an exhaust vent. The light beam outside the rotating fan room was reflected in the dim space.

Xia Long stopped at a pipeline and frowned at a corpse hanging on the pipeline. His sunglasses fell to the ground and were crushed to pieces, but he could still vaguely identify it as Chachio's corpse. There was a black mark on the palm of the corpse. Extremely conspicuous.

He was actually killed...

At the same time, in Tokyo, No. 39 was found by the police shortly after he appeared. After the fifth generation transformed, he started a fierce battle with him. However, despite the use of golden power, he was still no match for No. 39.

"Didi!" Xia Long walked out of the factory, still thinking about where Da Guba would go, when Ichijo called again.

"In fact, No. 39 showed up not long after you left," Ichijo said in a deep voice, "The fifth generation was just defeated by No. 39 and has now been sent to Dr. Chun."

"I can't go back to Tokyo yet," Xia Long looked back at the factory and asked with concern, "What happened to the fifth generation? He should be very powerful now."

"He used several powers one after another, but none of them were a match for No. 39. Only the red and gold powers were left useless."

"Can't other forms work? Then let him try red. Remember to use it in a remote place. Red plus gold should produce quite a huge amount of energy."

In the evening, after Xia Long contacted Kameyama from the Nagano Prefecture Police Station, they entered the Kurodake Mountain Area together.

"Mr. Aaron, do you really want to go there?" Guishan took Xia Long to the ancient tomb ruins. Perhaps for psychological reasons, he always felt that the surroundings were a bit eerie.

"Don't worry, I just want to see if I can find any clues." Seeing Kameyama's frightened face, Xia Long shook his head and said, "Why don't you go back first."

"No, no, I have promised Officer Ichijo that I will help you well."

Kameyama plucked up his courage and said, "Besides, I am a policeman after all, how can I let an ordinary person take risks? Well, the place ahead should be what you are looking for, but the investigators found nothing."

"That's why I came."

Xia Long walked to the edge of the ancient tomb ruins, scanned the area but could not feel anything unusual. The originally buried Gurongi had already been resurrected by Daguba and left, leaving only some traces.

The reason why he asked Kameyama to bring him here so late was that he thought that Zero had not made any movement since he was injured last time, and he must be hiding somewhere, and the possibility of this ruins group was the greatest.

"Are there any other places to hide?"

"A hiding place?" Guishan thought hard, "Will Zero really stay in such a place? We have searched most places during our investigation, and those archaeological experts often work around the ruins. There should be no place to hide."

"If I were him, I would hide here, in a place you don't search very often." Xia Long looked around carefully.

"Speaking of this," Guishan said thoughtfully, "I heard from those experts that there are many natural underground caves here, but they didn't go in because it's easy to get lost."

"Where is it?"

"There is one where we just came," Guishan pointed to the back and said, "Look, it's in that woods."

"You stay here, I'll go and take a look."

Xia Long did not hesitate, and immediately set out to find the underground cave that Guishan mentioned. When he reached the edge, he suddenly stopped and silently picked up a rose petal from the ground.

"What's wrong? Did you find it?" Kameyama caught up with Xia Long breathlessly, and saw the petals in Xia Long's hand, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"B1 has been here," Xia Long smelled the petals, "just in the past few days..."


"Excuse me, Officer Kameyama, I have to go back to Tokyo right away."

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