Seth stepped on King Black, and held the Ultimate Sword in his hand against the chin of the broken-armed Bondillo, saying calmly: "Don't buy from the Kingdom of Light next time, it's too risky."

At this moment, Bondillo felt angry as if he was being played with: "You, you were just pretending?!"

"No, I'm really scared." Seth replied with a smile.

After saying that, Seth suddenly lowered his voice: "Do you want to live?"

"What are you going to do?" Bondillo's red eyes flickered, and he couldn't understand what this elementary school student from the Kingdom of Light was thinking.

"Why are you standing there if you want to live? Pay for your life." Seth looked as if it was a matter of course.

Bonillo: "???"

In addition to his strength not matching his age, and being more sinister than the average Kingdom of Light warrior.

This elementary school student seems to be more greedy than the average Ultraman.

Isn't extortion contrary to the universal justice law that you Ultraman believe in?

How can you say such words so calmly?

Seven really didn't teach his son, right?

Seeing that Bondillo didn't move, Seth urged: "Why are you still standing there? Tell me your account password quickly, or the people from the Security Bureau will come."

Bonillo's suspicion did not diminish at all: "Why should I trust you?"

Seth spread his hands: "This is your only chance to survive.


Hearing this, Bondillo, who was surrounded by the crowd, looked uncertain.

Is this kid really willing to take money to do things?

He just lied to himself!

Besides, would a righteous Ultraman do such a thing as being corrupted by money and letting the suspect go?

It seems that the righteous Ultra Warriors would not blackmail suspects...

After thinking again and again, Bondillo still reported a string of numbers: "Galaxy Alliance account nk... password..."

After listening, Seth looked at Dark Lopus who was standing with Zeta not far away: "Log in and check."

Hearing this, Bondillo was obviously panicked: "Robots have this function?"

Seth smiled: "Isn't this normal? He is equivalent to a mobile high-computing computer."

Dark Lopus replied quickly: "Alliance Bank shows that there is no such account."

Seth looked at Bondillo, and pointed the Ultimate Sword in his hand at the other's eyes: "Brother, why are you It doesn't look like he wants to live. "

"I gave you the chance, but you don't want it."

Facing the sharp edge of the modern era, Bondillo was really panicked: "I was nervous just now and accidentally said the wrong account. The account is..."

After a new string of numbers was reported, Dark Lopus soon got the news: "This time it's right."

Seth nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, I remember it."

Switch the status quo, Bondillo smiled: "Hehe... Can you let me go now?"

Seth looked directly into the arms dealer's eyes: "When did I say I would let you go?"

"You just said that you would buy your life with money. I have given you the account. Why are you..." Bondillo was angry.

Seth: "Yes, I didn't do anything to buy your life from me?"

"Don't worry, I am the most honest. ?????"

Soon, the Security Bureau under the Space Guard arrived and took away the group of illegal Nakel people.

Seth left with Dark Lopus amid the praise of the onlookers.

"It's a pity that the Babar star was not caught." Zeta said disappointedly.

Seth: "With this incident, the Kingdom of Light will definitely be closely controlled. It's only a matter of time before he is caught."

"By the way, how much money is in that guy's account?" Zeta looked at Dark Lopus expectantly.

"More than 500,000." Dark Lopus replied.

Seth was puzzled: "It's quite a lot, but it's a bit unreasonable for a space arms dealer to have only so much money in his account."

Dark Lopus: "I checked the consumption records. Two days ago, he transferred 200 million to an account."

Seth continued to ask: "So much, was it transferred to the raw material supplier? Can you find out who the account belongs to?"

Dark Lopus' voice was uncertain: "It's a bit difficult. The security level of the Galaxy Alliance Bank is very high and it's not easy to invade."

"With the help of Hikari, maybe it can be..."


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Chapter 196 Are there bad guys in the organization?

The next day

Space Guard Headquarters, Zoffy's office.

After being discovered sneaking into the Kingdom of Light, the Nakel star has been detained in the prison inside the Kingdom of Light.

And Bondillo, who was "swindled" by Seth and was full of anger, naturally confessed the deal with Seth.

This directly led to Zoffy and Seth's office conversation today.

Zoffy looked at his nephew in silence: "You mean, Bondillo, a Nakel star who is a space arms dealer, only has 20,000 yuan in his account?"

Seth nodded: "That's right. ”

Zoffy: “…”

Zoffy knew that the little guy was bluffing, but he was too lazy to expose him.

Although this nephew always showed thoughts that were not in line with his age, making people feel that he was not holding back anything good.

But in the past two years, this little guy has made a lot of contributions.

It’s a big contribution, the kind that ordinary Ultra Warriors can’t accomplish even if they sacrifice their lives.

So, 500,000 is 500,000, spend it on him!

The eyes of the righteous Ultra Warriors cannot tolerate any sand, but the eyes of an uncle can tolerate a naughty little nephew.

"Don't spend money carelessly. I heard from your father that you like reading books. Buy more books that are useful for study." Zoffy changed the subject.

"Also, you and your brother made great contributions in defeating Belia in the parallel universe. This is the Star Medal, the supreme honor of the Kingdom of Light..."

As he said, Zoffy took out a small box that looked very precious from the drawer of his desk.

Just as the box was about to be handed to Seth, Zoffy withdrew his hand cautiously: "I reiterate, the Star Medal, you understand its importance, right?"

Seth put his hand on the small box, his expression solemn and solemn: "Of course, this is the honor of a soldier, the encouragement and recognition of me by the guard team, and the driving force for my future progress!!"

"That's about right." Zoffy nodded with satisfaction.

Although the little guy is always hard to see through, it is more important to be kind in his heart than anything else.

After carefully putting away the small box containing the medal, Seth smiled again: "Uncle, there should be a reward, right?"

"Like some bonus... The last bonus was directly sent to my father's account. No need to bother this time. Just transfer it to me directly. I have an account."

The old fox Zoffy smiled: "Yes, you not only have an account, but you also have more than 500,000 in your account now."

"That's your bonus."

Seth: "..."

Okay, okay.

The old guy was waiting for me here.

No wonder he was so generous just now.

By the way, the intelligence network of the Kingdom of Light is really good. The money I just transferred yesterday, and Uncle Zoffy knew about it today...It seems that I can't deposit money into my account in the future!

Seth: "Uncle, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand..."

"By the way, as a righteous citizen of the Kingdom of Light, I asked Dark Lops to investigate Bondiro yesterday and found that Bondiro transferred 200 million to an account some time ago."

"The person who received the money is likely to be an accomplice of the evil in the universe. Uncle, you can send someone to check it out."

"I know." Zoffy nodded: "I have asked the people from the Science and Technology Bureau to investigate this matter. The results should be out in two days."

"Uncle really sees through everything, no matter how big or small!" Seth gave a thumbs up and exaggeratedly flattered him.

"Come on, go back. Your father is just off work now. I guess he is waiting for you at the door of the guard team." Zoffy waved his hand.

"I know, uncle, goodbye." Seth waved and walked out quickly.

Not long after the door closed again.

Zoffy received the investigation results from the Science and Technology Bureau.

Looking at the materials on the virtual screen, Zoffy's eyes lit up: "Two hundred million is actually the cost of asking a middleman to help smuggle into the Kingdom of Light... This middleman is quite good at making money..."


Outside the Space Guard.

Seth met his father who was waiting here.

"Father, you are here too, what a coincidence." Seth took the initiative to greet his old father.

"I am waiting for you here, do you want to go home with me?" Seven asked.

"No, I am used to living outside alone." Seth shook his head: "I am so old now, you don't have to worry about me."

Seven was helpless: "Okay, you should pay attention to your own safety during this period, and try to go out with Dark Lopus."

Hearing this, Seth sensitively noticed the abnormality in his father's words: "Why, why did father say that? Is there any news?"

"A week ago, the Security Bureau caught a Babar alien on 65th Street. Two days ago, the Babar alien, who is good at disguise, disguised himself as a guard and escaped from prison." Seven narrated.

"That Babar star claims to be a killer, but he has never revealed his target..."

"You have been so popular in the Kingdom of Light recently, I am afraid it has something to do with you."

"Impossible." Seth looked unbelievable.

"I am just a primary school student, who would pay a high price to hire a killer to kill me? It's too boring."

Although he has participated in many major events, as a primary school student, the Kingdom of Light should keep his information very strictly.

After all, he has a brother who can be used to take care of things.

If he is targeted by the evil forces of the universe, Seth can only think of two possibilities.

There are bad people in the organization.

Or, the evil forces of the universe are getting lucky?

Of course, these are all based on the premise that he is really targeted.

Seven: "It's always right to be more careful."


Zeta's house.

Zeta and Dark Lopus pushed the door open and entered.

Entering the familiar territory, Zeta collapsed directly on his bed: "I'm so tired. I've been looking for so long after school, but I still can't find the Babar alien who escaped yesterday."

"I regret it. I should have followed him at that time."

"You too, Dark Lopus, Seth is so strong, there's no need to worry at all."

"You also saw that he subdued those dozen Nakel people yesterday in less than half a minute, and he even drew his sword and chopped King Black in the middle..."

"It's necessary to worry." Dark Lopus answered briefly.

Suddenly, Zeta turned over in bed: "Did you hear the movement from next door?"

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