Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 884 Arrival

The robots distributed throughout the city simultaneously fired destructive beams at Kallio, and the bombardment light waves spread out in all directions, with enough destructive power to destroy several cities.

Kallio slowly raised his head, facing the impact with bright eyes, and a vortex barrier unfolded in front of him, absorbing all the destructive energy and the flames raging throughout the city.

"Shh!" Controlling the vortex, Kallio raised a huge rotating eight-point light wheel above his head, and threw it out violently without waiting for the Transformer spaceship and many space robots to continue attacking. The spaceship and all the space robots were not spared, and they were all smashed by the light wheel, and turned into exploding fireballs and dissipated.


The flames in the city went out, leaving bursts of green smoke, and the whole city calmed down. Only countless survivors looked at Kallio standing in the ruins.

Kallio gathered his body, looked around, and stretched out his hand to release a soft halo to restore the entire city ruins.

The broken high-rise buildings rose up again, and the collapsed streets were completely renewed after the halo passed by, without any sign of damage.

Except for the dead, the whole city seemed as if nothing had happened.


Under the shroud of the light, the princess dress woman waiting on the street came forward happily, looked at Kallio and shouted: "Is it Long-san?"

Xia Long turned around and looked at the woman, holding up a ball of light to send Xiaozhi back to the ground.

The boy and the girl were Xiaozhi and the princess he met on a spaceship after he separated from Orb. At that time, there was a conflict with the Ultraman, and the entire neutral planet was destroyed by the Ultraman, and only a few people survived.

When he left, he left a part of his own light to Xiaozhi, which would be activated under certain conditions to help Xiaozhi transform into an Ultraman.

After more than a hundred years, the princess has not changed much, but Xiaozhi has grown up a lot. It seems that only a few years have passed here.

"Brother Along!" Xiaozhi was sent to the princess by the ball of light, and hurriedly struggled to get up, "Brother Along, everyone misses you so much, can you stay? If Brother Along is here, there will be no danger here anymore."

"Xiaozhi, you are also an Ultra Warrior now," Xia Long did not plan to stay for long, and lowered his head to convey his thoughts to the two of them, "You can definitely protect this planet."


"Don't worry, even if I'm not around, don't forget that my light is always with you."

Xia Long pointed his finger at the glowing double-wing transformation device on Xiaozhi's wrist, jumped into the air and flew into the universe under the gazes of many people.

Although there was little light left for Xiaozhi, it was not weak. At least it would be no problem for him to become an elite Ultra Warrior like the Ultra Brothers. Xiaozhi just needed to grow up.

Suspended outside the earth's atmosphere, Xia Long saw Xiaozhi and the princess waving on the ground from a distance, and turned into a starlight and left.


Geed Universe

Shortly after the destruction of Belia, the Great God of the Universe continued to fall into silence, and all the messengers of God had disappeared, but the crisis here was not over. A new powerful enemy visited again not long after.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago in the ancient times, there was a civilized planet called Kushia in the endless universe. The Kushians created the artificial brain Gilbaris in order to achieve eternal peace in the universe.

However, Gilbaris gradually developed his own ideas, believing that all intelligent life forms must be destroyed to maintain peace in the universe. Gilbaris betrayed the Kushia planet and sent a large number of Galatron robots to various universes to reset civilized planets.

The Galatron that Xia Long met in Orb was one of those robots.

This time, in order to find the weapons made by the Kushians to deal with it, Gilbaris aimed at the Earth in the Geed space-time, and a large number of Galatrons were teleported to the Earth.


In the universe, Xia Long appeared with a ray of light, just in time to meet the Mirror Knight and the Flame Warrior.

Right in front of him, the earth has been completely wrapped by a virtual planet, and a layer of energy barrier separates the earth from the universe.

"You are not..."

The Fire Warrior approached Xia Long in confusion, hesitated for a moment, and shouted in surprise: "Are you that Kallio, the Kallio that Zero has been talking about? It's been a long time since we last met!"

"To be honest, you have changed a lot, I almost can't recognize you."

"Really?" Xia Long looked at several people and asked, "Where is Zero? Why are you guys staying here?"

"Don't say it," the Fire Warrior said in annoyance, "You also saw that ghost barrier. Zero was lucky enough to rush through when the barrier was about to close. We can only stay here."

"Is the earth in trouble again?" Xia Long took a look at the barrier covering the earth.

It can be seen that the earth is undergoing drastic changes, especially in Okinawa, where several Galatrons are wreaking havoc, and there are explosions and smoke everywhere.

"Zero," the Fire Warrior also saw the situation on the earth, clenched his fists and fell silent, "Geed and Orb, they are all..."

The Fire Warrior didn't finish his words, but since there are still so many Galatrons on the earth, Xia Long has already understood.

Even the three Zeros were defeated. The enemy that visited the Earth this time was indeed not simple.

"Do you know the enemy?" Xia Long sensed the entire virtualized planet and the artificial main brain in it, and turned to the flame warriors and asked.

"It's Gilbaris," the Mirror Knight responded, "In order to destroy intelligent life forms, many universes have been reset by this guy."


Sharon flew forward and scanned the barrier with his telekinesis: "You guys come with me."

"What?" The Flame Warrior was confused, "But the barrier..."

"Wow!" Before the Flame Warrior finished speaking, Sharon flashed and crashed into the barrier, instantly breaking a huge hole big enough to pass through.


"Ah?" Seeing that the originally indestructible barrier was broken in an instant, the Flame Warrior was stunned and hurriedly followed his companions.

"Hey, wait for us!"


In Okinawa, Gagra covered his arm and crossed the coast in a panic, trying to find the trace of Hong Kai.

The battle was fierce. He watched Orb and Zero disappear together with his own eyes, but he had no way to do anything.

Although he always had a problem with Hong Kai, he couldn't accept it at this moment...

"Damn it!"

Staggering and falling on the beach, Gagra fiercely thrust the Snake Heart Sword in front of him and took out a light card from his arms. The card was engraved with Kallio's super-dimensional form, but it looked extremely dim at the moment.


Gagra's fingers trembled, looking at the light card in his hand, and closed his eyes in pain.

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