Seth looked at the giant beast that appeared in the sky, and finally figured out why this planet looked familiar to him.

"This is the planet Sorkin, the legendary monster planet." Seth murmured.

When I went to the Golden Planet a few years ago, what occupied the body of the King of the Golden Planet was the energy life form produced by this planet.

Recalling these, Seth couldn't help but think of his good friend: "If Taiga were here, he would definitely recognize this planet instantly..."

Before he finished speaking, the screams of monsters could be heard around him. The entire sky seemed to be divided by flying monsters, and at this moment, Seth accidentally broke into Sandrias's sphere of influence.

Facing the winged behemoth swooping towards him, Seth prepared to draw the Zam Sword.

But after hesitating for half a second, he flew away.

As an outsider, breaking into other people's territory and then killing them feels a bit inconsistent with Ultraman's behavior.

Monsters also have the right to exist in the universe.



The figure like a shooting star fell.

Seth's landing created a deep hole in the ground.

In the pit, Seth stood up and looked curiously at the legendary monster planet.

"The vegetation is rich, some trees are almost as tall as me, and these vines and shrubs are comparable to those on a plant planet."

"More importantly, there are so many monsters here. The variety of monsters has almost caught up with the monster graveyard. Can one planet breed so many chaotic species?"

"Or, these monsters are gathered here for some special reasons."

Seth thought as he explored.

At the same time, in the southwest of the O36 star field.

Captain Frieza suddenly realized something was wrong: "The direction Seth flew to is the location of the planet Sorkin!"

"That's a famous monster planet!"

"You should remind that boy to pay attention!"

"A genius who has won two first-class meritorious services is still just a child."

Thinking of this, Frieza prepared to send Seth an Ultra signature.

However, before the signature was issued, he found a ball of runes composed of light appearing in front of his eyes.

"It's the Ultra signature sent by the c76 team. The mysterious disk appeared and disappeared near the monster graveyard. It captured several monsters. It is speculated that it has the power to travel through space... This is not nonsense. If he has no ability, be on guard. The team caught it long ago.”

Planet Sorkin.

Seth received Ultra's autograph from the captain.

"Remind me to pay attention to my safety. Please reply to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Seth noticed the space fluctuation above his head!

The sky where it is about to rain will be densely covered with haze, and the space that is about to be affected will also have signs of constant fluctuations! Just like the sky above Seth's head at this moment!

“Buzz buzz—!”

In the constantly trembling space, a huge black shadow finally appeared!

"This should be the spaceship piloted by the Baxters. It's so big, so exaggerated..."

Just when Seth was stunned.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Several lightning-like lights appeared on the black spaceship, shrouding the confused monsters on the monster planet!

As the light disappeared, the monsters that were hit also disappeared.


The radiance appeared continuously, and most of the monsters in Seth's position were wiped out in an instant.

"It's really efficient to catch monsters this way."

"However, I don't want you to feed Hyperjedon until he gets fat and strong!"


Please support!

Chapter 212 The black giant?

Seth wants to destroy the ultimate biological weapon, Hyperjetton, before it fully grows, so today, he must go to another world with the Baxter starship.

While the huge dark spaceship was busy grabbing rations for Hyperjetton, Seth quietly climbed into the sky and flew to the spacecraft.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The spaceship's capture of monsters continued, and Seth, who was lying on the top of the spacecraft, looked a little anxious.

"Catching so many at one time, what if these few are the last food needed to raise Hypadon to maturity? What if this is all that's missing..."

Seth was very confused at this moment.

Lying quietly on the spaceship, he could follow the Baxters to the parallel universe that was used as a testing ground.

But watching the Baxters do nothing to capture the monsters, he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Finally, Seth snapped.

It is still not advisable to be exposed too early. It is not too late to declare war after arriving at the destination.

After Seth decided to do nothing for the time being, the monsters on Planet Sorkin suffered.

Half the planet's monsters were taken away by a huge spaceship with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters within a few minutes.

After feeling that the collected monsters were probably enough for his baby Jetton to eat, the Baxter piloting the spaceship opened the space-time gate again with satisfaction.


As the huge spaceship disappeared and reappeared, Seth's vision became blurry.

The blur quickly ended, and by the time he reacted, he had arrived in another completely unfamiliar universe, high above a certain city.

"This kind of time and space travel technology doesn't even exist in the Kingdom of Light." Seth, who was lying on the top of the spacecraft, felt that this Baxter was quite promising.

Instantly send a huge spaceship to travel through time and space, and also cultivate terrifying ultimate biological weapons...

If only the Baxter star and the arms manufacturer Hikari could join forces, they would be able to conquer the universe soon.

As soon as Seth had this idea in his mind, the spaceship underneath him started to move again!


The dark spaceship began to tremble slightly, and underneath the spacecraft, the huge mechanical hatch opened.


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

One after another, small black ships flew out of the cabin like worker bees emerging from the nest!

Soon, Seth was surrounded by hundreds of black Baxter ships.

"Have you noticed me already?"

Seth asked doubtfully on the top of the dark spaceship.

The confident voice of the Baxterian came out from the spacecraft's loudspeaker: "Of course, do you really think that my spaceship's sensing device is just a decoration?"

"I just didn't expect that such a small Ultra Warrior would die..."

Speaking of this, Star Baxter seemed to feel a little disappointed.

"You overestimated your capabilities, Ultraman cub, you will pay the price for your recklessness."

As the Baxter star finished speaking.

Hundreds of ships received attack orders!


Countless rays of light were aimed at Seth, weaving into a large airtight net without any dead ends!

Facing the rain of light in the sky, Seth flicked his right hand!


The Ultimate Sword is automatically equipped.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow of the ultimate armor composed of radiance appeared on the surface of Seth's body!

"No matter how reckless, I came prepared."

Following Seth's thoughts, the ultimate armor composed of radiance separated from his body, forming a solid shield of light in front of his body!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The naval attack arrived at this moment.

The light pollution and gunpowder smoke from the energy explosion shrouded Seth on top of the huge spacecraft, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

The Baxter man was not at all happy about killing an Ultraman cub, but felt bored: "It's so fragile."

The next moment!


The shocking sword light emerged from the smoke of the explosion!


The sword light swung up and passed by the ship, easily cutting open all the ships blocking its path!

"Boom boom boom——!"

There were dense explosions over the city, and the battle situation reversed in an instant!


Seth, holding the Ultimate Sword, struck out continuously, instantly clearing out most of the Baxter fleet!

Amidst the explosions of fireworks that filled the sky, Seth stood alone on the top of the dark spaceship, feeling inexplicably relieved by his current actions.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Seeing that the miscellaneous soldiers were almost cleared, Seth lowered his head and looked at the huge ring-shaped ship he was standing on!


As soon as the voice came out, the sword had fallen!

The power of the artifact split the ring into two in an instant!

After the spacecraft was cut open, the Baxter man realized that he had underestimated his enemy: "You are not an ordinary Ultraman cub, your weapons are very interesting."

Seth: "Haha, the more interesting thing is yet to come."

Seth kept moving his hands, raising his sword and preparing to continue slashing.

However, this time, before his sword light fell, the two parts of the huge ring spacecraft began to tremble at the same time!


A jet-black stream of particles appeared at the fracture that had just been cut by the spacecraft.

The particles merge, blend, and quickly become one!

Almost at the same time, the remaining ships around that had escaped Seth's cleaning up charged at Seth on the huge spaceship!

In order to avoid the attack of these small spaceships, Seth flew up and waved the ultimate sword as a last resort to clear the troops.

The huge Baxter starship that was originally located at his feet seemed to seize the opportunity, and its huge hull was once again enveloped by space fluctuations!

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