"How do you know?" Zero looked at his brother.

"He is mentioned in many cosmic legends." Seth spread his hands and looked at Zero as if he was looking at a fool.

"In cosmic legends, the most notable feature of Noah is the huge Noah wings behind him. Look, is there a pair of large wings behind the stone statue?"


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Chapter 172 Seth, what have you done!

Princess Emerana beside the two brothers nervously grasped the hem of her skirt with her hands: "Try to see if the fragment can be put in."

Hearing this, Zero reached out to take off the pendant hanging around his neck, and holding the pendant, he slowly approached the groove on the stone carving...

The artifact was about to be activated, and everyone in the temple held their breath nervously...

Even Seth, who knew the ending, stared at the orange-red crystal with his eyes.

History can be changed, so I came to this Ultra World. Will the Shield of Paraji be activated as soon as the crystal is placed in it...

When the crystal was about to be embedded, Zero suddenly stopped his action: "Wait!"

"This crystal is not ours after all!" Zero suddenly realized.

"This belongs to the two brothers we possessed. We are righteous warriors of the Kingdom of Light. How can we arbitrarily misappropriate the things of the people in the universe."

Seth: "..."

Zero you...

"You remember that you are a warrior of the Kingdom of Light now. Why didn't you think of this when you were causing trouble everywhere in the universe?"

"You don't know how worried your father is when he looks at his debts every day."

Zero's face was full of righteousness: "Let's put it one way."

Seth: "It's okay. The two brothers have been oppressed by Emperor Belia for a long time. It is also their wish to find the Shield of Paraji and overthrow Belia's Galactic Empire."

"Really?" Zero looked at his brother suspiciously.

Seth nodded to confirm: "Yes, I love to tell the truth."

Although he still had doubts, defeating Belial was the most important thing at the moment, so Zero didn't think about it and slowly pressed the crystal into the groove...


The crystal was embedded, and a faint flash appeared on the huge stone sculpture of the Paraji Shield.

Half a second later, the stone sculpture began to tremble...


Outside the Mirror Star.

The Steel Dragon stood on the vanguard ship at the forefront of the fleet, looking at the Mirror Knight supported by the fleet with an arrogant expression.

"Mirror Knight, you are too weak! You can neither protect Esmeraluda nor the current Mirror Star!"

"I will destroy everything you cherish in front of you!"

After speaking arrogantly, the Steel Dragon turned around and faced the huge mirror.

A harsh sound wave appeared on the red crystal above his head.

"Steel Dragon Sound Wave!!"


The sound wave spread and all acted on the huge mirror in front.

Soon, the mirror was affected by the sound wave and fine cracks appeared!

At the same time, in the temple.

The three of them looked at the artifact statue in front of them excitedly.

"It's shaking, the Paraji Shield will be unsealed soon!" Zero widened his eyes, not wanting to miss any details related to the artifact.

"Wait, it seems that it's not just the Paraji Shield that's shaking, but also the ground under our feet." Princess Emerana was the first to notice something was wrong and frowned.

The next moment!


A crisp cracking sound appeared!

Seth looked up and suddenly found that there was a crack in the space in front of him!

The moment the crack appeared.

"Buzz buzz buzz--!"

Waves of harsh sound waves came out from the gap, and the listeners felt uncomfortable!

"It's broken, the space we are in is going to break!" Seth reminded Zero loudly.

As soon as the voice fell!

"Rumble boom boom--!"

A huge noise came from behind.

Seth looked back and found that the rock pillars supporting the temple had collapsed and were falling towards the position where he and his party were.

After saying that, Seth took off the ring, turned it into a machine gun, and pulled the trigger!

"Swish!" A cannon shot out, blowing the pillar into pieces!

Zero: "Isn't it a bit bad to destroy the temple like this?"

While using the machine gun in his hand to cover his brother and the princess, Seth urged: "You are quite pious... Hurry up! The temple is about to collapse!"

Zero looked hesitant: "No, I have to take the Paraji Shield with me..."

"But I only have one chance to transform, I want to use it when I meet Belia."

As he said that, Zero looked at Seth. Although he was asking for help, his tone was not polite at all: "You, go move the Paraji Shield."

Seth: "..."

Unless he was sick, he would move the broken stone.

In the original work, the fragments of the stone sculpture turned into a pile of ash soon after it was broken.

I don't want to waste precious transformation opportunities for a pile of ash.


The space collapsed inch by inch, causing the temple to vibrate more, and large chunks of earth and rocks fell down.

Seeing that his brother was not taking action, Zero urged: "Why are you standing there? That is a divine weapon. If you get it, it's yours!"

The temple was about to collapse.

In the end, Seth chose to compromise: "Okay, I'll take it."

In fact, looking at the Paraji Shield in this world, which had not turned into ash for such a long time after the fragments were embedded, Seth also had a hint of expectation in his heart.

Will the Paraji Shield that he took, without going through those idealistic steps, be able to get the entity directly...

Thinking of this, Seth took out his transformation glasses from the Ultra Bracelet.


The little giant appeared in the dazzling light.

As soon as the transformation was completed, Seth did not rush to take the artifact, but held Cero and Emerana with his palm.

Seeing the artifact crumbling in the falling rocks of the temple, Cero said anxiously: "Take the artifact first, why bother with us."

Seth was not polite to his brother at all: "Then I'll throw you out."

Cero: "..."

Emerana next to him: "Puchi~"

These two brothers are really interesting.

Cero, who had just been silent, shouted again: "Hey! Don't be distracted, a stone fell down!"

Hearing this, Seth made a decisive move!

Without even turning his head, "Bang!", a punch knocked a stone that was hitting the stone sculpture of the Paraji Shield away!


The stone knocked away by Seth hit the head of the stone sculpture of Noah, and instantly smashed Noah's stone head into pieces.

After the head was destroyed, the body of "Ultraman Noah" collapsed and turned into powder in an instant!

Seth: (???)

Cero, Emerana: "..."

"You are pretty good. The falling rocks and vibrations couldn't destroy the stone statue of Noah. You blew it up with one punch." Zero said in a complicated tone.

"Accident! It was really an accident! "

Seth, a little panicked, looked at the place where the statue of Noah disappeared, and explained as loudly as possible.

He didn't explain this to Zero, but to the possible Noah.

That guy has great magical powers, and there might be some of his will in the statue...

If he gets angry, Seth doesn't dare to think about the consequences.

In the collapsed temple, Seth muttered: "Don't be angry, Lord Noah, I really didn't mean it just now, you are generous and broad-minded..."

While muttering, he reached out to touch the Shield of Paraji.

When his palm was placed on it, the touch was obvious. Although it was still an ordinary stone, it was indeed a solid entity!

Seth's eyes lit up immediately (′??`): "Great, maybe I can really..."

Before he finished speaking.


The stone sculpture of the Shield of Paraji collapsed and turned into a pile of powder.

Chapter 173 Mirror Knight: Happy Cooperation

After the Paraji Shield turned to ash, the messy space seemed to be silent for a moment, and Seth heard a sharp tinnitus.

Half a second later, his hearing returned, and Seth heard his brother's rebuke.

"No, you can't be a little more gentle... that's a divine weapon!"

"You slapped the divine weapon into ash with one slap!"

"No, you first smashed the statue, and then smashed the divine weapon!"

"Seth, even if you don't want to take the stone, you don't have to do this."

"You Knoa."

As for his brother's reproach, Seth could only answer with two words: "Accident."

The voice fell.


The huge temple collapsed completely!

In order to protect the personal safety of the princess and his brother, Seth turned his body into a stream of light, drilled through the rock with energy, and flew upwards...


A few minutes later.

"Swish swish swish!"

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