"Don't worry, father, give me a chance to transform, and I can beat Beria to pieces!" Ultraman Zero was full of fighting spirit, put the bracelet on his wrist, and clenched his fist tightly.

Next to him, Seth, who was exposed to a high-end toy like the Ultra Bracelet for the first time, was constantly changing the form of the bracelet.

"Stop playing, we're leaving now."

Sero raised his hand and slapped his stupid brother on the head with "Pia!", which almost hit Seth's head.

After finishing it, he didn’t forget to complain: “I don’t know what uncle and the others were thinking, but they actually arranged for you, a dragster, to follow me.”

"Actually, I can still accept a brat like you, but the key is this fake... Forget it, let's not talk about it!" Zero rubbed his brows twice in worry.

Seth, who was attacked by Zero, was full of dissatisfaction: "Next time you slap my head like this, whichever hand you slapped with will be the one I chop.???"

Seven held down Seth: "Hey, hey, hey, brothers, don't say that."

Seth: "Father, why didn't you talk about him just now?"


It means that I am partial...

Hey, raising kids is such a hassle.

When he's nice, he's pretty nice, and when he's annoying, he's really annoying.



Dark Lops, who had been motionless, suddenly stood up, as if he was deliberately supporting Seth.

Seven took half a step back and glanced sideways at the bodyguard-like Dark Lops: "What are you doing?"

Dark Lops said nothing, and Seth stood in front of him and his father with quick eyes and hands: "It's okay, his brain may have shut down."

"Father, don't worry."

"Okay, we're about to set off. Father, please wish us a safe journey."

Seven nodded, thinking that his younger son was still smart after all.

Seth: "If something happens to my brother and I, you can ask for another one while you're young. We won't blame you."


Take back what you just thought.

"I must come back safely!"

Soon, all the warriors in Silver Square were ready.


Following the order from the Captain of the Space Guard.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Lights of various colors converge into flowing rainbows!

Brilliant light flows to the center of Silver Square, a tower-shaped space-traveling device manufactured by the Bureau of Science and Technology.

Everyone gives away their light without reservation.

Soon, the huge space traversing device completed charging, and the body began to tremble.

With the sound of "Buzz!", a dazzling light burst out in front of the space traveling device, covering the three Seths and turning their bodies into a ball of light.

Finally, send the ball of light out of the Kingdom of Light at extreme speed!


As the red ball of light flashed and disappeared, the huge Silver Square fell into silence for a moment.

"He's really gone."

At the far end of the crowd, Zeta looked at the direction where the light ball disappeared, his eyes blank.

"Don't worry, they will come back safely." Taiga, standing behind Zeta, comforted.

Facts have proved that Taiga seemed to have made a wrong judgment.

There was no worry in Zeta's eyes, just pity: "I'm not worried about their safety, I just want to go with them."

"Parallel universe adventure, what a magnificent journey that must be!!"

Taiga: "..."

I guess I misjudged the person.

Neither Seth nor Zeta should be looked at like ordinary children!

Zeta put her little head in front of Taiga and asked with a smile: "You are not worried about any accidents happening to the three of them, are you? Don't be stupid, Master Zero is super strong!"

After speaking, Taiga pointed to the center of the square: "By the way, why did a construction area suddenly appear in Silver Square? What is this planned to be built?"

"A new sculpture, maybe. The previous sword-shaped sculpture took too long to build and has become weathered." Taiga guessed.

Zeta lowered his head and thought: "Although I have passed here often before, I have never paid attention to the sculpture in the center of the square."

"What kind of sword is that..."

Taiga: "What other sword could it be? Of course it's the Ultra Holy Sword."

Within the universe.

The red ball of light flew at a speed exceeding the speed of light, passing through countless stars and galaxies like long rivers.

I don’t know how long it took, but the red ball of light seemed to have reached the edge of the universe.


Like a drop of water falling into the ocean.

The ball of light tore through space, broke through a barrier composed of countless stars, and entered the vast hyperspace.

The power provided by the parallel time and space travel device can only send them here.

In the empty hyperspace, the red light dissipated, and the three characters Seth, Zero, and Dark Lops revealed their true bodies.

"Where is this? What are these bubble-like things around?"

Zero looked around in confusion, the fantastic scenery of hyperspace reflected in his eyes.

"There are so many bubbles, some are like water droplets, and some are connected together, just like a bunch of grapes..."

Seth seized the opportunity and said insultingly: "If I tell you to read more, you will have to find someone to fight with."

"These 'bubbles' are all the universe, and the location we are in now is hyperspace, which is the place that contains the universe. "

While looking around, Zero was amazed: "The universe is not all there is. There is such a big place outside the universe."

Seth explained: "You can imagine hyperspace as a 'sea', and the universe is the water droplets and bubbles in the sea. Every drop of water and every bubble is a parallel universe and a different dimension universe for us."

After the explanation, Seth looked around: "There is a legend in the Kingdom of Light that there are extraordinary existences outside the universe, but I have already reached hyperspace, why can't I see anything."

Dark Lopus: "You are not big enough, so you can't see."

"The frog in the well can only see the sky as big as the well mouth, and you can't even jump out of the 'well' now."

Seth turned his head: "Hiss~"

"Why are you talking so clearly and philosophically today? Something is wrong with you."

Dark Lopus seemed to be in a daze again in an instant: "Hehe..."

"Let's go quickly, the negative energy connection on this ore will become weaker later, and it will be difficult to find the destination."

Chapter 155 Summoning Light

Relying on the guidance of the negative energy threads on the green ore, Seth and the other two groped forward in the vast hyperspace.

At a certain moment, Seth, who was lying on Dark Lopus's back, asked: "How long have we been flying here, and how far have we flown?"

Cero, who was holding the green ore to find the way, shook his head first: "Who knows, but the huge bubble in front should be the universe we are going to."

Seth subconsciously wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead: "Tired, everything in hyperspace is empty, and it feels like the concepts of objects and time do not exist."

Dark Lopus: "I have been carrying you all the time, why are you tired?"

Seth said confidently: "Because I have been studying this space and using my brain."

"Have you found anything?" Dark Lopus asked very supportively.

"No, I haven't read enough books." Seth answered truthfully, and then changed the subject, "Not entirely, I really found a little law in this huge space."

Cero: "Don't keep me in suspense, tell me quickly."

"Hyperspace is different from the universe." Seth looked solemn.

"There is no up, down, left, or right in the universe. Direction depends on subjective judgment of creatures, but hyperspace is different."

"There is always a direction in hyperspace that is brighter than other directions."

Seth: "Although I don't know where the light is, whether it is up or down, at least I have a basis for judgment."

Cero was speechless: "You have been looking for so long and you found these?"

Seth seemed to be carrying a sacred mission: "A small step for Ultraman, a big step for cosmic creatures."

This time, Zero did not respond, but after taking a look at the green ore in his hand, his eyes locked on a huge "bubble" in front of him: "I won't talk to you, our destination is ahead, get ready for battle."

After saying this, Zero and Dark Lopus seemed to have discussed it in advance, and accelerated into the huge bubble.

Unknown universe.

Since entering this space, the negative energy lingering on the green ore disappeared, and there was nothing to guide Seth and his party.

"Why is the line gone? Where should we fly now? "Zero looked at the green ore in his hand, which had lost its luster.

Seth: "Let's find a planet to ask. According to Belia's style of doing things, wherever there are advanced intelligent creatures in this universe, his name is probably there."

"How do you seem to know Belia so well?" Zero looked at his stupid brother in confusion.

Seth: "If this is considered understanding, it only shows that you don't know him well enough."

"Go forward."

Seth's voice just fell!


Somewhere in the universe, it seemed that something suddenly flashed!

As Ultra Warriors, Seth and Zero felt it at the same time and looked in the direction of the flashing light!

"What is that?" Zero asked first.

Seth: "There is light calling us. "

Planet Anu.

This planet was once full of vitality and extremely prosperous.

Unfortunately, the Belia Galaxy Empire discovered the existence of Emeralu ore on this planet.

So, the natives on the planet became slaves of the Belia Galaxy Empire, mining Emeralu ore containing powerful power for Belia every day.

Like other planets, when the Belia Galaxy Empire invaded for the first time, the natives on the planet also resisted.

It's just a pity that the Belia Galaxy Empire was too strong and crushed the natives in the war, which can be called a dimensionality reduction attack.

Today, most residents on Planet Anu have accepted their fate, and only a small number of rebels, with the last will of Planet Anu, are fighting guerrilla warfare with Belia's legion robots.

The wheat-skinned young man, Lan, and his young brother Xiaozhi are among them.

"The Imperial Mecha Soldiers are here again, brother. "

Next to the dilapidated building, on the rolling yellow sand, Xiaozhi raised his chubby little face and looked at his brother firmly.

"Then let's fight him off together, Xiaozhi, you are responsible for driving, and I am responsible for firing!" Lan patted his brother's head, his eyes full of trust in his brother.

"Don't worry, brother, my driving skills are now perfect, and I can beat these stupid robots by dozens of streets!" Xiaozhi scratched his little nose.

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