
In the burst of light, the ultimate sword condensed by light appeared in Zero's hand.

Next to him, the Flame Warrior's eyes were full of expectation: "This is quite magical. Can you give it to me too?"

"It's a bit difficult." Seth looked embarrassed.

"But, through the development of artifacts, maybe everyone can have one in the future." Seth thought thoughtfully.

It's a pity that the income from my investment is synchronized, and the props cannot be synchronized.

Otherwise, there would really be two sets.

After that, if you invest in others and then give the ultimate armor to others... Infinite matryoshka dolls, wouldn't it be possible to mass-produce the ultimate armor! (′▽`)

Seth, who became more and more beautiful as he thought about it, asked in his mind: "When will the props be synchronized?"

Unfortunately, the system did not reply.

Sero on the side heard what his brother said, and stopped talking and asked: "You just said this can travel through time and space, how to use it?"

Seth shook his head: "I haven't tried it either, you can explore it yourself."

After saying that, Seth raised the ultimate sword and drew it casually in front of him.


Wherever the sword blade passed, the space was neatly split, and a blue space channel like a wound was quickly formed in the universe.

Sero next to him: "..."

This guy is so familiar that it’s not like he’s using it for the first time.

"I'll go in and take a look first." Seth reminded everyone while carefully sticking his head in...

Two seconds later, Seth's body passed through the space gate and came to a strange star field.

Just as he was looking around, a reminder suddenly came from beside him: "Hey, that kid!"


The words fell.



Waves of energy and blinding explosions appear.

Seth thought the voice was familiar, so he looked up in the direction from which it came.

After seeing Uncle Ace floating above his head, he happily greeted: "Uncle Ace!"

Ace: "??"

Which planet is this guy from? He's very friendly.

Seth also knew that his new form was very different from his original appearance, so he hurriedly introduced himself: "Me! Seth!"

Ace looked suspicious: "Seth? Why did you become...so green?"

"It's a long story, so I'll cut it short for you... This is my new form." Seth explained.

Ace nodded slowly.

This kind of speaking style is indeed like that of his obscure nephew.

Afterwards, before Ace could ask why Seth's new form appeared, a black figure rushed behind him at an extremely fast speed!

Ace, who has super fighting instincts, moves sideways!

Pull with both hands!


The guillotine shoots out!

Just when the extremely sharp guillotine was about to hit.


A huge sword light appeared in the universe.

The sword light flashed past and instantly exploded the dark Lops who launched a sneak attack!

During the huge explosion, Ace turned back and looked at the point where the sword light came from.

"Whoever you are, get off my nephew!"

Seth was helpless when he was questioned.

"It's really me, uncle."

"I have not been missed, and there is no parasitic life in my body..."

"Still not convinced?"

"Wait a minute, I'll bring my brother over."

After saying that, Seth faced Uncle Ace's suspicious gaze and stretched his hand into the space tunnel on the side...

Parallel universe.

The gem on Zero's chest, wearing the ultimate armor, shone brightly and opened a door to space.

Just when Sero was preparing to practice traveling.

At the passage that Seth had drawn earlier, a small hand stretched out and pulled him in with a "whoosh" sound.

Kingdom of Light Universe.

Seth tried to prove: "Here, uncle, look, my brother."

Ace's yellow eyes flashed and he sneered: "Huh, you're pretending to be so!"

"Brother Zero, I'm afraid I've been poisoned by you!!"


Please support!

Chapter 188 Brother Jie is not Jack

Later, it took a lot of effort for the two brothers, Zero and Seth, to persuade Ace who was about to use the guillotine.

"Uncle Ace, listen to me. We really weren't killed. I'm really Seth, and the guy next to me is really my brother." In order to explain his identity clearly, Seth spent all his time.

At this moment, Ace was holding his arm with two hands by Seth: "..."

"Still lying?"

Ace didn't believe a word of this liar's words.

"Where's the Ultra bracelet I gave you when I left?"

"How did you change your body when there is no light energy to supplement in parallel time and space? Are you exposed?"

"Also, how could Seth have so much strength... I t..."

After struggling to no avail, Ace said with a dark face, "Hurry up and let me go!"

At this time, Zero stretched out his hand in front of Ace: "Here, Ultra Bracelet."


"Swish, swish, swish!"

The bracelet turns into an Ultra Spear, a shield, a bucket...

After a demonstration, Sero looked helplessly at his brainless uncle: "Do you believe it now?"

Ace: "..."

"Are you from the Babar planet if you pretend to look like this?"

Planet Babar can even use Ultra Keys, and it is not impossible to steal the use of Ultra Bracelets...

"I still remember when you turned into Astra!"

Ace clenched his fists.

During the civil war, the Barbar alien disguised as Astra almost made him take a flying kick from Leo.

Today, he will never be fooled again!

Zero: "..."

No wonder the two masters always didn't like to mention it to him when he was training in K76.

Presumably, the Barbar alien's disguise caused a lot of misunderstandings.

Zero: "Uncle Ace, listen to me..."

As soon as the voice fell.


A light appeared on the timer on Ace's chest.

As a warrior with top light attainments, he can still shoot energy rays even if his hands are bound!

In the back, Seth, who held his uncle's hands, was speechless and helpless, and talked to Zero: "Show him the plasma spark energy."

Zero reacted after hearing this, and quickly mobilized the head dart to form a double sword of Zero.

After the assembly was completed, Zero pushed the double swords in front of Ace: "This is the ability I have after obtaining the energy of plasma sparks. The Barbarians will definitely not be able to learn this, right?"

Ace: (¬?¬)

"Shua!" The light on the timer on his chest disappeared.

"So, you two are serious?"

"Stinky boy, let me go!"

Seth let go of his uncle's hand and smiled apologetically: "Hehe...Uncle, you almost chopped me with a guillotine just now, I had no choice."

Ace did not delve into this topic, but asked: "Why did you come back?"

Zero: "The matter over there has been resolved, so we came back."

Seth nodded: "Yes, Belia has been defeated."

"Really?" A smile appeared in Ace's eyes, and he flew to Zero's side, "Pa Pa!" He patted his nephew's shoulders twice: " Sure, I knew it would be right to send you there!"

Cero: "Uh... In fact, Belia was solved by Seth."

Ace looked sideways at Seth and pointed at Cero (Ye Wen pointed at a place and laughed at the emoticon package): "You kid! Just a few days after leaving, you have learned to be humble? ! "

"You know to give the credit to your brother, not bad, not bad..."

Cero: "..."

Seth: "..."

"Well, since you are back, it's time to contribute to the war."

After looking at the two nephews with appreciation, Ace got back to the point.

"I'll tell you something, don't be afraid."

"Millions of Dark Lopus drove spacecraft and launched an invasion war against the Kingdom of Light!"


"Why are you not shocked at all?"

Seth felt that Uncle Ace must have fought too many battles and was too nervous: "Uncle, we came from there."

Cero suddenly remembered something and reached his hand into the space door next to him: "By the way, we brought reinforcements this time."


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