He wanted to say that a real man is born between heaven and earth, and he should cultivate his awe-inspiring spirit and do righteous things.

I want to say that with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

But when the words came to his lips, he stopped again.

Why do you care so much? How can you be happy? What's more, Dark Lops is still a robot.

Seth smiled and said, "Okay! As long as it doesn't break the law, anything is fine."

Dark Lops, who can already understand the emotions of creatures, asked: "Sero, won't he be angry?"

He asked this question not only because Dark Lops felt that the hot-tempered Zero would call him a "deserter."

It was also because Dark Lops could feel that Zero didn't like being around Seth, especially when his brother was away.

"He was the one who pulled you over, so don't worry about him," said the big-hearted Seth.

"From now on, you can follow me with peace of mind."

"If you feel bored, I can ask Uncle Hikari to make you a beautiful robot girl."

"It just so happens that uncle has been studying legion robots during this time..."

Dark Lops: "No need."

Outside science and technology.

Hikali handed the ring to Seth: "It has been modified. The Zam Sword can now store the energy equivalent to five adult Ultra Warriors."

Seth took the ring and asked with a smile: "Thank you, how much are the materials and labor costs?"

"How can we, uncle and nephew, talk about this?" Hikali hugged little Seth's shoulders: "You got so many Dark Lops corpses, but you helped me a lot. I should have been I'll pay you." Seth felt that Uncle Hikali was right: "How much are you going to pay, uncle?"

Hikali: "..."

I'll just be polite to you!

Didn't you, the boy, hand in the materials on your own initiative?

Seeing that Hikali's expression was wrong, Seth rounded off his words in time: "Haha, uncle, I'm joking with you, how can I ask you for money.?(ˊ?ˋ*)"

"You have been so kind to me. No matter in the past or in the future, you have always provided me with various high-tech equipment manufacturing and maintenance services for free. I miss your kindness..."

Hikari nodded.

This is right...



This guy was talking and laughing, and asked me to work for him in vain in the future?

On the opposite side, Seth, who noticed Uncle Hikali's recollection, took out two crystals and changed the topic again: "Uncle, look."

"These are two crystals I broke off when I went to the parallel universe some time ago. Are they valuable?"

Hikali took the crystal and looked at it carefully for a while: "I don't know anything about parallel universes. Please wait until I go back to study it."

"Also, when you were talking just now..."

Seth waved his hand: "Uncle, I still have classes today. I'm going back to school first."

school entrance.

Zeta spotted Seth at a glance, moved closer to his friend, and proactively asked: "I got the ring back. What new functions have been added this time?"

While pouring the energy from the Emerald ore in his body, Seth replied: "Power bank."

With the existence of this mobile power bank, you can transform into arc form anytime and anywhere.

Although it is definitely not as strong as before due to energy consumption, the light of five adult Ultra Warriors is definitely not a problem against an ordinary monster.

"Oh..." Zeta nodded in understanding, followed Seth into the school, rubbed his hands and asked, "By the way, Seth, can you show me that artifact of yours again?"

Seth turned his head: "You almost fell asleep holding it some time ago, haven't you seen enough?"

Zeta: "Everyone likes that kind of thing."

When he first entered the class, Seth noticed that there was something wrong with the way his classmates looked at him.

Two seconds later, Seth was successfully surrounded by his classmates at the door of the class.

"Seth, I heard that you obtained an artifact while performing a mission in a parallel universe? Can you show it to us?"

"It is said that you also met the legendary Ultraman Noah. Can you tell us in detail?"

"Yes, yes, please tell me the specific process of your battle with Beria!"

Seth: "Wait a minute..."

"I went to parallel time and space, but where did you hear these baseless things?"

Because he was still a primary school student, the top management of the Kingdom of Light helped him cover up the artifacts, parallel time and space battles, and the elimination of the Dark Lops Army.

Only a small number of people know the details.

Why do all the students in the class know about it now?

Soon, the clever Seth locked the "criminal suspect".

He looked at Zeta not far away with a helpless expression.

Zeta took two steps back, with an apologetic smile on his face: "My friend has experienced such a legendary thing, no one would be able to bear it..."


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Chapter 192 The killer who broke into the Kingdom of Light

As a primary school student who doesn't like to work hard and thinks about winning every day, Seth often sums up on himself the factors that can lead to success once and for all.

First, you have to be able to bluff people.

Secondly, you have to be able to bluff people.

Finally, you have to be able to bluff people.

At this moment, Seth, who was in the class, gave full play to his excellent skills in making up lies and put everything on his brother Sero.

Anyway, I have already saved the Kingdom of Light once, so it doesn’t matter if I save it again, not to mention that I really helped.

"Brother Zero is really amazing. I heard he even formed a team of his own. He's so handsome."

"I understand the truth, but it always sounds a bit strange to see Brother Zero driving that robot called Iron Warrior."

"Yes, I don't know what doesn't make sense, but it's just wrong."

Seth glanced outside the door and reminded the people who surrounded him: "Okay, don't delve into these messy things, it's time to go to class."

As soon as the voice fell, Teacher Max appeared at the door with a serious expression.

"Ahem, let's start a new lesson today..."

In the classroom.

Zeta whispered to Seth beside him: "Why don't you tell the truth to your classmates? You also have a magic weapon. Isn't this bracelet with a sword pattern on your hand? There is also the Dark Lopus Legion..."

"When you act in the universe, you must be low-key." Seth taught.

"There are so many evil races in the universe. What if they send someone to assassinate me after knowing what I have done?"

Zeta seemed to have taken Seth's words to heart: "That makes sense... Speaking of assassinations, the Kingdom of Light just captured an alien some time ago. That guy called himself a killer. The place where he was captured was less than two blocks away from our apartment!"

Seth's expression was calm: "Isn't this normal? From childhood to adulthood, we have encountered more than a dozen such incidents."

"The Kingdom of Light is so big and powerful that it would be strange if it didn't worry about it."

Zeta: "I know that, but the killer is so stupid that he was captured by a reserve member of the security team. Moreover, he has been captured for such a long time and he refused to say who he came to kill."

The two children were whispering loudly, and Carlo next to them just happened to hear it, so he stretched his neck and came over: "Are you talking about The killer who was caught in the 65th block some time ago, ask me, I know the inside story! "

Seth: "So, what's the inside story?"

Carlo raised his head proudly: "The killer was found and caught by my brother!"

"My brother is awesome, right? !"

Zeta: "Awesome, but Seth's brother saved the Kingdom of Light twice and defeated Belia twice. The Dark Lopus Legion that invaded the Kingdom of Light some time ago was destroyed by his brother..."

Carlo: "..."

"I won't chat with you anymore. (*?????)"

Zeta laughed: "Haha, brother Pin is completely defeated, right?"

"Eh? Seth, why are you suddenly serious?"

"Why are your eyes shining? Why are you always looking towards the podium?"

"Wait, why is the class so quiet? !


Zeta suddenly felt a chill on his back.

The experience at this moment is more terrifying than any horror movie!

"Are you guys assuming I don't exist?"

Teacher Max's voice sounded at this moment.

"Zeta, Seth, you two come to my office after school."

Seth: "..."

I was caught after all.

Beside him, Zeta heard that his good brother and he were detained together, and the panic on his face turned into relief. He nudged Seth, who was sitting next to him, with his elbow: "?"?

Seth felt that this child's brain circuit was abnormal: "Go away."


After school.

Teacher Max was the first to walk out of the classroom. Before leaving, he gave Zeta and Seth a meaningful look: "I'll wait for you."

Class monitor Sally walked to Seth and kindly reminded him: "Teacher Max has a good temper. It's okay if you admit your mistakes. Don't talk back to the teacher."

"Understood." Seth was thinking about something and agreed.

At this time, Taiga also walked up to the two of them: "I'll wait for you outside the school."

Seth shook his head and whispered: "No, I still have to learn about light with Uncle Ace today, and it will be very late to leave the school."

Taiga: "Okay, then I'll go back first."


Teacher's office

Max sat on the chair, looking at the two naughty students in front of him expressionlessly.

"Zeta, how about you take my place on the podium tomorrow? I'll talk on the top, and you talk on the bottom, why don't you just be the teacher?"

Zeta lowered his head and didn't dare to look at the teacher: "How can I have the ability of you, teacher, hahaha..."

"Pah!" Max slapped the table lightly: "Laugh? Can you still laugh?"

"Don't let me catch you next time!"

Zeta promised: "I understand, teacher, I won't do it again."

After teaching Zeta a lesson, Max turned to look at Seth...

In the quiet environment, Max's expression was still serious.

Teachers have a natural sense of oppression towards students.

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