"Mirror Star, fight to the death!"

"The battle to defend our land is imperative!"

Belial Fortress, Malibrantis.

The center of the fortress.

Beria's command hall.


Zero fired Emelium's ray, destroying all the mechanical devices in the hall.

In the red firelight, he held two darts and charged towards Beria again.


The burly Beria lifted off the bright red cloak wrapped around his shoulders, flicked his hands, and hard and sharp red nails extended from his fingertips.

Facing Cerro's attack, Beria chose to catch it with both hands.


The nails collided with the head dart, making a sound like the collision of alloys.

After blocking Zero's attack, Beria said jokingly: "Sero, your speed seems to have slowed down. It must be uncomfortable when you come to the parallel universe and your energy cannot be replenished, right?"

"It's enough to defeat you." Zero answered briefly.


“Clang clang clang——!!”

Another series of intensive collisions.

The two men fought from the front to the end of the hall. The collision between the strong men quickly destroyed the entire hall!


After another terrifying collision, the two sides pulled away from each other.

In the ruins, against the backdrop of firelight.

One black and one silver, one dark and one light, two figures looked at each other from a distance.

At this moment, Seth, who had arrived belatedly, appeared in the ruins...

At first glance, Seth saw the two people confronting each other in the hall.

At the second glance, he saw the cool cloak discarded by Beria at his feet...

So, he first quietly picked up Beria's cloak, and then started to move behind Beria...

Although many righteous people disdain sneak attacks, sneak attacks are really useful.

Moreover, how can a just person's actions be described as a "sneak attack"?

This is clearly a last resort measure used to eliminate evil people.

Just as Seth was getting closer and closer to Beria's body, Sero's voice appeared: "Seth, if you didn't help me when you came, why did you go to Beria's side?"

In one sentence, Seth's body froze on the spot!


Brother, you are my brother.

This is a great opportunity for a sneak attack, but you have been spoiled.

Is it necessary to ask this question today? Can't you wait until you stab Beria to death with a sword?

After Sero finished speaking, Seth immediately became the focus of the audience.

After seeing Seth, Beria took the initiative to say hello: "Oh, we meet again."

"Yes, what a coincidence that we met here." Seth started to talk nonsense as he backed away.

Beria's voice was always sinister: "It's not a coincidence. I moved such a big fortress here just to kill you two brothers." After successfully establishing a safe distance from Beria, Seth His voice was a little more confident: "Then do I still want to thank you for your attention?"

Beria: "Of course, you should thank me for helping you end your life early..."

Beria hasn't finished speaking yet.

Seth suddenly crossed his arms!

"Cluster ray!!!"

The blue light went straight to Beria's eyes!

What's outrageous is that Beria's reaction was equally quick. After his words were interrupted, he directly crossed his arms: "Disium Light!"


The blue light collides with the dark red light!

The air waves generated by the waves even pushed Zero, who was preparing to assist his younger brother, back two steps.

"Bang bang!"

Half a moment later.

Zero stabilized his body, then looked at Duo Bo's position, and found that his brother who was still confronting Beria just now had been blown away...

"You're still as sinister as before."

After shooting away the primary school students from the Kingdom of Light with the Disium ray, Beria complained.


Seth, who was shot into the ruins by Disium's ray, stood up: "It's insidious when it comes to you, but it can only be called righteous and resourceful in my case."

Beria: "..."

This kid is not only insidious, but also thick-skinned.

But it is reasonable. How many true righteous men can there be among the Ultra warriors brought out by the hypocritical Kane?

Far away in the parallel universe, the father of Ultra, who was being persecuted by Feng Chong, had a cold war for no reason.

Mary on the side asked with concern: "What's going on? The Dark Lops army invaded, and you are now the supreme commander of the Kingdom of Light. Your every word and deed affects the morale of the entire Kingdom of Light."

The father of Ultra shook his head in confusion: "I don't know, I just feel very uncomfortable all of a sudden."

Malibrantis Fortress.

"I liked you before, but now I feel that you are as annoying as Kane." Beria stared at Seth's flawless face, his voice full of resentment.

When Beria mentioned the father of Ultra, Seth's mind became vivid, but his mouth remained silent.

Two seconds later, he suddenly asked: "Beria, have you ever regretted it?"

Beria didn't answer this time, and waved his huge claws!


The red crescent-shaped energy wave slashed towards Seth's location.

"I don't like chatting with children!"

Faced with the terrifying energy fluctuations released by Beria, Seth quickly dodged sideways, still asking: "Have you really never regretted it?"

"Just imagine, if you were the one who caught the Ultra Holy Sword back then, what kind of situation would you be in now."

Beria: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Seth: "If you were given a chance to choose again, would you become a hero of the Kingdom of Light and the leader of the guard team?"

"Maybe, you will be with your beloved..."

"Ultraman Mary, she was very beautiful back then, wasn't she?"

Beria's sharp eyes showed a moment of reminiscence and confusion: "..."

"It's not 'very', it's 'very'."

Just when Bely's emotions fluctuated, an electronic prompt sounded in Seth's mind.

[Ding! The investment contract is signed successfully! ]

[The host can obtain all the abilities that Belia has improved within five years from now on, including but not limited to physical fitness improvement, learned skills, new knowledge...]

[If the contract is renewed after five years, the contract can be signed again. ]


Seek support! !

Chapter 182 Zero: Seth you...

After successfully investing in Belia, Seth seemed to suddenly understand something.

The contract tasks issued by the investment quota upgrade are not all nonsense.

Let the hot-tempered people calm down, the unruly people restrain themselves, let the love brain fight, and let the determined people be confused.

It seems that everything is the opposite.

Thinking of this, Seth shook his head again. What is the contract of investing in Titus?

Make confident people more confident?

Or, the Titus he met was not really confident. He needed others' praise to build confidence...

Just as Seth was thinking, Belia suddenly jumped up, waving his huge and sharp claws and rushed towards him.

"Little friend, didn't your teacher teach you to concentrate when fighting?!"


The bright red claws with a metallic texture swung out, and the energy brought up seemed to tear through the space!

Just when the slashing wave was about to hit.


The huge blue and white energy barrier opened, blocking all the bright red energy waves.

And it was his brother, Zero, who opened the barrier to protect Seth at this time.

Behind the energy barrier, Zero's expression was confident: "My brother, only I can fight!"

Seth: "..."

The elder brother was unexpectedly reliable once.

But there is no need to say so.

Zero didn't notice his brother's expression, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't take it to heart.

It's enough for him to be handsome.

"Belia, losing to me is your fate!"

As Zero's loud voice fell.


The two head darts on his head broke away, turned in the air, and automatically flew into his hands.

Then, Zero put the head darts together with both hands to his chest!

"Swish!" With a bang, the head darts hit the timer on his chest that was flashing blue light.

"Zero Double Ray!"


The dazzling light burst out from Zero's chest.


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