Iron Warrior: "..."

Iron head, so stubborn!

Facing the unconvinced Iron Nine, Seth said: "Okay."

This guy is a powerful fighter anyway, and having him around is like having a bodyguard No. 2.

The Iron Warrior, who calls himself his brother, said in a complicated tone: "Then, it's troublesome."


On the way back.

"Is this robot from the metal planet?" Hikaru came to Seth and looked at the machine head held in Seth's arms in confusion.

Seth nodded: "Yes."

Hikari continued to ask with interest: "What's the matter with him just saying that he has all the advantages of robots?"

This time, without waiting for Seth to speak, Iron Nine answered himself: "I am the strongest mechanical life created by the Bitstar Main Computer with all the advantages of robots!"

"It sounds quite bluffing, robots also lie?" Hikaru looked at Seth.

Seth said calmly: "I'm not lying, it's true. Don't look at this guy who only has a head, he's very strong."

"I don't believe it, unless you send him to the Science and Technology Bureau later and let me study him." Hikali shook his head deliberately.

Seth was speechless: "Uncle, I'm very big, and provocation doesn't work on me."

"If you want to study, take it back, but you have to help me put it together."

Hikali: "That's easy."

The remaining head of Steel No. 9 felt a little bad: "You treat me as something casual! I don't want to be manipulated by you!"

Dark Lopus on the side suddenly reached out and covered Steel No. 9's head: "You have no choice."

Chapter 207 I'm just an ordinary elementary school student

Seth felt that he was destined to not be able to save money in this life.

At that time, he transferred 500,000 yuan from Bondillo's account to himself, but he was reluctant to spend it. Now it's all gone.

The reason is also very simple. When retreating from Bitstar, the situation was urgent and he forgot his father's exclusive spaceship.

The spaceship must have been blown up along with Bitstar.

Although the technology of manufacturing spaceships in the Kingdom of Light is highly developed, the cost of a spaceship is at least tens of millions.

Five hundred thousand is only enough to buy a part.

Therefore, after destroying his father's exclusive spaceship, Seth's family successfully took on tens of millions of debts.

The spaceship was ultimately provided by the guard team.

Seth actually discussed this matter with Uncle Zoffy in private.

He and his brother blew up Bitstar together, which should be a great achievement. Whether the merits and demerits can be offset, the money will not be compensated.

To this, Zoffy's answer was simple: "No."

Seemingly seeing his nephew sad, Zoffy comforted him: "But you can rest assured, although the debt will be deducted from your brother and father's accounts every month, there will be no shortage of basic living expenses."

"Moreover, with your brother and father's salary, a little deduction every month will be enough for a few decades."

"Plus, you often make contributions, plus bonuses, maybe it won't take ten years to repay the debt."

That's what he said, but Seth still felt bad.

A few days later, Seth's home.

The door was pushed open, and Zeta poked his head out: "Seth, let's go out and play together tonight, don't stay at home all the time."

Seth was sitting on the simulator console in the room, and Iron Nine and Dark Lopus were guarding him on the left and right.

After hearing his friend's voice, Seth turned his head and said, "Goodbye, I'm working to pay off my debts."

"There's a new type of ore in the game, which is a material for making high-level spaceships. Although it's a game prop, many people buy it in real life, so it's a stable income."

"But you've been sitting at home for several days." Zeta said with concern.

Seth shook his head and refused: "No, I can't sleep if I owe people money."

Zeta glanced at the "bodyguard" standing next to Seth, and said half-jokingly: "Didn't Uncle Hikari mention selling Steel No. 9 to him before? It can be sold for a lot of money."

"I heard that he wanted to buy it to see the gate of the Science and Technology Bureau."

"Yes, Steel No. 9 was made by the Bitstar main computer, with advanced technology, and Uncle Hikari is willing to pay 200 million. "Seth nodded.

"However, although this guy's artificial intelligence is not very good and his brain is not very good now, he already has his own will and is no longer a simple 'tool'."

"He is a life and cannot be bought and sold."

"He belongs only to himself."

Seeing that Seth was very busy, Zeta stopped talking and took the initiative to close the door: "Okay, then I won't disturb you."

That night.

Tired Seth fell asleep.

Dark Lopus and Iron Nine sat opposite each other in the living room.

"You have been following Seth for a week. Have you found the reason why he is so powerful?" Dark Lopus looked at Iron Nine and asked casually.

"I have no idea at all. He is just an ordinary student who is busy paying his debts... I really don't understand why organic life is working so hard to get a string of data and some currency." Iron Nine shook his head in confusion, and his voice still carried the arrogance of a robot.

"The brain is too poor, not as good as the Iron Warrior." Dark Lopus shook his head in disdain.

"You know?" Iron Nine asked back in a stiff electronic voice.

"I can feel it." Dark Lopus raised his hand and touched his chest which had just been repaired some time ago.

Iron Nine didn't quite understand what Dark Lopus said, and urged: "Feel it? Since you know, just tell me directly."

Dark Lopus poked Steel Nine's chest twice with his finger, "Bang Bang!": "It's the heart, the heart of an organic creature, different from yours."

"I still can't feel it." Steel Nine's voice was confused.

"That means your understanding ability is not enough, your cpus computing power is insufficient, you are too stupid!" Dark Lopus said about Steel Nine without mercy.

"Your configuration is not as good as mine." Steel Nine was dissatisfied.

"But I have Seth's guidance, he has helped me understand many truths." Dark Lopus said proudly.

"Iron Nine, this name was given to you by Seth. It is an honor you should remember for the rest of your life."

As they chatted, Dark Lopus' tone became more serious: "You, your current intelligence level is limited. Seeing Seth is just a glimpse of the world, narrow-minded but unaware."

"If you work hard enough, expand your horizons, and raise your intelligence level to a higher level."

"Not to mention high, even if you can do it like me."

"Then seeing Seth is like a speck of dust seeing the vast universe!!"

Iron Nine: (???д???)

It turns out that Dark Lopus, who has always been taciturn, has such a high evaluation.

It seems that Dark Lopus is really impressed by Seth's heart.

However, is Seth really as awesome as Dark Lopus described?

Seeing that the CPU of Iron Nine started to work, Dark Lopus walked up to him and patted his shoulder: "Think about it slowly."


The next day.

Seth woke up from the bed and looked at Iron Nine lying on his head in a daze.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you still harboring evil intentions?" Seth stood up and looked at Iron Nine with caution.

Iron Nine's changed setting was "protecting organic life", but a robot with a brain like him could do things that were not set!

For example, Dark Lopus was initially set to kill him when he saw him, but he turned against him in the end.

Iron Nine had a serious expression: "No, I'm looking for your unusual qualities."

Seth got up: "Shen Jin, I'm just an ordinary elementary school student in the Kingdom of Light."

"Other elementary school students in the Kingdom of Light should not have the power to detonate Bitstar." Iron Nine.

"Can I go to school with you today? I want to see what you learn every day in school." Iron Nine continued.

"It's not like you can't talk, just talk to the school leaders yourself." After looking at the time on the wall, Seth packed up his things and stood up.

"I will. "Iron Nine obviously didn't understand what was being said.


A few minutes later, Seth and Zeta walked out of the apartment together.

Zeta didn't seem to sleep well last night and looked listless.

"Even if you are practicing, you should pay attention to rest." Seth reminded.

Zeta shook his head and said, "No, I went to bed very early yesterday, but my sleep quality was not very good. I could always hear someone whispering in the middle of the night, and the voice was still that kind of electronic synthesized sound, which was very strange."

"Maybe it's because of my poor mental state recently, I slept very well." Seth analyzed reasonably.

After speaking, Seth heard an unusual sound in the sky and looked up: "Hey, look at the sky, are those people from the Warrior Command? Why are they gathering so early in the morning?"


Seek support!

Chapter 208 Children Can Lie

Zeta acted very calmly: "Make a fuss."

"When has the universe ever been peaceful?"

"You seem very mature? "Dark Lopus rolled his eyes at Zeta.

"When you have experienced as much as I have, you will understand." Zeta put his hands behind his back, his eyes were vicissitudes, like a master hidden in the market.

Dark Lopus resisted the urge to slap the kid twice, and looked at Seth next to him: "Do you need to go and see?"

Seth nodded: "Go."

"The Warrior Command is equivalent to the special forces of the Kingdom of Light. It will only be dispatched when there is a major crisis in the universe."

Without waiting for Seth to finish his words.


Dark Lopus jumped into the sky.

"He really listens to you." Steel No. 9 standing behind Seth said meaningfully.

"Seth also said that the Warrior Command is a special forces unit. Such troops usually carry out confidential missions. How can they disclose it casually? Dark Lopus is still naive. "

Zeta interjected at this time, as if he had seen through everything.

However, to his surprise, it didn't take long for Dark Lopus to fly down from the sky.

"They said that a mysterious disc that can capture monsters has appeared in the universe recently. The top leaders of the security team judged that the threat level of the disc was high, so they triggered the Warrior Command. "Dark Lopus told all the information he asked truthfully.

After listening to Dark Lopus' words, Seth sighed.

He is alive.

There is no peace in this day.

A year ago, Barbariu, who wandered to this universe, told Seth about the tragedy in the parallel universe.

Seth judged that the culprit who caused the disappearance of life in the parallel universe was the Batman who conducted biological weapons experiments.

In order to deal with the powerful opponent in advance, Seth began to travel through parallel universes when he had some free time, trying to find the Batman who did evil.

Unfortunately, in the multiverse, his power alone is too small.

Now, the "disc" that the Warrior Command is looking for this time perfectly fits the spaceship driven by the Batman in the original work, which saves Seth a lot of trouble.

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