Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 861 Knights Fight

"This is..."

"Huh!" The wind was getting stronger and stronger. Not only that, the dragon rider next to him also took out a similar golden card with rotating flames.

"Survival Gale and Survival Fire?"

Xia Long took a step back under the double impact of wind and fire, looking at the advanced transformed Night Knight and Dragon Knight through the wind and flames, and suddenly felt a slight pressure.

In the information transmitted by Zero, there is a powerful "survival" card in the Dragon Knight world, which can strengthen itself and the contracted beast at the same time, exerting a stronger power. The Dragon Knight and Night Knight strengthened by the "survival" card have all-round attributes improved, and the combat effectiveness is almost doubled.

The gap of several times means that the strength will be very different from before...

"Keng Keng!!"

Xia Long transformed into a purple sublimation Kuuga, swung his sword and collided with the Survival Night Knight, and then bounced off the Survival Night Knight's long sword attack. The attack of the Survival Dragon Knight on the side followed closely. Xia Long barely pulled himself away to block, and his figure was almost unstable under the strong attack of the two Survival Knights.

"What a strong force!"

After retreating several steps under the torrential attack, Xia Long devoted himself to the battle with the two knights. The heavy Kuuga Titan Sword with continuous sword shadows constantly collided with the blades of the two knights, and sparks flew everywhere.

But he did not forget the knight Femme. In the gaps between the Dragon Rider and the Night Rider's attacks, Femme also activated his skills, releasing a large number of white feathers to fill the surroundings, and Femme himself disappeared.

"Keng!" Repelling the Night Rider and the Dragon Rider at the same time, Xia Long turned around and blocked Femme's sudden attack with a sword, and kicked Femme away with a strong kick.

"You can't stop me!" After enduring the initial burst, Xia Long stabilized the offensive, moved among several knights, and entered the combat state completely. Without a single extra move, he used his sword skills to slash the Night Rider and the Dragon Rider with two consecutive swords.

Although they are all Kamen Riders, he is different from these people. He is a real warrior and will not change because of the limitations of time and space.

"Hah!" Longqi took a breath, and calmly cooperated with Yeqi and Femme to continue swinging the sword to besiege Xialong.

Although he had been mentally prepared in advance, he still didn't expect Xialong's strength to be so strong that even using two survival cards to besiege him didn't have any advantage.


"I'm sorry, Xiangyi," Longqi pressed forward and said, "I must, I must stop you, I will never let Yui die!"

"Bang Bang!"

Xialong held the long sword horizontally and collided with several knights. Suddenly, he felt a little more pressure. Longqi's strength increased further and gradually surpassed Yeqi on the side.


"Keng!" Calmly swinging the blade of Longqi, Xialong suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and he took a step back involuntarily, but the threat still did not disappear.

"Final vent!"


"Bang!" Xia Long turned around urgently, but there was no time to avoid it. A black dragon hit him fiercely. With a burst of pain, Xia Long groaned and flew backwards. He was kicked back to human form and fell to the concrete ground.

"Ugh!" Xia Long raised his head with blood on his mouth and found that there was another black knight in the parking lot. He was almost the same as the dragon knight in his usual form, but the color was black. It was this guy who attacked just now.

Xia Long was kicked by the dark dragon knight with a power dozens of times that of ordinary attacks. Even though the purple sublimation form had excellent defense, Xia Long's chest still seemed to be burned by flames, and his whole body was in pain.

"Who are you?" The dragon knight looked at the black knight who had severely injured Xia Long in surprise. Looking at the familiar figure of the other party, he couldn't help but stop where he was. The night knight and Femme beside him also stopped attacking and faced the black knight vigilantly.

"Hmph." The black knight ignored the gazes of several people, holding the pitch-black dragon summoner and walking past several knights, and stopped a few meters away from Xia Long.

"Dragon Fang..." Xia Long covered his chest and faced the black knight, and the information came to his mind again.

The knight Dragon Fang in the mirror was another knight transformed by Shiroto Shinji in the mirror world...

"Enough!" Dragon Knight came back to his senses, looked at Xia Long who was seriously injured, and hurriedly stopped in front of Dragon Fang, "Enough! Stop fighting!"

His purpose was not to kill Xia Long, otherwise he would not have summoned his contracted beast.

After stopping Longya, Longqi turned to Xialong and said, "Let's go, Xiangyi, don't come over again."


Xialong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up staggeringly, and said calmly, "I don't care about the war between knights, but the mirror world must be closed. This is what I must do."


"I fight to protect. I have to protect this world here. Someone has asked me not to let this world be destroyed."

Xialong's eyes were fixed, facing the four Kamen Riders in front of him.

"The time left for me is running out. The best way is to completely close the mirror world. At that time, all crises will disappear."

Longqi fell silent, looked at Xialong silently and said, "Xiangyi, who are you?"

"Of course I am Xiangyi, but I am also an Ultraman who wants to protect this world."

Xialong suppressed the pain, put his hands on his waist and condensed the belt again: "Transform!"


Accompanied by a swirling stream of light, Xialong's body shape instantly changed, directly transforming into a red sublimation form.

"Zizizi!" As the electric current entangled, the two outer horns of Xia Long's head spread out to form six horns. At the same time, a huge double-wing mark automatically appeared on the ground under his feet.


Xia Long's center of gravity sank, and his flame body with the mark converged suddenly rose up and rushed towards the four knights.


With his strength at its peak, Xia Long collided with many knights again. The flames burst across the entire underground parking lot, and the surging flames even rushed outside. Except for the core mirror, all the surrounding glass was shattered and fell to the ground in pieces.


The flames spread out, and the black knight Long Ya first flew backwards and hit the wall, followed by three dragon knights who flew out of the battle circle one after another, rolling and falling to the ground.


"Shoichi!" Ryuki raised his head in pain and saw Xia Long passing by him. He walked straight to the core mirror and said with difficulty, "Do you really want to do this? Even if someone dies because of this, you don't care?"

Xia Long stopped in front of the core mirror and looked back at Ryuki who could no longer stand.

"Yui only has two days left to live," Ryuki panted, "Only a fight between knights can save Yui..."

Xia Long's eyes swept over Ryuki, Night Knight, Femme, Ryuga and Kanzaki Shirou who appeared.

Shinji and Kanzaki Shirou both wanted to save Kanzaki Yui, Akiyama Ren wanted to save his girlfriend, and Kirishima Miho probably wanted to save her sister who was killed by Asakura Takeshi...

Facing the core mirror with light flowing again, Xia Long remained silent and did not make a move until the time limit for staying in the mirror world came to lift the transformation.

"I know, I will come again in two days."

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